Anxiety Disorders Flashcards
What are the different anxiety disorders?
Seperation Anxiety
Selective Mutism
Specific Phobia
Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety
Generalized Anxiety
What are the key concepts to seperation anxiety disorder?
-Developing excessive or inappropriate fear or anxiety concerning seperation from primary caregiver - needs 3 symptoms
-The fear is persistant over 4 weeks time (children) or over 6 months (adults)
-Clinical distress
What are symptoms of excessive fear/anxiety in seperation anxiety disorder?
-Recurrent excessive distress when seperated
-Constant worrying about major attachment figures
-Excessive worries of events that might happen
-Reluctance or refusal to leave home
-Reluctance or fear of being alone
-Nightmares concerning seperation
-Physical symptomes
What are the key concepts to selective mutism?
-Consistent failure to speak in specific social situations where there are expectations to speak
-Disturbs educational or occupational achievements or social communication
-Duration at least 1 month
(Children, often)
-What are key concepts to specific phobia?
-Marked fear about a situation or object, provokes it
-The fear is out of proportion
-Actively avoided
-Clinical distress
What are the key concepts to social anxiety disorder?
-Marked fear or anxiety about one or more social situations, possible social scrutiny. For example: social interactions, being observed, performing.
-Fear of showing how anxious they are and be judged by it
-The social situations almost always provokes fear or anxiety
-The situations are either avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety
-The fear is out of proportion to the actual threat
Lasting for over 6 months
What are the key concepts to panic disorder?
-Recurrent unexpected panic attacks, at least 4 symptoms or more and abrupt surge
-1 month or more of; persistent concerns about additional attacks, maladaptive change in behaviour
What are the symptoms of panic attacks?
-Palpation, accelerated heart rate or pounding heart
-Sensation of shortness of breath
-Chest pain or discomfort
-Feeling dizzy, or similar
-Derealization or depersonalization
-Fear of losing control
-Fear of dying
What are panic attacks often coded as?
Specifiers to anxiety disorders
What are the key concepts for agoraphobia?
-Marked by fear or anxiety about two or more situations
-Fears or avoids these situations
-These situations provokes fear or anxiety and is out of proportion to the actual threat
-Clinical distress, lasting over 6 months
What are situations people with agoraphobia will avoid?
-Using public transportation
-Being in open spaces
-Being in enclosed spaces
-Standing in line or being in a crowd
-Being outside of the home alone
What are the key concepts for generalized anxiety disorder?
-Excessive worry and anxiety, occuring more days than not for at least 6 months
-Difficulty controling the worry
-The anxiety or worry are associated with 3 or more symptoms
-Clinical distress or impairments
What are the symptoms associated with GAD?
-Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
-Easily fatigued
-Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
-Muscle tension
-Sleep disturbance
What are the key concepts to OCD?
-Presence of obsessions, compulsions or both
-Obsessions and compulsions are time-consuming or impairment in areas concerning functional living
What defines obsessions?
-Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges or images that are often seen as intrusive
-Attempts to ignore or supress such thoughts with other thoughts or actions
What defines compulsions?
-Repetitive behaviours as a response to obsessions or rules that needs to follow
-Aimed to prevent anxiety or reduce anxiety, not connected in a realistic ways