Trauma, ACC, Early Intervention, Acceptable use of I&T policy Flashcards
What is Trauma
Distressing event or experience that can have an impact on your ability to cope and function
Under what circumstances must a supervisor make a referral to their District Wellness Advisor? (12)
- Critical Incidents
- Notifiable injury or illness
- Threat to employees life on duty
- Delayed body recoveries
- Unnatural death
- Numerous critical incidents in short time
- Operational incidents involving loss of life to Police
- Where Police interventions fail to prevent loss of life or serious injury to others (eg 1D, failed negotiations)
- Death or serious injury to child or baby
- Incidents involving Police employees or family members
- Unpleasant or stressful duties (protracted enquiries, cases where aggravated or unpleasant factors exist)
What is your duty of care when looking after Health & Wellbeing of employees (3)
- Ecourage to keep wellbeing of staff front of mind (including scopes, volunteers etc)
- Take wellness needs into consideration during operational planning
- Ensure supervisors completing mandatory referrals per trauma support policy
What occurs during the initial assessment once a referal is made to the Wellness Advisor (WA)
WA contacts employee (either phone, email, in person)
Provides information on support available
Where particularly traumatic, or employee needs additional support, WA meets employee and determines further need for specialist support
When is referal to psychologist mandatory
- In exceptional circumstances - eg natural disasters, mass homicides
- Critical incident.- and their actions may have resulted in death or life threatening injury of a person ie: firearms incident, fleeing driver
What constitutes Expectional Circumstances and what is required under Trauma policy
Significant exposure to trauma, eg natural disasters, mass homicides.
Mandatory referral to psychologist is required
What constitutes Critical Incident and what is required under Trauma policy
Their actions may have contributed to the death or life threatening injury of a person. Ie use of Firearm, fleeing driver crash.
Referal to psychologist for futher assessment and/or debrief must occur
In what time frame after a Critical incident or exceptional circumstances should the psychologist appointment/s occur?
- First appointment no earlier than 72 hours after incident
- Second appointment within 10 days post incident
In regards to rehabiltation and return to work of employees absent because of illness or injury. Best practice rehabilitation relies on what? (7)
- Early, appropriate contact with employee
- Medical, social, work needs assessed and recorded ASAP.
- Rehabiltatin meeting involving all parties as soon as possible after injury/incapacity
- Return to work/Rehab plan-operational developed and agreed upon ASAP
- Regular ongoing meetings, all parties. Return to work/Rehab plan-operational upated.
- Rehab process continues until returns to pre incapcity role or alternative role.
- Specialist Medical advice sought where appropriate
What must a supervisor do to ensure guidelines around rehabilitation and return to work processes are followed
Take a lead role in initiating and managing rehabilitation of employees following work absences due to illness or injury
What is AEP
ACC’s Accredited Employer Programme.
Police are an AEP and are responsible for manging any workplace injuries
- Who is responsible for managing workplace injuries?
- Who manages injuries resulting from motorvehicle accidents and other complex injuries?
- Police, contract out to Gallagher Bassett
What does Gallagher Basset (GB) do on behalf of Police in relation to managing work place injuries? (5)
- Lodges claims
- Determines cover
- Decides entitlements including weekly compensation
- Manages treatment and rehabilitation
- Manages safe return to work
What are the benifits to Police of being an accredited employer? (5)
- Employees needs assessed, appropriate treatment and more tailored approach.
- Can offer flexible working environment enabling quicker return to work
- Developed systems that prevent harm and support empoyees when injured.
- Provide support and targeted rehab plans focussing on specific needs of Police employees
- Reduced ACC levies. Police funds costs associated with all claims made by employees
- When does GB manage non-work related injuries?
- Can an employee choose for GB not to manage a non-work injury
- ACC allocates non work injuries to GB if employee is off work for more than 7 days.
- Yes
What is a work related injury (4)?
What about work related stress
Suffered while at work, inlcuding when off site as part of your job.
- Accident or series of events at work
- Work related gradual process, disease or infection (does not include non-physical stress)
- Work related noise induced hearing loss (more than 6%)
- Work related mental injury. Single significant injury, likely to effect people generally
Who is covered at work?
- Perminant staff
- Fixed term contracts
- Casual staff
Why are medical certificates important?
Police can’t recover costs of claims without Medical certificates
Does a new medical certificate need to be submitted before the end date of the previous one
Who can, and who can not, issue a medical certificate?
CAN: Registerd Medical Practicioner (GP, Surgeon, Specisalist)
CAN’T: Registered Health Professional (Physio/Chyropractor)
What health providers can lodge an ACC claim relating to a patient
Registered Medical Practicioner
Registered Health Profesional
What are the employee responsibilities under the return to work process? (6)
- Provide medical certificates
- inform supervisors ASAP after injury/illness
- Make self available to attend rehab meetings
- Keep supervisor informed of changes to circumstances
- abide by Return to work/Rehab plan-operational
- Engage in the process
What rights does an employee have and consequently expect of the Police under the return to work process? (8)
- Comply with relevant legislation
- Make early contact with injured/ill employee
- Provide information about rehab process
- complete Return to work/Rehab plan-operational
- Provide accomodation within workplace for rehabilitation
- Workplace support, resources for rehabilitation
- Not initiate unrelated disciplinary matters during rehab
- Allow support person to be present during meetings
What must supervisor do in first five days of a work related illness or injury? (6)
- Advise WFM
- for work injury fill out incident report within 48 hours (Audit Standard)
- Contact employee within 2 days
- receive med cert for all ACC absences (illnesses med cert needed for over 5 days)
- Complete leave request, attach med cert if employee can’t do this.
- Arrange meaningful duties if cleared for light duties
What must occur after ten days +? (5)
- Update WFM
- Weekly contact with employee. Identify any barriers. Weekly update to GB.
- Arrange meeting with employee to develop return to work plan (may involve HR, H&S advisor, RTW advisor, GB case manager).
- Send signed Return to work/Rehab plan-operational to H&S advisor or RTW advisor
- Ensure med certs up to date and send to H&S advisor and payroll (audit standard)
What are the return to work obligations
Light Duties (4)
Full Duties (3)
Light Duties:
- ensure med cert current and outlines restrictions of hours, light duties other safety concerns. Must have a review date
- Meet employee regularly to update Return to work/Rehab plan-operational. Plan must reflect med cert restrictions
- Send agreed and signed plan to RTW advisor
- Complete managers weekly rehab monitoring report for GB
Full duties:
- ensure current med cert outlining clearance for full duties. Copy for RTW advisor.
- Advise WFM
- Monitor full duties to ensure all going well
Early intervention policy. What are the four phases of the Early intervention policy
- Identification
- Analyse
- Engagement and intervention
- Feedback and follow up
Early intervention is preventative in nature. Is it to be used as part of the disciplinary, performance appraisal or appointment processes?
What is the Early Intervention process
It identifies individuals not performing to acceptable and professional standard whose past traits and present behaviour may be indicators of a risk they pose to self and Police through future misconduct or unethical behaviour
In the identification phase, how can a person be identified for early intervention (4)
- Self refereral to supervisor or Early Intervention lead
- Peers to supervisor and then Early Intervention lead
- Supervisors to EIL
- Early Intervention Data Base: IAPRO and other Police databases and analysis it against predetermined thresholds
Under Analysis stage a report is compiled by the National Early Intervention Team and goes to the District Early Intervention Lead. who else is notified
Relevant DC or NM
What occurs during the Engagement and Intervention phase
District lead contacts supervisor to discus situation,
ascertain if Early Intervention is needed and best approach to employee.
Main focus of district lead is supporting the Supervisor
EIL and/or supervisor meet with employee for informal frank meeting.
Meeting is private
What type of Early Intervention action could occur (4)
- training, mentoring, support, confidence building
- relationship, anger, financial management counselling
- Outcomes must be agreed between EIL and Supervisor
Is engagement in Early Intervention compulsary
No. No discipline or disadvantanges for not attending
Choosing not to attend will be recorded in IAPRO
What occurs in the feedback stage
District lead will follow up with supervisor and employee to ensure agreed support and followup actions are arranged
A. Is Early Intervention held on an employee file
B. When can Early Intervention information be dislcosed outside of an EI meeting (4)
A. No
B. i) Directly related to the Early Intervention purpose
ii) To prevent a serious threat to public health, life or safety of a person
iii) prejudice to maintanance of law
iv) part of any Court process
Early Intervention must not be used as a disciplinary process, EXCEPT where there is a proposal to remove employee from Police and used as part of complete disciplinary history.
If Early intervention identifies Criminal, Disciplinary or performance issues what occurs
It is considered unsuitable for Early Intervention and must be refered to someone appropriate outside of the Early Intervention Team.
What must you not use Police technology to do (6)
- Access, use, disclose official or personal information unless used for Police business
- Use Police equipment to infringe copywrite
- Intentionaly download, transmit, view objectional, offensive material unless for Police Operation
- Tamper with system or security measures
- Download or install software without approval
- procure software/hardware and IT services on behalf of Police without authorisation
- Can you post on social media as a Police employee
- What should you be sure of when posting opinions on personal social media accounts
- only if authorised as part of your role
- Be clear that they are your own and not a Police view on the subject