Trauma Flashcards
What are the heavy organs commonly injured in acceleration-deceleration injuries
Fluid filled loops of bowel, thoracic aorta, liver, spleen, kidneys
What are the components of the primary survey
Airway Breathing Circulation Disability (neurological deficits) Exposure/environment
Components of AMPLE history
Allergies Medications Previous illnesses Last meal Events surrounding injury
Treatments for compromised airway
Oxygen, relieve obstructions, oral tracheal intubation, nasotracheal intubation, surgical airway (cricothyroidotomy, tracheostomy)
Tx for pneumothorax
Needle decompression in the 2nd intercostal space midclavicular
Chest tube
Tx for hemothorax
Volume replacement
Chest tube
Tx for open chest wound
Semiocclusive dressing
Chest tube
Rapid faint pulse suggests what
Profound hypovolemia
Slow, full pulse may indicate what
Neurologic injury with increasing ICP or hypercarbia
What are signs of peripheral perfusion
Level of consciousness, rate of capillary refill, urine output, body temperature
When would you fail to see tachycardia with hypovolemia
Pt on beta-blockers or pacemaker
Indication for ER thoracotomy and open cardiac massage
Hypovolemic cardiac arrest despite CPR and defibrillation
Arrest with penetrating chest injury
What are two signs of basilar skull fracture
Raccoon eyes and Battle’s sign
Surgical procedure for cardiac tamponade where pericardium is visualized from a subxyphoid approach
Pericardial window
Procedure to decompress pericardial tamponade awaiting surgery
Pericardial centesis
Gold standard for great vessel injury
How to evaluate esophageal perforation
Esophagoscopy and contrast swallow
Tx for ongoing organ bleeding or perforation
Which organ injuries can be managed nonoperatively in stable patients
Liver and spleen
What do you do if you see blood at the urethral meatus
Retrograde urethrography
Bladder injuries heal spontaneously except which kind
Intraperitoneal bladder rupture
Which renal injuries require surgery
Renal pedicle disruption
Major parenchymal damage with hemorrhage
Prolonged ischemia or venous injury requires vascular repair with what else
Anticipate swelling and tension in muscle compartments.
Which fractures are associated with hypovolemic shock
Bilateral femur fracture
What decreases risk of fat embolism syndrome in open fractures
Adequate splinting and stabilization
Recommended IV access for peds
What is the priority in burn injuries
Stop burning with neutral solutions
Burn that involves epidermis only
First degree burn
Signs of a first degree burn
Burn that is partial thickness (part of the dermis)
Second degree burn
Signs of a second degree burn
Vesicles, swelling, moistness, pain
Burn that is full thickness, through dermis
Third degree burn
Signs of a third degree burn
Charred, waxen, leathery appearance, dryness, painless on burn surface
How do you determine extent of burns
Rule of 9’s
When 2nd and 3rd degree burns cover >20%, what is required
IV fluid resuscitation
What should be included in ABG for burn patients
Carbon monoxide level
CarboxyHb >10% is significant
What fluid should be used to resuscitate a burn patient
Lactated Ringers
When should cold compresses be used on a burn
If it covers <10% BSA
Tx of any burn includes
Shielding the burn Topical antimicrobial (silver nitrate) Debridement and escharectomy
Which organism can be prophylaxed against in 2nd degree burns
Beta hemolytic streptococci (S. pyogenes)
Where is muscle most damaged in electrical burns
Muscle closest to the bone
Most resistance generates the most heat
Tx for muscle involvement of electrical burns
Early escharotomy, fasciotomy, debridement
Repeated explorations at 1-2 days possible
How do you treat oliguria and acidosis in electrical burns
Two long term sequelae of electrical burns
Transverse myelitis
Tx for flail chest
Fluid restriction, diuretics
Bilateral chest tubes
R/o transection of aorta
Petechial rashes in axilla and neck, fever, tachycardia, thrombocytopenia
Fat embolus
Buzzword for CT scan as an appropriate test
“Hemodynamically stable”
Which type of shock has elevated central venous pressure
Intrinsic cardiogenic shock
What should be withheld from patients in cardiogenic shock
Fluid and blood
Can hypovolemic shock occur secondary to intracranial bleeding
What is the approach for GSW to upper neck
What is approach for GSW to lower neck
Arteriogram, esophagogram, esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy
Symptoms of Brown-Sequard syndrome
Ipsilateral: paralysis, loss of proprioception
Contra: loss of pain and temp
Tx of rib fracture in elderly
Nerve block
Epidural catheter
What must be done after splenectomy
Vaccination against encapsulated organisms
Tx of pelvic fractures with ongoing bleeding
Pelvic fixators followed by angiographic embolization of both internal iliac arteries
Tx for urethra injury starts with what
Retrograde urethrogram
Dont insert Foley until its done!
Diagnosis of bladder injury requires what
Retrograde cystogram and postvoid films
Tx for extraperitoneal and intraperitoneal bladder leaks
Extra: foley catheter
Intra: surgical repair, suprapubic cystostomy
What is a potential sequela of injury to the renal pedicle
AV fistula leading to CHF
Tx of crushing injuries
Fluids, osmotic diuretics, alkalinize urine
Possible fasciotomy
What organ dysfunction can crushing injuries cause
Renal failure
Describe fluid resuscitation technique in burn patients
1L lactated Ringers without sugar over 1 hr
Adjust next fluid infusion to achieve urine output of 1-2 mL/kg/hr
Tx for limited third degree burns
Early excision and grafting
When is rabies prophylaxis indicated
Unprovoked bites, or if animal shows signs of rabies
Not necessary in provoked bites
Tests ordered if patient has snakebite
Blood for typing and crossmatch
Coags, liver and renal function tests
Antidote for snakebite, bee sting, black widow spider bite
Bee: epinephrine
BW: IV calcium gluconate
Anatomic criteria for trauma team activation
Penetrating injury head, neck, torso, extremities above knee and elbow Open or depressed skull fx Chest wall deformity At least 2 long bone fx Amputation above wrist or ankle Crushed, mangled or pulseless extremity Unstable pelvis fx Paralysis or any spinal cord injury
Mechanistic criteria for trauma team activation
Fall > 20 ft
High speed MVC
Motorcycle crash > 20 mph
Mechanistic criteria for MVC for trauma team activation
Intrusion > 12 inches in passenger compartment or > 18 inches at any site
Death inside compartment
Pedestrian thrown, run over or hit > 20 mph
High risk patients requiring trauma team activation
Extremes of age Pregnant patient Bleeding disorder or anticoagulated Burns Hypothermia