General Sugery Flashcards
Tx for GERD that cannot be controlled by medical means or presence of ulcers, stenosis
Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication
Dx of GERD
pH monitoring and correlation with symptoms
Dysphagia of liquids but not solids
Definitive dx of dysphagia
Tx of achalasia
Balloon dilatation by endoscopy
Progressive dysphagia
Weight loss
Hx smoking drinking or GERD
Esophageal cancer
Type of esophageal cancer in smokers and drinkers
Squamous cell
Type of esophageal cancer in GERD
Dx for esophageal cancer
Barium swallow, endoscopy and biopsy
Tx of Mallory-Weiss tear
Endoscopy and photocoagulation
Tx of Boerhaave syndrome (prolonged forceful vomiting leading to esophageal perforation)
Contrast swallow
Emergency surgical repair
Wrenching epigastric pain
Fever, leukocytosis
Subcutaneous emphysema in neck
Perforation of esophagus
Most commonly by endoscopy
Anorexia, weight loss, epigastric discomfort, early satiety
Gastric cancer
Dx and tx for gastric adenocarcinoma
Endoscopy and biopsy, CT
Tx of gastric lymphoma
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy
Surgery if perforation
Tx of MALToma
Eradicate H. pylori
Signs of small bowel obstruction
Progressive distention
No gas or feces
High pitched bowel sounds coinciding with colicky pain
Tx of small bowel obstruction
NPO, NG suction, IV fluids
Surgery if strangulated or after several days without spontaneous resolution
Tx for incarcerated hernia
If irreducible and strangulated, emergent surgery
If reducible then elective surgery
Diarrhea, facial flushing, wheezing, right sided heart valve damage, prominent jugular venous pulse
Carcinoid syndrome
Result of liver mets
Dx of carcinoid syndrome
24 hour urine collection for 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
Elderly person with anemia and 4+ occult blood
Right sided colon cancer
Dx and tx for cancer of right colon
Colonoscopy and biopsy
Right hemicolectomy
Bloody bowel movements
Narrow caliber
Left sided colon cancer
Dx of cancer of left colon
Flexible proctosigmoidoscopy and biopsy
Full colonoscopy
CT for operability and extent
Initial tx of large rectal cancers
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy
Familial polyposis
Familial multiple inflammatory
Villous adenoma
Adenomatous polyp
Premalignant polyps
Juvenile polyp
Isolated inflammatory polyp
Hyperplastic polyp
Benign polyps
Surgical indications for ulcerative colitis
Disease >20 yrs Poor nutritional status Multiple hospitalizations Need for high dose steroids, immune suppressants Toxic megacolon
Surgical tx of ulcerative colitis
Removal of affected colon and all rectal mucosa
Abdominal pain, fever, leukocytosis
Epigastric tenderness, massively distended transverse colon
Gas within wall of colon
Toxic megacolon
Etiology of pseudomembranous colitis
Cephalosporins most commonly
Any antibiotic
Tx of pseudomembranous colitis
Or vancomycin
Emergency colectomy if unresponsive and WBC >50k
Difference between internal and external hemorrhoids
Internal bleed. Only painful if prolapsed. Tx with ligation
External are painful. May need surgery
Blood streaked stool
Fear of pain causes avoidance of bowel movement and constipation
Young women
Anal fissure
Common location and tx of anal fissure
Posterior midline
Calcium channel blocker ointment
Lateral internal sphincterotomy
Unhealing fissure, fistula or ulcer in the anal area
Crohn’s disease
Tx for Crohn’s disease fistula
Drainage with setons
Perirectal pain, unable to sit or have bowel movement
Inflammation lateral to anus
Ischiorectal abscess
Tx is I&D
Hx ischiorectal abscess with drainage
Fecal soiling
Fistula in ano
R/o draining tumor
Fungating mass grows out of anus
Inguinal nodes felt
Squamous cell carcinoma of anus
Chemoradiation then surgery which is rarely required
Most common sites of GI bleeding
Upper GI between nose and ligament of Treitz
Look in nose and mouth, endoscopy indicated
Causes of lower GI bleeding
In elderly
Angiodysplasia, polyps, diverticulosis, cancer, hemorrhoids
Dx of cause of vomiting blood or melena
Upper GI endoscopy
Where may red blood per rectum arise
How do you dx where
Anywhere, upper or lower
Pass NG tube, if you get normal bile without blood then assume lower. If blood or no bile, do endoscopy
Dx of location of active lower GI bleed
- Anoscopy (r/o hemorrhoids)
- Angiogram if bleeding >2 mL/min
Wait for hemostasis then colonoscopy if <0.5 mL/min
Tagged red-cell study 0.5-2 mL/min
Capsule endoscopy being used more frequently
Dx of location of blood per rectum w/o active bleeding
Young and elderly
Young: upper GI endoscopy
Old: upper and lower GI endoscopy
Blood per rectum in peds pt
Meckel diverticulum
Technetium scan