Transport and Gas Exchange 2 Flashcards
Blood with oxygen, pumped around the body, gets oxygen from the lungs in exchange for CO2, left side of the heart
Blood without oxygen, after blood goes around the body it comes back to the heart without oxygen, pumps through the right side of the heart to the lungs to become oxygenated
Right Atrium
Receives deox blood from the vena cava and pumps it through the right AV valve (tricuspid) into the right ventricle
Right Ventricle
Receives deox blood from the right atrium and pumps it through the right semilunar valve into the pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary Arteries
Receives deox blood from the right ventricle and pumps it to the lungs to exchange CO2 for O2
Receives deox blood from the pulmonary arteries and oxygenates it then delivers it to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins
Left Atrium
Receives ox blood from the pulmonary veins and pumps it through the left av valve (bicuspid) into the left ventricle
Left Ventricle
Receives ox blood from the left atrium and pumps it through the left semilunar value into the aorta
Receives ox blood from the left ventricle and pumps it around the body
Systemic Circulation
Circulation of oxygenated blood
Pulmonary Circulation
Circulation of deoxygenated blood
Coronary Arteries
branch off the aorta and directly supply the heart muscle with oxygen and glucose
signal for cardiac contraction arises in the heart itself, it can contract and relax on it’s own
SA Node
The pacemaker of the heart, in the right atrium of the heart. Starts heartbeat by generating an impulse which travels through the walls of the atria stimulating it to contract (top to bottom)
AV Node
Impulse from SA Node reaches the junction in between the ventricles and atria stimulating the AV node to contract after it waits 0.1 seconds
After waiting for 0.1 seconds the ndoe send a signal to through the walls of the ventricles causing them to contract from bottom to top which then pushes blood up and out to the arteries
Medulla Oblongata
Controls the activation of heartbeats
If CO2 is too high the medulla sends a signal through the cranial nerve causing the SA Node to fire more frequently
If CO2 is normal it send a signal through the vagus nerve that causes the SA Node to fire less frequently
Cardiac Cycle
SA through atria walls atria contracts top to bottom Impulse reaches junction between atria and ventricles Activates AV Node (waits 0.1 seconds) AV through walls of ventricles ventricles contract bottom to top pushes blood into arteries
When heart is contracting
blood flows into ventricles from atria until ventricles are almost full (70%) due to higher pressure in the atria
SA Node fires causing atria to contract and thus giving it higher pressure in order to fill ventricles to the max
AV Node fires after 0.1 seconds
The increase in ventricle pressure causes AV valve to close to prevent backflow
When heart isn’t contracting
Large increase in ventricle pressure cayses semilunar valves to open and then blood flows away from the heart. increase in pressure from pulmonary arteries and aorta and decreases in the ventricles causing the semillunar valves to close
Blood then flows freely into the heart
And pressure in the ventricles drops below the pressure in the artia causing the heartbeat to start again
High Pressure
Narrow Lumen
THICK 3 layer wall (prevent rupturing)
Middle layer is made of muscle and elastic fibers to allow it to maintain pressure and contract during pulses
Outer layer contains collagen to prevent rupturing
Low pressure
Narrow diameter to increase SA/V Ratio
One cell thick walls for increase in diffusion rate cause of decresed difference
May contain pores and fenestrations to aid in material exchange
build up of plaque deposits in arteries
can lead to partial or complete occlusions (blockage)
Deposits cause increased blood pressure which in turn causes chronic swelling and damages the endothelial wall (rough hard walls reduces elasticity)
If plaque breaks off it can damage the artery walls and cause clots (thrombosis)
Acute Myocardial Infraction
Coronary Heart Disease
development of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries, causes reduction in oxygen to the heart
The transport of oxygen to cells produces energy
Gas Exchange
Cell Respiration
The exchange of air between lungs and the atmosphere through breathing
Driven by a negative pressure mechanism
Gas Exchange
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli and in the lungs through diffusion
Cellular Respiration
The release of ATP (energy) from organic molecules aerobic respiration
Tube that allows air to travel in and out of the lungs to and from the atmosphere
Take in fresh air from the atmosphere and gid rid of carbon dioxide from blood
Tubes (left and right) that carry air into the lungs from the trachea and out of the lungs
Smaller tubes that carry air to and from the alveoli, increases surface area
Alveoli (TRIM)
Clusters of air sacs (increases SA) at the end of the bronchioles that carry out gas exchange (O2 and CO2) with the blood
T: thin walls with a one epithelial cell thick wall to minimize diffusion distance
R: rich capillary network surrounding each alveolus, maintains concentration gradient between lungs and blood for diffusion
I: increased SA:V ratio, small spherical shape increases surface area while decreasing the volume
M: moist, cells lining each alveolus secrete fluid that allows gases to dissolve and prevent the alveoli from sticking and collapsing
Cells that line the insides of alveoli
Type 1 Pneumocytes
flat (squamous) and extremely thin to minimize diffusion distance and increase surface area for gas exchange (DOESN’T DIVIDE)
Type 2 Pneumocytes
cuboidal with granules, function is to secrete pulmonary surfactant (liquid substance that reduces surface tension)
Ensures all alveoli expand at the same time and don’t stick to or collapse on each other
Inspiration (Breathing in)
Diaphram muscles contract and external intercostal muscles contract pulling the ribs out and up
Thoracic cavity volume and lung volume increase, the pressure in the lungs drops below atmospheric pressure causing air to rush in and neutralize the gradient
Expiration (Breathing Out)
Diaphram muscles relax and abdominal wall muscles contract, external intercostal muscles relax (ribs fall), internal intercostal muscles contract pulling the ribs back down
Thoracic cavity volume and lung volume decreases and pressure goes above atmospheric pressure causing air to rush out
Chronic disease where the walls of the alveoli are damaged
Healthy alveoli turn into large irregularly shaped structures with large holes
Decrease in surface area and oxygen
Causes: tobacco, marijuana, fumes, air pollution
Lung Cancer
Malignant cells can take over healthy tissues of the bronchioles and alveoli then eventually spread (metastasize) to the brain/bones/liver/adrenal glands
Lung tissues can become dysfunctional which can lead to internal bleeding, coughing up blood, wheezing, respiratory distress, and weight loss
Causes: smoking, asbestos (carcinogens), air pollution, certain infections, genetics
Ventilation Rate
Breaths per minute
Tidal Volume
volume of air exchanged (taken in or out) with each breath
Measures volume of gas inhaled/expelled per breath