transport Flashcards
cells need what to stay alive
movement of moleucles form high concentration to low (spontaneously)
rate of diffusion depends on
extent of gradient charge
mass of molecules diffusion
solvent density
surfce area/ plasma membrane thickness
distance traveled
movement of water from low solute concentration to high thru a semipermeable membrane
high solute concentration
isotonic solution
balaneced solution
hypotonic solution
low solute concentration
turgor pressure
(plant) using the vacule full up water to push membrane again the cell wall
passve transport
movemnt thru membrane that requires no energy
uses concentration gradient
allows free passage of ions
gated channels
opened/close in repsonce to stimulus
carrier protien
movement is specific
shit docks with each other
active transport
needs energy (ATP)
moves stuff agasint the gradient
low to high
needs carrier protiens
move one molecule at a time
move 2 typa thing in same direction
moves 2 types in diff directions of eachother
sodium potassium pump
antiporter to move 3 NA out of cell and 3 K into cell
(both against gradients)
(needs ATP)
glucose NA symporter
captures energy from NA diffusion to move against a concentration
(tied to ATP to make NA gradient)
bulk transport
material gets encapsulateed into vesicle
requires energy
movement of stuff into the cell
materialis discharged from cell
vessicle fuse with cell
exocytocis use in animals
to secrete hormones, neruotransmitters, digestive enzymes
Na+ channel opening signal what
a nerve impulse
directional propagation is formed on what basis
the swtiching bn an active channel, its activation, and re-closure
how is membrane potential kept formal
opening potassium channels shortly after opening sodium channels
restoring Na/K concentrations
nodes of ranvier are laoded with -
sodium and potassium