transplant pt 2 Flashcards
heart transplant post op
pt w/ chest tube, arterial line, pulm A catheter
keep HOB up to 30 deg and turn pt q 1-2 hrs
HR maintained 90-110 bmp
systolic 90 mmHg
sternotomy precautions
no pushing, pulling, or lifting >10 lbs
heart transplant signs of rejection
hypotension pericardial friction rub ventricular S3 gallop decreased CO peripheral edema pulm crackles jugular vein distension new cardiac arrhythmias
heart transplant - isolation
positive pressure flow
mask, handwashing
phase I cardiac rehab
usually 2-3 days post op
stable hemodynamically
active supine ex w/out resistance –> amb –> stationery bike
vitals and stomps are pre, during, post ex
EKG monitored for changes w/ acitivity
donor heart denervated
higher than normal resting HR
no symp/parasymp regulation
Hr does not vary w/ respiration, position, temp
donor heart and exercise
warmup/cool down w/ ex 5-10 mins
HR increase w/ ex w/ 3-5 min delay
HR remains elevated longer after ex
peak HR in transplant pts
lower than same age pts
borg scale, heart pts
aim for 11-13
heart - monitor BP
pre, during, post-activity
recipients are higher than normal
systolic: 80-150
diastolic <90
orthostatic hypotension
lacks reflex compensation
enc slow position changes
assess c/o angina or sternal pressure
instead monitor dyspnea, lt headedness, increase RPE, arrhythmias
pain from incision or sx manipulation
heart - monitor daily
changes and c/o w/ ex
fatigue is a sign or rejection and ischemia, so note significant changes and alert using ASAP
single lung
most common
indicated w/ all end-stage conditions except cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis
anterolateral or posterolateral thoracotomy
utilizes cadaveric organ
double lung
bilateral anterior thoracotomy at 4th and 5th intercostal space w/ possible transverse sternotomy
indications for double lung
cystic fibrosis
pulm HTN
living donor lobar
bilateral lower lobes received from two compatible donors
donor lungs are enough to fill hemithorax
lung transplant post op
retrain cough and deep breathing - lungs are denervated
aggressive bronchopulmonary hygiene
after extubation
PT, RN, Nsg all take part
post op infection risk highest w/
lung transplant
lung transplant care
postural drainage suctioning vibration gentle pervussion diaphragmatic breathing coughing incentive spirometer
lung transplant therapy
check w/ nursing re: suctioning
sleep in reverse trendelenburg if pt is hemodynamically stable for postural drainage
turn double lung recipients every 1-2 hrs during first 24 hr period
decreased secretion retention
turn 20-30 deg and progress to 90 as tolerated
focus PT on increase LE strength and endurance
single lung its should lie
on non sx side
lung transplant - schedule Rx w/ regard to
bronchopulm hygiene, nebulizer use, pain meds
thoracotomy precautions
10 lbs lifting restriction
partial WB UE
use pillow to splint for incisional pain