Transformative Yoga TT Flashcards
What does “OM” symbolize and how is it pronounced?
Universe - Aaaaa Uuuuu Mmmmm
What is the difference between Classical & Tantric Yoga, which one came first?
Classical is dualistic - black and white, our political system.
Tantric is non-dualistic - it is not one thing or the other
What is the meaning of Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may my thoughts, words, and actions contribute in some way to the happiness and freedom for all.
What type of pranayama do we practice in an asana class?
Ujjayi breathing
What does the word “namaste” mean?
The light in me sees and honors the light in you!
The Royal Yoga of Patanjali is called ______ Yoga
Santosha is a _________ and it means ___________
Niyama and it means Contentment
Vishnu is known as the
the sustainer
Nadi Shodhana is
Alternative Nostril Breathing
The Yoga of “Action” is called
what modifications would you give students for forward fold if they have low back sensitivity?
bend knees
How many yoga sutras are there and who wrote them?
196 and Patanjali
List the 3 Bandaha and where are they located
Mula Bandah - Root
Uddijiana Banda - stomach - upward flying
Jalandhar - throat lock (think Jaw)
What is the teaching formula?
breath > verb > your > body part > direction
Inhale sweep your arms up
What is the meaning of Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu?
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may my thoughts, words and actions contribute to that happiness and freedom for all.
The Limb of Yoga that means “concentration” is
The three types of learners are:
- auditory
- Visual
- Kinisthetic
Bhakti yoga
yoga of devotion
patanjali’s Raja Yoga
Kingly yoga
Karma yoga
Yoga of action
Yoga of widsom
What are the three inner limbs of yoga
- Dharana - concentration
- Dhyana - Meditation
- Samdhi - Bliss
What are the 5 outer limbs of yoga
- Yamas - moral discipline
- NiYamas - observances
- Asana - Poses
- Pranayama - Breath Control
- Pratyahara - withdraw of senses
Annamaya Kosha
Food body
Pranamaya Kosha
Energy Body
Manomaya Kosha
Mind Body
Vijnanamaya Kosha
Anandamaya Kosha
Ahimsa is a ___________And means ______________
Yama and means non-harming
Satya is a ______________and means __________________
The 2nd Yama and Truthfulness
Asteya is a ___________and it means _______________
3rd Yama and means non -stealing
Bramacharia is a _________and means ___________
4th Yama and means sexual restraint
Aparigraha is a _________and it means ____________
5th Yama and means non-hoarding
Saucha is a __________and means ___________
NiYama and means Purity
Santosha is a _________and it means ____________
NiYama and it means inner contentment
Svadhyaya is a _________and it means ____________
NiYama and means self study
Tapas is a ________and it means ___________
NiYama and it means heat, discipline
Isvara-pranidhana is a ________and it means ________
NiYama and it means devotion, surrender to divine
What are the three Guna’s?
What does Tamas (Guna) Mean?
impure and bad, state of darkness
What does Rajas mean? (Gunas)
physical pleasures, state of energy, action, movement
What does Sattva mean? (Gunas)
Truth, goodness
Who are the two main characters in the Gita?
Krishna and Arjun
How many classes of Asana are there?
Moving Sequencing
Standing Poses,
Balancing poses
Forward Bends
What are the 4 major yoga’s and how are they practiced?
- Raja Yoga - Kingly Yoga - 8 limbs
- Karma Yoga - yoga of action - Serve sick and poor
- Bhakti Yoga - yoga of love & devotion - serving, loving
- Jnana Yoga - Yoga of Wisdom - self study
What side do you lie on while pregnant? and why?
Left - lying on the right side can compress the vena cava
Name three types of pranayama
Three part breath
Alternate Nostril breathing
Bee Buzzing Breath
What does Veda mean?
Pregnancy hormones
Progesterone - Relaxed smooth muscle
Relaxin - loosens connective tissue
why do yoga teachers use Sanskrit Terminology?
- Universal language for all yoga teachers
- Honor the teachers and lineage that come before us.