Sun Salutations Flashcards
Name all the poses in order in Surya Namaskara A - Sun Salutation A (AC/DC)
- Mountain Pose
- Inhale - Upward Solute
- Exhale - Forward Fold
- Inhale - Half Lift
- Exhale - step or jump back > lower half way down > Chaturanga Dandasana
- Inhale - Upward facing dog (press into your palms > draw your chest forward > Roll over your toes > straighten arms > slide your shoulders back and down)
- Exhale - downward dog
- Pause 3 breaths
- Inhale - look forward
- Exhale - step feet between your hands
- Inhale - half lift
- Exhale - standing forward fold
- Inhale - upward solute
- Exhale - hands to heart center
What Pose is this?
Hands to Heart Center - Samasthihi
What pose is this?
Mountain Pose - Tadasana
What pose is this?
Upward Solute - Urdhva Hastasana
What pose is this?
Forward Fold - Uttanasana
What pose is this?
Half-lift - Ardha Uttanasana
What pose is this?
Downward facing dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
What pose is this?
Four Limbed Staff Pose/ Low Plank - Chaturanga Dandasana
What Pose is this?
Upward Facing Dog - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Sanskrit for Mountain Pose
Sanskrit for Upward Solute
Urdhva Hastasana
Sanskrit for Standing Forward Fold
Sanskrit for Half Lift
Ardha (oordra) Uttanasana
Sanskrit for Downward facing Dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Sanskrit for four Limbed Staff pose/ Low Plank
Chaturanga Dandasana