Study This Flashcards
What is Sanskrit and offer two reasons why teachers should consider using it in yoga classes
The ancient language and 1. it honors the ancient teachings and origins of yoga and 2. Universal language of yoga teachers, you could teach anywhere
Sanskrit to English: Yoga
Unim or Yoke
Eagle Pose
Mountain Pose
Lord of the Dance Pose
Child’s Pose
Crow Pose
Describe what a bandha is. Name 3 and Give the location
A lock that contains energy:
1. Mula Bandha - Root lock
2. Uddiyana Banda - Stomach lock
3. Jalandhar Banda - Throat lock (think jaw)
Shiva is known as the
Name three types of pranayama and offer one benefit of each one?
- Nadi Shodhana - Alternative nostril breathing
calms the mind - Ujjayi - Ocean breath - helps focus mind and movement
- Bhramari - Bee buzzing breath - calms parasympathetic nervous system
List the eight limbs of Yoga (in order and English and Sanskrit names)
- Yama - Restraints
- NiYama - Observances
- Asana - Pose
- Pranayama - breath
- Pratyahara - withdraw of senses
- Dharana - Focus, Concentration
- Dhyana - Meditation
- Samadhi - Bliss
What is the name of the Yoga of Action and how is it practiced?
Karma Yoga - practiced through acts of service
What is the name of the Yoga of Knowledge and how is it practiced?
Jnana Yoga - through self study
What is the name of the Yoga of Love and Devotion and how is it practiced?
Bhakti Yoga - through acts of love and devotion
What yoga is sometimes called “Royal Yoga” and how is it practiced?
Raja - - through the 8 limbs of yoga
List the five Yamas (Sanskrit and English)
- Ahimsa - non-harming
- Satya - Truth
- Asteya - non stealing
- Bramacharia - sexual restraint
- Aparigraha - non-hoarding
List the five Niyamas (Sanskrit and English)
- Saucha (purity)
- Santosha (contentment)
- Tapas (heat, discipline)
- Svadhyaya (self-study)
- Isvara-pranidhana (devotion)
Please translate from English to Sanskrit
Upward facing dog
Warrior 1
Urdva Muka Svasanana
Virabradrasana 1
What does the word “veda” mean? Why are the vedas important to yoga?
Veda = knowledge
It is the ancient teachings of yoga knowledge
Explain the meaning of OM
It is everything, the universe
Name three types of learners
- Kinesthetic
- Visual
- Auditory
What is the difference between classical and tantra yoga?
Classical - Dualistic
Tantra - non-dualistic
Who is Ganesha? What does he symbolize?
Elephant headed hindu god - remover of obstacles
What are three classes of asana?
Standing poses, balancing poses, backbends
Who are two main characters in the Bhagavid Gita?
Krishna & Arjun
What is the main character’s dilemma?
To do his duty as a warrior or not, knowing it may hurt or kill his family and friends.
A pregnant mama should hold her breath - True or False
You should introduce yourself and give suggestions to pregnant mamas in your yoga class. True or False
Pregnant mamas should do big backbend to open the front body. True or False
Relax’in is a way of chilling on your yoga mat. True or False
The Vena cava is a mysterious cave in South America. True or False
A pregnant mama should lie on her left side for Savasana. True or False
The 3 Gunas are (list them and give the quality they represent)
Tamas - dull, impure mind
Rajas - Activity, anxiety
Sattva - clear, pure mind
What should someone with a compromised lower back do in a standing forward folding to avoid irritation to that area? (two modifications)
soften/bend knees
keep back straight
One of my biggest wins during this training was
accepting my anxiety and moving through it, breathing! Making new friends that have the same interests
I am most excited to share yoga with ________ after this training.
Students who want to learn how to stay mobile and and sharp as they age.
Name two modifications for someone with low back issues in seated forward fold
- bend knees
- Keep back straight
List the three major sections of the spine and how many vertebrae per each one.
Cervical Spine 7
Thoracic Spine 12
Lumbar Spine 5
What muscle pumps blood through the body?
When a muscle is active and lengthens is it a concentric or eccentric contraction?
Tendons connect
Muscle to Bone
Ligaments connect
Bone to bone
Name the three planes of movement and the 2 movements possible in each.
Sagittal - Extension - Flexion
Coronal - Abduction and Adduction
Transverse - Internal and External rotation (Twist)
How many bones are there in a normal human body?
A place where 2 bones articulate is called
Anatomical position looks like what pose?
Mountain Pose
Flexing one’s toes back towards the shins brings the ankle into _____________ Flexion
Does the diaphragm contract or release on the inhale?
What plane of movement is the body in a seated forward fold?
True or False: Adduction takes limbs away from the body?
What hormone loosens connective tissue when a women is pregnant?
What side would you have a pregnant woman lie on in a supine posture and why?
Left Side
Vena Cava on Right side can compress