- Used in times of change in a company
- Goal is to transform and empower followers and give them skill
- Includes assessing followers’ motives and satisfying their needs
- Moves followers to accomplish more than is actually expected from them
- Leaders act as charismatic role models and social architects
Transformational Leadership:
Intense relation between leader and follower with primary aim to rais intrinsic motivation and create a sense for morality
Transactional Leadership:
Is the exchange between the leader and the follower - for delivering ideas, the follower receives benefits
7 Leadership Factors
4 Transformational Factors (1-4) (4 Is): Bring your followers beyond expectation
- Idealized Influence: or charisma. Leaders who act as inspiring role models with high moral and ethical standards are deeply respected and provide a sense of mission -> vision on mission
- Inspirational Motivation: Communication of high expectations (linked to energizing function of Goal-setting) and inspiring through motivation -> establishing team spirit and group cohesion
- Intellectual Stimulation: Generating creativity, innovation power and stimulation to engage in careful problem solving -> boosting team spirit and group cohesion
- Individual Consideration: Leader acts as coach and advisor, provides positive climate, listens very carefully to followers needs -> Information power: Uses Delegation to help followers grow
7 Leadership Factors
2 Transactional Factors (5&6): Contract and performance
5. Contingent Reward: Exchange process between leader and follower -> salary goes up if performance increases
6. Management-by-exception: Constructive criticism
- passive: finding mistakes because of evaluation, intervening if something goes wrong
- active: looking for mistakes of the followers
7 Leadership Factors
1 Laissez Faire Factor (7)
7. Absence of real leadership: Leader is delaying decisions, does not give feedback, or help followers develope
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Transformational/Transactional Leadership Approach
- Intuitively appealing
- Process-focused
- Broader view of Leadership that accounts for psychological factors
- Strong emphasis on followers values, morals an emotional respect
- Substantial evidence for effectiveness
- Sustainable way of problem solving
- Lacks conceptual clarity (overlap between four Is)
- More research needed
- Treats leadership as a personality trait, rather than a lernable behavior
- Can be elitist and antidemocrativ
- Potential to be abused