trait theory Flashcards
trait theory
indivuals are born with innate trits
they are stable and enduring and samesame in different sitautions
helps predict behavioru for sports perfromers
e.g extrovert they will play in extovert manenr etc
dis of trait theory
does not take into account perdoanlity change, can change within sitaution
social learning approach
suggests behavioru is learned from significant otheers by socialisaiton
signficant other is liely to be someone we hold high esteeem of, look up too e,g role model, we look up to
likely to copy behaviour which is reinfoeced/rewrds
interactionsit approach
theory which combines trait and social leanring to predict behaviour in situation
can be influenced by both gentic and enviromental infleunces
combines both therories
traits we are born with are adpated to the sitauion
lewin approach to psychology
sugegsts intercaition approach explained by lwins formula
hollander approach tointeraction approach
suggested personality is made up of 3 features
core-represnts values and beliefs of performer
typical repsonse-inherited traits displayed to speciifc situtions
role related behaviour-adpating to special role if its needed
an opinion
a value aimed at attitude object
attitude formation
formed by associating with others and picking up their opinions and values
tend to learn from significant others e.g freinds, family
attitude components
cogntiive part-represnts beliefes, perfomers believ in there ability to win a game
affective part-concernes feeling and emotions of eprformer
e.g whether they enjoyed training or not
behaviorual part-actions and habits of the performer
attitude change
cognitive dissocaince
persuasive communciation
cogntiive dissociance
new info given from coach to create unease and motiavtion change
e.g they begin to question there current attitudes and become motiavted to chnage them
persuasive communication
talked into changing their attitudes
may want to be done by significant other/role model more leikly to listen
should be done at right time e.g end of game as more liekly to listen
state of readiness to perform
drive theory
as arousal increases, so does performance
drive theory in high arousal
increased drive does not always improve perfoamnce
high arousal, less info is processed and they may focus more on dominant reponse (reponse they think is correct)
dominat reponse liekly to be correct for high leveled perforemrs
less liekly to be correct for cogntiv perfrmers/beginners and may end chooisng wrrong comdingt repsonee
inverted u theory
states drive and arousal increase so does performance, but only up to an optimum point
tends to be at moderate arousal level
moderate level not always best for performance
can depend on skill level, perosnlity or perfromer
expert or notice
expert will work better at higher aorusal as can deal with pressure
begingers will work better at lower aorusal as would be uncformable under high pressure
compelx skill-be bettwe at low arousal as lots to process
simple skill-betweee at high arousal as more to think about
zone of optimum functioningn
suggests arousal increasses perfomance but optimum arousal is in a zone rather then an opitmum point
this zone can be met at diffrent levels fo aorusal
some at high
some at low
feeling of this zone:
eveyhting is fluent
remains calm in stressful sitaiton
peak flow experience
extsnion of feelings and performnace levels experinced at zone
unitlmate instiric experinece felt by athletes with suprreme confidence, focus and effiencing
why may some people never get to peak flow experience
poor mental preparetaion
effect of injruy or fatigue during game
anxiety in sport
state of nervous and worriness
negative reponse tot sporting situation
reuslts due to precetpion of sitaution from eprfromer
competitive trait anxiety
could be aprt of players genetic make up
player feels nervs before evrything game no matter the importance
competitive state anxiety
more temproary
response to particaulr moment in agem e.g taking a penalty
may affcet outcome if not controlled
indivudal with high state and rait anxity, more liekly to experince BOTH
cogntive anxiety
irrational thinkinf and worries
occurs before or during preformance
loss of conectraion
somantic anxiety
worries from feeling ubale to complete task
e.g increase in HR, muscle tension
anxiety measures
physiological testing
ask a series of quesionas about emotions in diffrernt sitautions
need to make sure to ask at rigth time
perrformer may just asnwer with what they think interview would want to hear
interview bias
adv-qucik and cheap
dis-invalid due to servral reasons
physicological testing
using things like heart monitors to measure anxity
adv-factual, objective
dis-may restirct movment of performer
if they know theay are being tested, HR couldincrease, reducing findings of experiment
gainign a measure of anxiety simply by watching the performer
issues include if person realises there being watched
observer needs to know what there normal state of anxiety is like
subjective-based on opinions rather then facts