Trait Theories Flashcards
What are traits?
…in terms of trait theories
- Traits are viewed as descriptive summaries of behaviour
- Trait theories maintain that personality is best described as a constellation of traits (e.g., anxious, conscientious, kind, outgoing)
What is a taxonomy?
Taxonomy: classification system
What do the taxononmies (that trait theorists propose) reflect? (their standpoint)
a nomothetic view of personality rather than an idiographic view of personality
- Nomothetic view: that traits are universal; all individuals may be scored on all traits
- Idiographic view: traits are individualized; a given trait may be unique to one individual
3 mentioned personality taxonomies:
- Eysenck’s taxonomy
- Wiggins taxonomy
- 5-factor taxonomy
Eysenck’s taxonomy - based on what type of pre-existing theory?
Body humors theory: interested in fluids within the body, using them to determine our personality type
Eysenck’s taxonomy - proposes 3 trait dimensions; what’s their acronym?
* psychoticism (lesser known)
* extraversion (outgoing, sociable, oppo. introversion)
* and neuroticism (emotional stability)
Low extraversion (high introversion) + low neuroticism (high emotional stability; less negative emotions) =
Eysenck’s taxonomy
A: Phlegmatic
* Passive
* Careful
* Thoughtful
* Peacefull
* Controlled
* Reliable
Low extraversion + high neuroticism:
Eysenck’s taxonomy
B: Melancholic
* quiet
* pessimistic
* unsociable
* moody
* sober
* rigid
High extraversion + low neuroticism =
Eysenck’s taxonomy
C: Sanguine
- Sociable
- Outgoing
- Talkative
- Responsive
- Easygoing
- Lively
High extraversion + high neuroticism =
Eysenck’s taxonomy
D: choleric
- Active
- Optimistic
- Impulsive
- Changeable
- Excitable
- Aggressive
Wiggins taxonomy - based on what pre-existing theory?
that interpersonal traits are most important in the description of personality (traits shine through person-to-person interactions (majority emphasis on this))
Wiggins taxonomy - 2 dimensions:
dominance and love (the interpersonal circle)
* X-axis: cold-hearted => warm-agreeable
* Y-axis: assured-dominant => unassured-submissive
Cold-hearted + assured-dominant =
Wiggins taxonomy
Cold-hearted + unassured-submissive =
Wiggins taxonomy
Warm-agreeable + assured-dominant =
Wiggins taxonomy
Warm-agreeable + unassured-submissive =
Wiggins taxonomy
5-factor taxonomy - based on what pre-existing theory?
Based on lexical hypothesis: all important differences in personality are encoded in natural language
5-factor taxonomy - How was it made?
Developed through the use of** factor analysis: a statistical method that identifies groups of highly intercorrelated traits
* Basically taking a bunch of traits, and placing them into groups
5-factor taxonomy - what are the 5 groups? How were they made?
Factor analysis (of English language) suggests that there are five groups of highly intercorrelated traits or “superordinate dimensions” of personality:
- Openness to experience
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Which of the 5 factors (OCEAN) is most contested? Why?
- Openness to experience
- Due to great deviation across cross-cultural research
Openness to experience
FFM - Dimensions and Facets
Actions, aesthetics, fantasy, feelings, ideas, values
FFM - Dimensions and Facets
Achievement striving, competence, deliberation, dutifulness, order, self-discipline
FFM - Dimensions and Facets
activity, assteriveness, excitement seeking, gregariousness, positive emotions, warmth