Trait Evolution Flashcards
Bryophytes evolved when
430 MYA
SVPs evolved when
360-400 MYA
Gymnosperms evolved when
240-360 MYA
Angiosperms evolved when
140-200 MYA
Chlorophyta on
Chlorophyll a and b, starch
Clorophyceae only
Charophyceae on
Phragmoblast, cellulose, oogamy w/retained egg
Bryophytes on
Archegonia w/embryo, short-lived sporophyte, sporic lifecycle
Bryophyta only
Hydroids and leptoids
SVPs on
Lignin, stomata, protostele, cuticle, sporophyte dominance
Selleginella only
Siphonostele, heterospory
Equisetophyta on
Siphonostele, true leaves
Equisetophyta only
Eustele, heterospory
Pteridophyta only
Eustele, heterospory
Gymnosperms on
Eustele, secondary growth, seed, spore retention, pollen grain, heterospory
Lycadophyta only
Insect pollination
Gnetophyta on
Vessel elements, double fertilization
Ephedra only
Insect pollination
Angiosperms on
Animal seed dispersal, endosperm, embryo sac, insect pollination, flower, carpel
Monocotyledons evolved when
70 MYA
Monocotyledons on
Single cotyledon, lose secondary growth