Training The Force Flashcards
What Army Field Manual is called Training the Force
FM 7-0
What is meant by performance oriented training?
The soldiers learn best by hands on
What is the Army’s number one priority?
The Army Time Management System is composed of what three phases?
Green:Training focus primarily on collective tasks, with leader and indivudual tasks integrated during multi echleon training.
Amber:Small, Unit, Crew, Leader, and Individual Training emphasized.
Red:Sub Organizations take advantage of all training opprotunities to conduct indvidual, leader, and crew training
Training is _ we do, not _ we do
What, something
What is Training?
The instruction of personel to increase their capacity to perform specific military functions and associated individual collective tasks.
What is the OPTEMPO of an organization?
The annual operating hours or miles for the major equipment system in a battalion level or equivelent organization. Commanders use OPTEMPO to forcast and allocate funds for fuel, repair parts, training, and programs.
What are the types of evaluations and their differences?
Informal: When a leader conduts with his unit or when a leader visits ongoing training. This type provides real time feedback on the training environment and the profiieceny resulting from training.
formal: Are resourced with dedicated evaluators and are generally scheduled in the long range or the short range training plans. To the maximum extent headquarters and two echleons higher conduct formal external evaluations.
Internal: Are planned resourced, and conducted by the orginazation undergoing the evaluation.
External: Are planned resourced and conducted by the higher echelon in the chain of command than the organization undergoing the evaluation or headquarters outside of chain of command.
Any combination of the listed above.
What does realistic training inspire?
It builds competence and confidence by developing and honing skills and inspires excellence by fostering iniative, eagerness and enthusiasm to learn.
To accompish their training responsibility, list three of the six things commanders must do.
Be present at training to the maximum extent possible
Base training on mission requirements
Train to applicable army standards
Asses current levels of effiecny
Provide the required resources
Develop and execute training plans that result in proficient leaders, individuals and units.
An AAR is not called what?
A critique
What is the goal of combat level training?
To achieve combat level standards
What are three types of training plans.
Long range
Short Range
near term
Who is responsible for maintaining all assigned equipment in a high state of readiness in support of training or combat deployment.
Soldiers and Leaders
What does evaluation of training measure?
It measures the demonstrated ability of commanders, soldiers, leaders, battle staff, and units against the Army Standard.
What does multiechleon training allow?
It allows multiple echelons to be trained at the same time on individual and collective tasks. efficently and effectively within a limited training period.
What is Force integration
The process of incorporating new doctrine, equipment, and force structure into an organization while sustaining the highest possible levels of combat readiness.
What is battle focus and what does it do?
a concept used to derive peacetime training requirements and anticipated missions. Battle focus guides the planning, preperation, and execution, and assessment of each organizations training program to ensure its members train as they are going to fight.
What does realistic training require?
It requires organizations to train the way they will fight or support within all dimensions of the battlefield/space
What does AAR stand for and what does it provide?
After Action Review
It provides feedback to units by involving participants in the training process in order to increase and reinforce learning, it helps guide in seeking deficencies and finding solutions.
What does the term METL stand for?
Mission Essential Task List
What are the codes used to rate task proficiency?
T - Trained
P - Needs Practice
U - Untrained.
What are the five primary inputs into the METL development
Wartime operational plans Enduring combat capabilities Operational Enviornment Directed Missions External Guidance
Who stated: “The best form of welfare for the troops is first class training, for this saves unnecessary casualities.”
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
What does MILES stand for?
Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
In regards to preperation training, what do pre execution checks cover?
They are preliminary actions commanders and trainers use to identify responsibility for selecting tasks to be trained, planning the conduct of the training, training the trainers, reconnassance of the the training site, issuing the training execution plan, and conduction rehersals among other training support tasks.
List three of the seven things training will do if it is planned properly.
Maintain a consistent battle focus
Be coordinated with habitually task organized supporting organizations
Focus on the correct time horizon
Be concerned with future proficiency
Incorporate risk managment into all training plans
Establish organizational stability
make the most efficent use of the resources
What are the four parts that an AAR consists of?
Review what was suppose to happen
Review what did happen
Determine what was right or wrong about what happened
Determine how the task should be done differently next time?
What ten objectives have to be accomplished in order to help leaders ensure effective training?
Develop and communicate a clear vision
Train one echleon below and train two echleons below
Requires subordinates to understand and perform their roles in training
Train all elements to be proficient in the mission essential tasks
Develop Subordinates
Involve themselves in planning perparing executing and assessing training
Demand training standards are achieved
Ensure proper task and event discipline
Foster a command climate that is conduiucive to good training
Eliminate training distractions
What does well structured training contain?
a mixture of initial and sustainment training
True or false. Safe training is the predictable result of traiingto the established technical and tactical standards
What is the key requirement in regard to divsion and brigade commanders in regards to training resources
Coordinate short range training plans with the various resource processes that support training.
What is ITEP
Individual Training Evaluation Program
_ Is the range of proficency in which a unit is capable of its wartime METL tasks
Band of Excellence
Are senior leaders suppose to make on the spot corrections, underwrite honest mistakes, and demand aggressive action to correct training deficiencies
What are the principle source documents for training and evaluation source outlines
Soldier Manuals
Soldier Training Publications
DA PAM 350-38 (Standards in weapons training)
Deployment or mobilization plans
Various Army MACOM and Local regulation
List four of the many sources of feedback for training avaliable to leaders
Personal observations of training Assessment and feedback from higher headquarters Staff Visit reports Unit status reports Training Briefings CTT results APFT scores IG General and special inspections
Describe Operational Domain
It includes home station training, combat training, combat training center rotations, joint training exercises, and deployments that satisfy national objectives.
Describe institutional domain
Focuses on educating and training soldiers and leaders on key knowledge, skills and attributes, required to operate in any enviroment
Describe the self developmental domain
They are strucutred and informal and focus on taking those actions necessary to reduce or eliminate the gap between operational and institutional experiences.
What is the purpose of Army Training?
To produce competent confident adaptive soldiers, leaders and units that are trained and ready to fight, and win our nations battles. Trainng is our number one priority
What is the definition of METL?
A compliation of collective mission essential tasks an organization must complete successfully to accompish it’s wartime missions.
Why do commanders use a mix of live viral and constructive training?
To achieve and sustain until unit proficiency on selected METL tasks and supporting uint and staff battle tasks within the band of excellence
What is the foundation of the training process?
The time management cycle