Traditional Values- CICERO Flashcards
accusator esses ridiculus,
You would be a ridiculous prosecutor,
si illis temporibus natus esses
if you had been born in those times
cum ab aratro arcessebantur
when men were summoned from the plough
qui consules fierent.
to become consuls.
tu enim,
For you,
qui praeesse agro colendo flagitium putes,
who consider it a disgrace to be responsible for cultivating a farm,
profecto illum Atilium,
would certainly judge the famous Atilius,
quem sua manu semen spargentem
whom sowing seed with his own hand,
illi qui missi erant convenerunt,
those who had been sent came across,
hominem turpissimum atque inhonestissimum iudicares.
to be a most shameful and low-class [fellow].
at hercule maiores nostri
But, by Hercules, our ancestors
longe aliter et de illo et de ceteris talibus existimabant
thought differently both concerning him and concerning other such men,
viris existimabant
they thought of men
itaque ex minima tenuissimaque re publica
from a tiny and quite insignificant state
maximam et florentissimam nobis reliquerunt.
they left us a very large and highly prosperous one.