The Changing Face of the Countryside- HORACE Flashcards
iam pauca aratro iugera regiae moles relinquent
Before long, princely mansions will leave few acres for the plough.
undique latius extenta visentur Lucrino
Pools will be seen everywhere, extending further than the Lucrine Lake.
lacu platanusque caelebs
And a solitary plane tree.
evincet ulmos;
Will wipe out the elm trees.
tum violaria et
Then beds of violets and
myrtus et omnis copia narium
The myrtle bush, along with a whole abundance of fragrances.
spargent olivetis odorem
Will scatter their scent over the fertile olive groves.
fertilibus domino priori;
For their former master.
tum spissa ramis laurea
Then laurels, thick with branches,
fervidos excludet ictus.
Will keep out the burning rays of the sun.
non ita Romuli
But this was not the way.
praescriptum et intonsi Catonis
Laid down in the customs of Romulus and bearded Cato.
auspiciis veterumque norma.
Nor in the direction of our ancestors by their auspices.
privatus illis census erat brevis,
For them, private wealth was modest,
commune magnum;
But public wealth was great.