Perseus- OVID Flashcards
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As he brought back the famous plunder of the snake-haired monster
Aera carpebat tenerum stridentibus alis.
Was passing through the delicate air on whirring wings.
Cumque super Libycas victor penderet harenas,
While the victor over the monster was hanging above the Libyan sands,
Gorgonei capitis guttae cecidere cruentae,
Bloody drops from the Gorgon’s head fell to earth
Quas humus exceptas varios animavit in angues
Which the soil caught and brought alive as different kinds of snakes,
Unde frequens illa est infestaque terra colubris.
And so from this, that country is dangerous and full of snakes.
Inde per immensum ventis discordibus actus
From there he was driven across the vast sky, by opposing winds,
Nunc huc, nunc illuc exemplo nubis aquosae
And he was carried now here, now there, like a raincloud
Fertur et ex alto seductas aethere longe
And from high in the air far away,
Despectat terras totumque supervolat orbem.
He looked down on remote lands, and flew above the whole world.
Ter gelidas Arctos, ter Cancri bracchia vidit
Three times he saw the frozen Arctic, three times he saw the claws of the Crab:
Saepe sub occasus, saepe est ablatus in ortus
Often he was carried away below the setting sun and often towards the East.
Iamque cadente die, veritus se credere nocti,
Now it was sunset, he was afraid to entrust himself to the night,
Constitit Hesperio, regnis Atlantis, in orbe,
And he stopped in the western part of the world, in the kingdom of Atlas,
Exiguamque petit requiem, dum Lucifer ignes
And sought a little rest until the Morning Star
Evocet Aurorae, currus Aurora diurnos.
Called forth Dawn’s stars and Dawn [called forth] her daytime chariot.