Toxins, Enzymes and Antioxidants Flashcards
Bisphenols: E.g., bisphenol A (BPA)
Sources: Tinned and plastic packaging.
Associated with: Type 2 diabetes, infertility, oestrogen disruption.
Pesticides and herbicides: E.g., glyphosate + OCPs
Sources: Chemically-grown food, water (contamination).
Associated with: Alzheimer’s, infertility, erectile dysfunction, RA, SLE, cancer.
Sources: Plastic products, beauty products
Associated with: Infertility, Type 2 diabetes, allergies.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs):
Sources: Flame retardants, farmed fish.
Associated with: Insulin resistance, child behavioural problems.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs):
Sources: Air pollution / vehicle exhaust (diesel = worst)
Associated with: Type 2 diabetes, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, atopic conditions, COPD.
Solvents:E.g., benzene, toluene, styrene.
Sources: Vehicle exhausts, smoking, foods.
Associated with: Alzheimer’s, infertility, MS, RA, ↑ autism risk.
Sources: Foil (and food), anti-perspirants, vaccines.
Associated with: Mitochondrial damage, Alzheimer’s.
Sources: Amalgams, fish (esp. larger fish), water, vaccines, air pollution.
Associated with: Chronic fatigue, neurological damage, Hashimoto’s, ADHD, infertility, SLE
Sources: Water, rice, chicken, fish, smoking.
Associated with: Type 2 diabetes, cancer, gout, peripheral neuropathy. AS3MT SNPs ―associated with ↑ toxic reactions (i.e., in those with ↓ arsenic exposure).
Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Description: A group of enzymes that convert superoxide to hydrogen peroxide.
* Hydrogen peroxide (also a ROS) must then be detoxified by catalase or glutathione peroxidase.
Nutrients needed: Zinc, copper, manganese
Converts hydrogen peroxide to H2Oand O2.
Needed: Iron.
Glutathione Peroxidase
Description: Converts hydrogen peroxide to H2Oand O2. Note: Mercury can suppress selenium activity in the body.
Needed: Selenium
Glutatione reductase
Description: Regenerates glutathione that has been oxidised.
Needed: Vitamin B3.
Vitamin E
Sunflower seeds, almonds, pine nuts, olive oil, avocado, sweet potato, spinach.
Vitamin C
Peppers, kiwi fruit, papaya, currants, berries, citrus, crucifers, mangoes, tomatoes.
E.g., quercetin (red onions, apples), anthocyanins (red grapes), catechins (green tea), kaempferol (kale,spinach)
Yellow, orange,and red fruits and vegetables. Green vegetables.
Metallothionein (MT):
- MTs are cysteine-rich proteins that bind essential and toxic heavy metals (e.g., cadmium).
- They are important for zinc and copper homeostasis, and also to reduce oxidative stress.
- Require adequate levels of cysteine(e.g., in legumes, sunflower seeds, eggs, chicken)zinc, copper, and selenium.