SIBO and Candida Flashcards
An overgrowth of non-pathogenic bacteria in the small intestine. It is the most common cause of IBS (60-70%).
SIBO: Hallmark symptoms
Abdominal pain or discomfort
Constipation and / or diarrhoea
SIBO: Other symptoms
Nausea, GORD, excessive burping, prolonged feeling of fullness, malabsorption (e.g., anaemia symptoms), insomnia and brain fog.
SIBO: Constipation or Diarrhoea
Hydrogen dominant gas production tends to cause diarrhoea;
Methane dominant gas production can cause severe constipation.
Key clinical indicators of SIBO
- Worsening of GI symptoms from probiotics.
- Fibre worsens GI symptoms.
- Chronic GI symptoms following long term broad spectrum antibiotics / PPIs / opiates.
- Chronic low ferritin / iron with no other cause.
- Developing IBS following GI infection (post infectious IBS (PI IBS).
- When a coeliac patient reports insufficient improvement from strict gluten free diet.
SIBO aetiology
- Hypochlorhydria
- Low SIgA
- Prolonged stress
- Scar tissue / adhesions from surgery
- Hypothyroidism (slows motility)
- Poor oral health (bacteria comes from the oral cavity).
- Ileocaecal valve dysfunction (related to a structural dysfunction, poor MMC functioning, etc.)
- Opioid pain medications (slows motility) and antibiotics.
SIBO Trigger
- Food poisoning
- Bacterial toxin
- Auto-immunity
- Gut nerve cell damage
SIBO and food sensitivities
SIBO can damage the villi of the small intestine, reducing enzymes like lactase and diamine oxidase (DAO) that are produced in these finger like projections.
* A loss of lactase = possible lactose intolerance
* A loss of DAO = possible histamine intolerance .
Dietary approach to SIBO
- Low FODMAP generally advisable to follow this for up to 6 weeks before gradually reintroducing FODMAPs.
- Specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) may be preferable to low FODMAPs, especially if there is intestinal inflammation.
- Sometimes symptoms will be more persistent / severe. It may be appropriate in some cases to combine dietary models (e.g., SCD and low FODMAP, or SCD and low histamine).
Anti-microbials and SIBO:
- Use 1-3 of the following anti microbials (or a specialised formulated herbal formula) for 4-8 weeks depending on the case.
‒ Berberine
‒ Oregano oil
‒ Allicin (extract of garlic) mostly just for methane producing bacteria.
‒ Neem
‒ Also, uva ursi and cinnamon.
Digestive support
Digestive bitters at the start of meals (e.g., greens such as dandelion, rocket, watercress herbs such as gentian, fennel, barberry bark).
– Betaine HCl, digestive enzymes, ACV.
MMC support:
‒ 12-hour overnight fast (minimum) / intermittent fasting. Meal spacing (at least 4 hours) with no snacks
‒ Pro-kinetic agents before bed, e.g., ginger root, artichoke.
‒ Practise mindful eating; diaphragmatic breathing exercises.
Other therapeutics for SIBO
- Repopulate the microflora (prebiotics and probiotics) and repair (see the 5R protocol).
- Visceral manipulation for the ileo caecal valve.
- Lion’s mane promotes regeneration of neurons if suspected autoimmune (also promotes regeneration of GI mucosa).
A biofilm is an extracellular matrix that can protect bacteria and fungus from our immune system. If antimicrobial protocols / dietary changes are not working, consider biofilm production.
Biofilm disruptors
Nano Silver
Biofilm Natural Approach
Coconut Oil
- Candida albicans is the most common commensal yeast that asymptomatically inhabits mucosal surfaces.
- Candida is usually kept under control by native bacteria and the immune defences (especially by neutrophils, macrophages and T helper 1 cells.
- Infections are usually limited to the mouth or genitals (thrush) and skin, but infections can become systemic in severe immunocompromise.
Candidasis: Signs and symptoms
Frequent UTIs , fatigue, digestive symptoms (e.g., bloating), sugar cravings, joint pain, depression, anxiety, brain fog, food sensitivities, skin and nail fungal infections, etc.
Candidiasis pathophysiology:
- Disruption of the host bacterial environment or immune dysfunction
can allow opportunistic candida to proliferate (terrain theory) - C. albicans can then penetrate epithelial cells and switch morphology from commensal to pathogen.
Candidiasis Risk Factors
Antibiotic use
High sugar intake
Low immunity ( low sIgA)
Chronic stress ((↑ cortisol)
Impaired liver function
↓digestive secretions
Exposure to toxins