Toxins Flashcards
Anabena or Aphanizmenan aka _____. Leads to _____.
Blue green algae. hepatotoxic.
What is 3-methylindole?
Cattle that are moved to lush forage that is high in tryptophan metabolize the tryptophan to 3-methylindole in the rumen. The 3-MI is toxic to the lung, resulting in acute interstitial pneumonia and emphysema. This syndrome is known as acute bovine pulmonary edema and emphysema (ABPEE), fog fever or grunts.Necropsy findings showed acute interstitial pneumonia and air filled bullae
Bracken Fern is _____ toxin and leads to _________.
bone marrow suppression, as well as alkylation of DNA oxic glycoside (ptaquiloside) plus thiaminase;
leading to tumors,hemorrhages, hematuria, and/or cancers in the bladder or other organs. The bone marrow suppression leads to anemia and neutropenia. Clinical signs include anorexia, weight loss, incoordination, convulsions, wide-based stance, opisthotonos, and death.
How do you treat Brodifacoum?
Treatment for this condition requires vitamin K1 administration for 4-6 weeks.
What does Cantharidin toxicity called and what does it result in?
Blister Beetle; “Endotoxic Shock and renal failure: often horses are found dead, colickling, or in cardiovascular shock
Cardic arrthymias”
What is Cotton Seed/gossypol?
cardiotoxin; “dyspnea, weakness, death
Sudden death in calves and repro trouble in adult cows”
What is are cyanide toxins?
cherries, chokecherries, arrow grass, and Sudan grass)
What do cyanide toxins cause?
Bright red MM and almond smell;
What is the treatment for cyanide toxicity?
sodium nitrate and sodium thiosulfate
What disease are eastern tent caterpillars associated with?
Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome
What does Mare Reproductive loss syndrome cause?
early and late-term fetal loss, fibrinous pericarditis, neonatal foal death and unilateral uveitis. Seen with , MRLS, occurred in central Kentucky.
what do enemas cause in cats?
The correct answer is hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia. Some enemas are high is phosphorus which is rapidly absorbed causing hypocalcemia due to mass action and will result in the clinical signs described
What are the fescue toxins?
Ergopeptine alkaloids are ingested by the mare, which act as dopamine agonists. Dopamine serves to inhibit prolactin, thus inhibiting lactation. Placental thickening and weak or stillborn foals may also occur.
What does fescue toxicity cause?
prolonged gestation and/or decreased milk production
What does Larkspur cause?
general nonspecific signs such as salivation, bloat, muscle fasciculation, collapse, staggering, and death.
Toxic principle of locoweed?
What are the CS of locoweed toxicity?
widespread neurovisceral cytoplasmic vacuolation and emaciation, as well as abortion and nervous system abnormalities. in the West
What is the toxic principle of Lupine?
alkaloids- sparteine and anagyrine