Toxicology Exam 4 Flashcards
malignancy/malignant neoplasms
complete carcinogen
tumor promoter
proto oncogene
tumor suppressor gene
cell proliferation
cancer: Disease of abnormal cell proliferation
malignancy/malignant neoplasms: Uncontrolled cell division of abnormal cells
Invasion of nearby tissues (cancerous growth)
carcinogen: Process by which normal cells become malignant - Xenobiotics that cause cancer in mammals
complete carcinogen: Xenobiotics that don’t require biometabolism
procarcinogen: Xenobiotics that require biotransformation
mutagen: an agent, such as radiation or a chemical substance, which causes genetic mutation
tumor promoter: Xenobiotics that facilitate carcinogenesis. Not genotoxic. Stimulate proliferation. Promote entrance into cell cycle (G0 to G1/S/G2/M)
proto oncogene: Highly conserved genes that normal control growth. Normal development: expansion of tissues. Maintenance of tissue (e.g., GI tract, hair growth bone marrow)
Regeneration/repair of tissues following injury.
Stimulate progression of cells through the cell cycle. Expression is normally transient and tightly regulated. Genetic damage (e.g., mutations) to proto-oncogenes is dominant not recessive. Alteration of only one allele is necessary.Give rise to oncogenes.
oncogene: Derived from mutated proto-oncogene or virus pathogens. Genes capable of transforming cells into malignant
growth. Oncogenic proteins are continuously (constitutively) active forms of proto-oncogenic protein. Virally transmitted genes.
tumor suppressor gene: Genes that produce proteins that inhibit cell proliferation and/or survival (e.g., signal apoptosis)
* Retinoblastoma (Rb)
* P53
Cell proliferation: is necessary for normal tissue development and maintenance over the lifespan.
Carcinogen vs. mutagen
Not all carcinogens are mutagens
- Only about 70% carcinogens are estimated to be mutagens.
- Some xenobiotic carcinogens do not directly cause DNA mutations.
* Modify methylation status of DNA/histones (i.e., epigenetic mechanisms)
* Alter DNA repair or cell death mechanisms
* Promote clonal expansion of cells with pre-existing mutations (i.e., tumor promoters)
Compare oncogenes with tumor suppressor genes
Proto-oncogenes vs tumor suppressor
Tumor promoters(not considered carcinogens, a chemical that causes proliferation, has to be some damage to DNA) (can facilitate not alter genome only cause synthesis of genome so anything damaged in genome if not repaired then p53 will get activated, p53 can get it to die) like protein kinase c (ca can activatie), stimulate proliferation and are bad if we have alterations in the genome that aren’t fixed so not damaged anymore, the two hit models.
- Promote cell proliferation normally
- Single mutated allele is sufficient to cause cancer
- One non-mutant allele can function normally
- Function of mutated allele is dominant over normal allele to cause malignant cell growth
- Directly promotes malignant cell growth
Oncogenes: Dominant single mutational
event – genotoxic xenobiotics could be
complete carcinogens
Tumor suppressor genes
- Suppress cell proliferation normally
- Both alleles must be mutated to cause cancer
- Single mutated allele is insufficient due to function of normal allele
- Mutation of both alleles removes suppression on cell proliferation
- Indirectly promotes malignant cell growth
Tumor suppressor genes: often recessive requiring two mutational events – genotoxic xenobiotics could be complete carcinogens with multiple exposures or high doses
Somatic cells: genetic damage
Somatic cells:
* All cells that are not destined to become germline (sex) cells
* Genetic alterations occurs after conception (acquired damage)
* These give rise to acquired cancer
* Genetic alterations are not heritable (passed to offspring)
Germline cells (gametes, reproductive/sex cells): genetic damage
Germline cells (gametes, reproductive/sex cells):
* Cells that come together at conception or fertilization
* Ovum (female egg cells) and sperm (male
* Genetic/epigenetic damage occurs prior to
* Genetic damage is heritable (Inherited cancer)
Two hit hypothesis of carcinogenesis and features of each of the three stages
Three stages
* Stage 1: Initiation (first hit)
- Carcinogen exposure (maybe just one time)
- Genotoxic/non-genotoxic genetic alteration
- Favors proliferation over apoptosis
- May be reversible initially (DNA repair)
- Irreversible upon DNA synthesis (mutation becomes
fixed into genome)
- Stage 2: Promotion
- Tumor promoters
- Clonal expansion (proliferation) of initiated cells establishes (fixes) DNA mutation in genome
- Mutation/genotoxicity is not required
- Halted upon removal of growth stimulus (e.g., tumor promoting xenobiotic)
- Can result in benign tumor growth (e.g., papilloma)
Stage 2 tumor promoter - anything that cause proliferation - Stage 3: Progression (second hit)
- Additional genetic alteration (second hit)
- Genetic instability of mutated cell
- Malignancy established
Protognee one allele to mutate - no tumor promotion or second
Protognee stimulate proliferation → mutate portogone that siutmate profelration
One allele to stimulate Tumor promotors
Tummor suppeors both allele
Two hit model - one hit that doesn’t cause carcinogens like tumor suppressor but if you two hits get tumor promoter it causes an expansion) not always needed to hits like proto oncogenes - example is tumor suppressor gene like restsonabloms - one hit allele
Proliferation - p53 will affect dna and then instability of genome - mutation in p53 which is tumor suppressor opens up the possibility of mutagens getting incorporated.
Tumor suppressor genes are received - both genes
Damage can be tumor promoter
Know the acquired capabilities view of carcinogenesis and eight features common to malignant growths.
Proposes that all cancers acquire the same set of functional capabilities
Key enabling characteristics: genomic instability and inflammation
Eight acquired characteristics common to malignant growths:
1) Insensitivity to antigrowth signals (e.g., contact inhibition)
2) Self-sufficiency of growth (i.e., without growth factor stimulation)
4) Limitless replicative potential - immortal
5) Resistant to apoptosis (i.e., increase cell survival)
5) Increased invasive growth and spread (metastasis)
6) Sustained angiogenesis (new blood vessels)
7) Altered energy metabolism
8) Evade immune destruction
Cancer mutations
Ras proto-oncogene
Retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor gene
P53 tumor suppressor gene
Ras proto-oncogene mutation
- Ras is a G protein like Gs, Gi, and Gq of G protein coupled receptors (recall Pertussis/Cholera toxins)
- Ras acts as receptor for GTP: it is activated by GTP binding
- Ras links growth factors to intracellular cell cycle
- It is activated by growth factor receptors like EGFR
- GTPase activity hydrolysis of GTP to GDP by Ras
Ras proto-oncogene: regulation of normal function
* Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF): Rasassociated protein that promotes exchange of GDP for GTP (activation of Ras)
* GAP (GTPase-activating protein): Ras-associated protein stimulates GTPase activity of Ras (inactivation of Ras)
- GTP exchange factor - G protein activating protein activates the gtpase ras - exchange (GTP to GDP)
Gtapse to hydrolyze to go back to inactive form
Direct and indirect ras
Both active ras to ocognigen from protogene
Muate ras destroys GTP - permanent
Ras to an oncogene
Direct the ras protein itself loses GTPase function os cant be inactivated
Indirect regulatory proteins
Independent ways to permanently active ras
Two types of mutations that activate Ras function
1)Direct: mutation of Ras GTPase activity (requires
mutation of only one allele)
2)Indirect: mutation of GAP protein (requires
mutation of both alleles
Consequence of mutations in Ras function
* Prevents hydrolysis of GTP to GDP
* Locks Ras in activate state
Xenobiotic mutagens that activate Ras function
* Benzo[a]pyrene (cigarettes)
* Aflatoxin B (microbial protein)
* N-methyl-N-nitrosurea (DNA alkylating agent)
* Benzidine (dye production)
* Ionizing radiation (x-rays)
Tumor suppressor genes
Genes that produce proteins that inhibit cell
proliferation and/or survival (e.g., signal apoptosis)
* Retinoblastoma (Rb)
* P53
Mutations are recessive not dominant
* Heterozygous mutations (one mutant/one wild-type
allele) are not effective
* Require mutation of both alleles
* Two mutational/epigenetic events (hits) required
These are loss of function mutations
Tumor suppressor genes
Retinoblastoma (Rb) normal function + Consequence
Retinoblastoma (Rb) normal function
* Transcriptional repressor protein
* Inhibits E2F-mediated gene transcription
* Blocks cells from entering S phase of the cell cycle
Consequence of mutation in Rb function
* Inactivation of Rb gene removes EF2 repression
allowing cells to enter S phase
* Note: viral oncogene products (e.g., Large T Antigen of SV40 virus) can bind to and inactivate Rb protein function
Tumor suppressor genes
P53 normal function (“Guardian of the Genome)
P53 normal function (“Guardian of the Genome):
* P53 is a transcription factor that is crucial
for checkpoint control in G1 phase of cell
the cycle
* DNA damage causes P53 to arrest cells in
G1 phase of cell cycle
* Arrest allows DNA repair or apoptosis to occur
P53 (“Guardian of the Genome”): signal transduction
* Unphosphorylated P53 protein is unstable (short half-life)
* DNA damage activates ATM protein kinase
* ATM phosphorylates P53 increasing its stability
* Phosphorylated P53 binds to DNA and activates gene transcription
* Increase expression of proteins involved in cell cycle arrest (e.g., p21), DNA repair, and cell death (apoptosis)
P53 (“Guardian of the Genome”): normal regulation
* P53 is inactivated by a natural inhibitory protein, MDM2
Mutations that inactivate P53 function
* Direct: mutation of P53 gene (loss of function)
* In direct: gene amplification of MDM2
Xenobiotics that cause p53 gene mutation
* Benzo[a]pyrene (cigarettes)
* Aflatoxin B (microbial protein)
* Ionizing radiation
Protein to regulate is MDM2 until turn off
Indirect the more MDM2 the better at superssing p53 but too much then p53 will be suppressed (if you want cancer) - MDM2 is bad
One is they stimulate proliferation and allows mustagen into the genome
Two they create more cells of that mutation to second hit
Cells lose contact inhibition
Genomic instability means that the cell has mechinsima to fix dna damage is happening all the time depending where the cell like the skin is under attack by UV radiation so skin has potioanl of mutations going into the genome and if those mutations are not repared then they can be fixed in the genome by proliferation so instability means there is one example alteration in DNA repair and relates to P53 bc it can arrest cell cycle in G1 Phase while the cell repairs the DNA and p53 activated by DNA damage so it can initiate DNA repair mechanisms and fix all of that
Mutation to P53 or damage to DNA repair mechanisms consequence is genomic instability and connects to hit hypothesis and genomic insiatbilty can be incorptretd into the geneom once cell under goes proliferation unless p53 is there to hult and repair but if too much p53 initiate apoptosis
Periods of developmental
* Gametogenesis
* Fertilization
* Embryonic period
* Fetal period
* Postnatal period (further development after birth to puberty)
- Gametogenesis: formation of gametes (reproductive cells; egg and sperm) Meiotic cell division to form haploid germ cells (single
copy of chromosomes) - Fertilization: formation of zygote
Conception: gametes fuse forming diploid cell (copies of chromosomes from both parents)
*Gestation includes (Embryonic period + Fetal period) after fertilization and birth
Period between conception and birth
1st trimester: embryonic period
2nd and 3rd trimesters: fetal period
- Postnatal period (further development after birth to puberty): Continued growth, development, and differentiation of
organs (e.g., reproductive organs, central nervous system, muscles). Physiological maturation (e.g., coordination, cognition,
speech, etc.)
Gestation 1st trimester: embryonic period
Three Subdivisions
2nd and 3rd trimesters
Pre-implantation period: 1st week following fertilization
- Characterized by rapid mitotic cell division
- Formation of blastocyst stage of embryo
Post-implantation period: 2nd/3rd weeks
- Blastocyst moves through oviduct and implants in wall of uterus
- Characterized by cell migration and mitotic division
- Gastrulation: formation of three primary germ layers
Organogenesis period: Initiated in 3rd week
- Cell proliferation, migration, cell-cell interactions
- Morphogenic tissue remodeling
- Fundamental elements of most body parts are formed (e.g., limb buds, internal organs)
2nd and 3rd trimesters
* Period of tissue growth, differentiation, physiological
* Fine structure morphogenesis of tissues
* All organs are grossly recognizable and attain requisite functionality prior to birth
Developmental - General types of alterations
Developmental Overview
Development is a tightly regulated sequence of events
It is characterized by periods of growth and change
General types of alterations
* Structural malformations (e.g., bone)
* Growth retardation (e.g., weight/size)
* Functional/physiological impairments (e.g., cognition)
* Cell and embryonic Death
- Teras is the Greek word for monster
- It is the specific study of structural malformations
- Teratogens are xenobiotic that causes structural defects
Critical periods of Toxic events Gametogenesis:
Gametogenesis: Toxic effects prior to conception (fertilization of egg by sperm). Exposure of testis or ovaries. Potentially heritable (trans-generational) alterations in sperm or eggs (mutations; epigenetic alterations)
Infertility: decreased sperm production; increased death of oocytes (note that total female oocytes determined prior to birth)
Critical periods of Toxic events Preconception:
Levonorgestrel (plan B) or ulipristal acetate “morning after pills” delay/prevent ovulation
Spermicides kill sperm and prevent fertilization
Critical periods of Toxic events Gestation:
Gestational targets of xenobiotics
* Uterus: mifepristone plus misoprostol combination for
medical abortions
* Placenta: anti-cholinesterase insecticides
* Embryo: teratogens
Embryo/fetus toxicity
* Exposure via placenta
* Many xenobiotics can cross the placenta barrier (e.g., arsenic, mercury, insecticides)
* Placenta has biometabolizing enzymes
Critical periods of Toxic events 1st Trimester:
* Embryo is particularly
sensitive due to rapid
* Alterations in DNA
synthesis or integrity
* Alterations in microtubule assembly
Post-implantation period (i.e., organogenesis)
* Failure of embryo to implant (death of embryo)
* Embryos are highly susceptible to teratogens
* Teratogens produce structural malformations (e.g., ethanol, thalidomide)
* Placenta/Uterus toxicity
Thalidomide and ethanol is teratogen - can’t give to development - the higher the exposure but has to be at tri-mestestor teratogen very specific window during the first trimester. Time not only dose that can cause that. Babies can be born addicts if drugs can cross the placenta. Addiction is a brain disease.
Critical periods of Toxic events
Fetal period (i.e., 2nd and 3rd trimesters)
- Xenobiotics may affect growth and functional maturation
of organs (e.g., biochemical/physiological alterations) - Fetal (re)programming may result in permanent effects on
structure, physiology and metabolism and may increase
life-long risk for adult diseases - Structural alterations generally result from deformation
rather than malformation (see 1st trimester) - May be subtle changes that are difficult to detect (e.g., central nervous system alterations include behavioral, mental, and motor deficits)
Critical periods of Toxic events
Postnatal development
- Exposure can occur via lactation
- Alterations in growth (e.g., bones)
- Alterations in central nervous system development (e.g., cognition, behavior)
Deformation (occur after organ born) aren’t teratogen - example is missing neurons
Male formation is first trimester
Xenobiotic prenatal toxicity- time
Chemical properties
* Gestational exposure is dependent on chemical nature of
xenobiotic (i.e., can it cross the placental barrier?)
* Biometabolism occurs in the placenta
Timing considerations: not just dose that makes the poison
* Windows of toxicity
Dose considerations
* Continuum of toxicity
* Low dose exposure: growth retardation
* Moderate dose exposure: malformations
* High dose exposure: lethality
Dose of xenobiotic and prenatal toxicity
Threshold is risk assessment - the dose that is required to cause the birth defect - above certain dose have possibility of birth defect and what determine that dose maybe some factors
Mechanisms and pathogenesis of toxicity
Molecular events that can initiate abnormal development
Molecular events that can initiate abnormal development
* Direct DNA mutations and chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., breaks), or genomic DNA instability (alteration in repair mechanisms); can lead to altered protein function
(e.g., lose of function/gain of function)
* Altered gene regulation/expression due to dysregulation of transcription factor and growth factors and/or their receptors
* Enzyme substrate deficiencies or enzyme inhibition
* Cytoskeletal dysfunctions (e.g., many chemotherapeutic drugs such as Taxol)
* Altered membrane properties (permeability) and environmental characteristics (osmolality/ionic imbalance)
* Decreased energy supplies (e.g., O2 starvation, mitochondrial dysfunction)
* Metabolic deficiency (e.g., retinoic acid production)
Mechanisms and pathogenesis of toxicity
Cellular level manifestation of molecular (mechanistic) alterations
- Increased cell death (abnormal tissue/organ growth);
- Altered cell proliferation
- Altered cell differentiation (abnormal tissue/organ growth)
- Inhibition or loss of cell migratory capabilities (abnormal tissue/organ physiology)
- Altered cell-cell interactions/intercellular communication (abnormal tissue/organ physiology)
Embryo/fetus level manifestation of molecular (mechanistic) alterations
* Death/resorption/abortion
* Malformations/deformations
* Reduced birth weight
* Organ dysfunctions (e.g., brain behavior/IQ)
Mechanisms and pathogenesis of toxicity
Disruption of delicate balance between cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and apoptotic cell death in the embryo
* Proper timing and location of cell proliferation differentiation, cell migration are critical to embryonic and fetal development
* Programmed cell death (apoptosis) contributes to normal morphogenesis of the fetus (e.g., sculpting digits of hand and proper connectivity in the central nervous system)
Thalidomide - Teratogens
Thalidomide: teratogen - was a sleep aid Exposure period for teratogenic effects 20-36 days postfertilization
Caused time-dependent malformations: missing ear, thumb, upper limbs, lower limbs (earliest to latest in development)
Several proposed mechanisms
1)DNA damage
2)Dysregulation of gene expression
3)Alterations in angiogenesis (inhibition of new blood
vessel formation)
Freed radicals oxidative one of the markers is depletion of glutathione and is the primary and protects against oxidative damage - see a reduction of glutathione by thalidomide
Why timing is so important during the exposure time - oxidative stress can be responsible for DNA mutation and teratogens - oxidative stress is key mechanism for toxicity in
Ethanol - Teratogens
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
* Retarded intellectual development (low IQ of 68, which is below average of ~100)
Ethanol affects Retinol (Vitamin A) metabolism
* Oxidation of retinol to retinoic acid
* Retinoic acid critical to early embryonic development of the brain
* Teratogenic effects of alcohol may be due to increased cell death in the early embryo;
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
* Acetaldehyde is a teratogen
* Maternal Vit A deficiency is teratogenic
Metals - Speciation
The chemical nature of metals can be changed: speciation of metals
Why are metals indiscretion - element can not be destroyed thats why called elements
Speciation refers to different chemical forms of metals
* In general, the ability to transfer electron(s) in biological systems is a critical property contributing to both the physiological and toxicological potential of metals
The chemical form is influenced by environmental conditions and biological activity (e.g., bacteria enzymatic activity generates methyl mercury)
* The chemical form can influence bioavailability and toxicity of metals (e.g., inorganic vs. organic forms, valence electrons)
Mechanisms of metal toxicity - Mimicry
Some metals can bind to and alter protein structure (e.g., steric re-arrangement)
Mimicry by poisonous metals
* Binding to sites of essential metals is an important contributing factor in toxicity of some metal toxicants
* Cadmium (Cd2+), copper (Cu2+) and nickel (Ni2+) can replace zinc (Zn2+) in certain transcription factors and enzymes
* Manganese (Mn2+) can replace iron
* Molecular/ionic mimicry may facilitate transport of toxic metals (e.g., mimicry of phosphate by arsenate)
* Lead mimicry of calcium (Pb2+ vs Ca2+) in protein kinase C activation
Some metals may directly or indirectly promote oxidative damage to cellular macromolecules (lipids, DNA, protein)
* Iron, Copper, Nickel, and Chromium may act as catalytic centers for redox reactions with molecular oxygen causing oxygen radical production (recall redox cycling)
* Cadmium may displace endogenous iron from its normal cellular ligands, promoting its toxic reaction with oxygen (recall the Fenton reaction)
Toxicity of some metals may result from genetic alterations
* DNA damage: certain ionic chromium species can be directly genotoxic via formation of DNA adducts or can promote crosslinking of proteins to DNA
* Modification of gene expression: Nickel upregulates certain genes (e.g., Cap43/NDRG1 expression) linked to cancer
* Arsenic exposure can modify hepatic gene expression in utero, which may contribute to hepatocarcinogenesis
Factors affecting metal toxicity
* Perinates and elderly adults are often most susceptible to metal toxicity (e.g., developmental effects of lead/mercury)
Chemical species:
* Inorganic and organic forms may be necessary for toxicity (mercury/arsenic) or may affect different target tissues
* Cigarette smoke contains cadmium (can double the lifetime burden of exposure to this medal toxicant)
Factors affecting metal toxicity
Adaptation: Acquired tolerance (increased resistance)
* Increased elimination: increased efflux via multidrug resistance protein pumps (arsenic) or decrease uptake (↓cadmium uptake via calcium G-type channels)
* Increased antioxidant pathways: metal oxidative stress
* Sequestration: intracellular lead-protein inclusion bodies/“aggresomes” or accumulation in body tissues like hair, fingernails and bone
* Metallothionine: expression level is induced by certain metals (e.g., cadmium), serving yet another adaptive mechanism
* Metal-responsive transcription factor-1 (MTF-1) (metal xenosensor) binds to metal response elements in specific genes (e.g., metallothionine, metal transport proteins)
Adaptation: Acquired tolerance (increased resistance) - is that humans build a resistance to protect ourselves→ xensosrs to destroy the - apadaiton bodies adjustment - increased resistance to metals - lead binds to hemoglobin but does not blind directly and blocks iron which hemoglobin needs iron
Toxic metals: Arsenic (As)
Arsenic - phosphate (inorganic is worse)
Can be released from soil by anthropogenic activities, including mining (ground water) and coal burning (air)
Several organic arsenic-based herbicides were in common use until recently (agriculture, golf course/residential lawns)
* Roxarsone is an organic arsenic-based drug that has been used in poultry farming since the 1940s
* Used to control parasite infection, facilitate
weight gain, and improve pigmentation
* Increased levels of inorganic arsenic found in
livers of chickens treated with roxarsone relative to untreated animals
Relationship between chemical form and arsenic toxicity
* Inorganic arsenic is readily absorbed via the GI (80-90%)
* Toxic potential vs. valence: As(III) > As(V) species
* Until recently, the inorganic forms were considered to be more dangerous than organic forms
Arsenic acid resembles phosphate
* Similar chemical structure
* Mimics phosphate for transport by solute carrier proteins
Acute exposure to high doses of arsenic
* Ingestion of inorganic arsenic is lethal at large acute doses (70-180 mg) due to cardiac (heart) toxicity
* Reversible sensory loss due to damage to neurons (peripheral neuropathy) occurs 1-2 weeks after high dose
Molecular mechanisms of acute arsenic toxicity
* As(III) can react with protein thiol (S, methionine, cysteine) groups to alter function (e.g., enzymes)
* Mimicry of inorganic phosphate to disrupt glycolysis and uncouple mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation
Chronic exposure to arsenic
* Cardiovascular toxicity (peripheral vascular disease, gangrene, “blackfoot” disease)
* Arsenic is classified as a known human carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
* Skin (cancer): initially associated with medicinal arsenicals over 100 yrs ago
* Liver (jaundice, cirrhosis, cancer)
* Lungs (cancer): Exposure of embryo to arsenic in utero predisposes young adults to lung cancer
* Bladder (cancer)
Molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis
* Arsenic is not mutagenic in bacterial assays
* Can impair DNA repair and predispose to genomic instability
* Can cause chromosomal abnormalities: aneuploidy (change chromosomal number); micronuclei (abnormal distribution of chromosomes during cell division)
* Can alter DNA methylation status and enhance cell proliferation
* Can function as tumor promoter
Biotransformation and elimination of arsenic
* Arsenic is primarily eliminated in the urine and about 80% is in the organic (Mono- and Di-methyl) forms
* Inorganic forms of arsenic are methylated to organic forms by Arsenite Methyltransferase using S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as cofactor (bacteria or human metabolism)
* Initial methylation forms methylarsonite (monomethyl)
* Methylarsonite is then metabolized by Methylarsonate Reductase to generate methylarsonite
* Methylarsonite is methylated to dimethylarsinate (cacodylate) by Arsenite Methyltransferase
* Classically, methylation was thought to be a detoxification mechanism for inorganic arsenicals, which were presumed to be more toxic
* Recent evidence suggests that organic As(III)
intermediates may have greater toxic potential than the inorganic As(III)
Toxic metals: Lead (Pb)
Lead - ca sequestered in the bone (inorganic vs organic - sequestered in blood by binding to hemoglobin - inorganic forms are associated with toxicity
Pb is released from soil by anthropogenic activities, including mining (ground water) and coal burning (air)
Compared to arsenic, ingested lead is less efficiently absorbed
GI absorption efficiency is higher in children than adults
* Children absorb >42% of ingested lead compared to <15% in adults
* Lead is more efficiently retained in children (>30% vs. <5% for children vs. adults, respectively)
In blood, lead is primarily bound to hemoglobin of red blood cells and only about 1% is available for distribution
Lead is excreted via the kidney (urine) and liver (bile)
Lead accumulates in bone with a half-life of ~20 yrs
* Accounts for 70% of body burden in children and 95% in adults
* Can be released by bone resorption during pregnancy, lactation, menopause, and osteoporosis
* Release from bone may contribute as much as 50% of blood levels
Lead is deposited in teeth
* Lead exposure correlates with dental caries in children
Molecular mechanisms of lead toxicity: Calcium
* Divalent lead (Pb2+) acts as a mimic for divalent calcium (Ca2+)
* May disrupt calcium homeostasis and calcium-dependent signaling (e.g., Protein kinase C activation)
Heme biosynthesis: Inhibits production of protoporphyrin IX, which chelates iron to form heme
* Increased urinary excretion of heme precursor correlates with lead blood levels
Heme biosynthesis
* Lead disrupts iron incorporation into protoporphyrin IX
* Allows zinc to substitute for Iron in protoporphyrin resulting in intensely fluorescent circulating red blood cells
* Anemia due to reduced hemoglobin in RBCs only occurs under severe exposure conditions
Target organs: Nervous system function
* Affects central nervous system development in children (cognition/intelligence)
* Effect on cognitive: decrease of 2-4 IQ points per µg lead/dL increase in blood
* Affects function of many neurotransmitter systems
* Causes peripheral neuropathy (damage to nerve axons) in adults
Target organs: Kidneys
* Chronic lead exposure is associated with proximal tubule dysfunction, fibrosis, nephron loss, kidney failure and cancer
* Intracellular/nuclear inclusion bodies of lead/protein aggregates, which are inert/non-toxic
* Nuclear inclusion body formation is dependent on metallothionein proteins
* Mice deficient in metallothionein are hyper-sensitive to lead kidney toxicity and cancer
* Metallothionein may be a protective mechanisms against kidney toxicity and cancer
Toxic metals: Mercury (Hg)
Mercury - the one that goes into the brain (inorganic is in kidneys or organic methal mercury is absorbed G1 tract no cross blood brain barrair binds to mythoione binding to cysstion)
Iorgianc toxic to kindays
Hg is released from soil by anthropogenic activities, including mining (ground water) and coal burning (air)
Inorganic Hg salts
* GI absorption of inorganic salts is inefficient (<15% of dose)
* Elimination occurs via kidneys (urine) and liver (feces)
* Absorbed inorganic Hg does not cross the blood brain barrier or placenta
* Inorganic Hg accumulates in the kidneys with chronic exposure
* Kidneys are the primary target of inorganic Hg toxicity
Organic Hg: methyl mercury (H3C-Hg)
* Formation can occur in the environment by microbial biometabolism of inorganic species of mercury
* GI absorption of organic Hg is highly efficient (>95% of dose)
* Elimination occurs almost entirely via the liver (90%)
* Readily crosses the blood brain barrier (10% of absorbed dose) and placenta
* Binds to cysteine (CH3Hg- S-Cys), which mimics methionine to cross the blood-brain barrier via the neutral amino acid carrier protein (an SLC transporter)
Kidney toxicity
* The kidneys are the primary target of Hg salts
* Inflammation of the glomeruli (glomerular nephritis)
* Caused by antibody reaction (immune system-mediated)
* The primary target tissue of CH3Hg is the nervous system
* Numbness/tingling (paresthesia)
* Uncoordinated movements (ataxia)
* Vision/hearing loss
* Spasticity/tremors
* Coma/death
Pesticides Definition Insecticide
Pesticides are chemicals that humans deliberately spread in their environment
An insecticide is a type of pesticide. Insecticides kill insects
All insecticides poison the nervous system of the intended insect target
DDT and malaria
Know knockdown resistance of DDT
Expose mosquitoes to a pressure bridges evolution to drive or adjust to change sodium channel - resistance against DDT
DDT is a forever compound
Sodium channel
*Insecticide properties due to neurotoxicity
* Causes muscle twitches/tremors (DDT Jitters), paralysis, and death
* Target molecule: voltage-gated sodium channels on insect neurons, which are necessary for neurotransmission and
muscle function
* DDT inhibits inactivation of insect sodium channels (channel activator), which is necessary for reactivation
DDT resistance
* “Knockdown resistance”: DDT use selects for resistant insects termed
* Resistance is due to point mutations in the target insect’s sodium channel
* Mutations causing changes in amino acids necessary for the action of DDT on the channel
Four major classes of insecticides
Organophosphorus (OP) compounds
Organochlorine compounds
Organophosphorus (OP)
Organophosphorus (OP) compounds: molecular targets
A primary molecular targets of OPs
* Acetylcholinesterase (AChE): toxicity
* Butylcholinesterase (BChE): protection
* Non-specific enolase: toxicity
Primary organ system of OP toxicity
* The nervous system
* Disrupts acetylcholine (ACh) neurotransmission
Some organspahosts coumpoudns need to be activated
Needs oxygen to be toxic and the S makes it not toxic - p450 does the exchange from sulfur to oxygen - p450 makes it toxic and some consequence activation or inactivation or increased elimination - desulfurization - p450 and sip are make toxic but only for some bc some organophosphorus comes with oxygen
Oxygen group on the phosphate
Paraoxonase pathway to dextoy it
Organophosphorus (OP) (have phosphate) compounds attack ACH (acute) and inhibit and accumulates in the synapse and causes excessive activation can lead to spasms and paralysis - serine is critical in inactivating - phosphorylated serine and block enzyme activity - oxygen group covalently binds to serine which is a type of phosphorylation reaction - AChE inhibition causes a decrease in degradation of ACh:
* Results in accumulation of ACh and overstimulation of its
receptor on target cells
*Increases the strength and duration of ACh action
- this phosphorylation can be reversible naturally bc the group can fall but if stays to long can shift to become not iversiable and is called aging is time dependent - only way to regenerate is to make new protein - acetate is hydrolyzed normally to become acate and collision
Attack link between neurons and muscle and contsuies activation of neurons and then become paralysis and can cause repsoirty failue by hurting diaphragm - there is treatment before aging - and atropine prevent respiratory failure
Oxygen is required sometimes F or S is not active or toxic
Goes through bio metabolism p450 with s defusltes it and replaces it with oxygen becomes toxic bc oxygen is critically important for inhibition of target enzyme
Has an X group that falls off during phsophroylation
E means it inactives Ach
Slide 43 overview
When aging is permanent R falls off so when R falls off then it is irreversible
Slide 44 - Another target is NTE - damage to and axons neurons cause damage to neurons which is a delayed responses of sensory motor neurons - really long snesnory anons - longer axons the more snesnable to axnoapy - not reversible
Butyrylcholinesterase high contraction in blood as absorption and segestres OP in the blood and protective mechanism by segregation of OP and OP attacks it as well but no toxic response
Paraonanse a metabolic inactive process of OP - biomesapblism pathway and will degrade the OP compound
Polymorphism and makes paraonase enzyme less efficient or completely inactved - more sesbailte to OP - this enzyme is cristical in protecting us from OP
Polyporphism actual gene
Carbamates - next class (carbonate)
Also target AchE but consqeune is different
Transient and reversible so happens for a period of time and then goes away so no aging bc not permanent so not as harmful as OP
The aucte resolves within a few hours and does not cause axonopathy bc no NTE no delayed nerve damage → could give atropine to block receptor until peceidce is cleared from nouns
In the tissue ACH goes down to 50 percent when exposed
Carbamates can protect against OP by blocking it from getting to target so no aging process
Target AChE like OPs but…
* Carbamate inhibition is transient (reversible)
Pyrethroids from natural flowers called permethrin
Is there to help the flower maybe
More than 25% of the bases is pyrethroid
Causes toxica by blocking sodium channels in neurons - for action potential propagation
Relatively low toxic in humans but not in insects bc our sodium channel differs from the animal
Can be a treatment for scabies skin disease
Organochloride compounds and Endocrine
Organoncholirde coupunds and ednochrine disruption (affecting hormone function in male or female)
Estrogen in females
Antoandorgenic male hormone testosterone - blocks it from signaling and blocks male traits
Predisposed to cancer
Endorcine disruption is controversial bc it has lower affinlty than what was given - experiment on animals chronic exposure - sequestration and build up in body fat over chronic exposure