Bio Lab Quiz #2 Flashcards
Advantages as a model organism
short life cycle (~ 10 days) –> takes 1 day for egg to fertilize, pupa before egg hatch
easy to care for
genetic tools
Distinguishing the sex of fruit flies
Female slightly bigger with larger strips along stomach and males have a black but
Oogenesis - germline to mature cell steps
Egg has polarity (A/P, D/V)
- anterior head
- posterior but
- d/v is dorsal and ventral
Set up by mother (maternal genes)
Micropyle (anterior dorsal)
Dorsal appendages (anterior dorsal)
Once fertilized by sperm called embryo
The Drosophila Reproductive Tract
2 ovaries, oviduct, uterus (takes up most of abdomen)
About 16 ovarioles/ovary
Ovariole-assembly line of egg production
The basic unit of the Drosophila ovary
oogenesis starts
egg chamber
Oogenesis starts in the germarium
The germarium contains germline stem cells
Egg chambers bud off from germarium
The egg chamber has three cell types:
1 oocyte (germline), 15 nurse cells, lots of follicle cells
Cyst formation in the Drosophila ovary steps
Germ line stem cells divide to form daughter stem cell and cystoblast
Cystoblast divides 4x (mitosis) but cytokinesis is incomplete
Cells remain connected by intercellular bridges (ring canals)
One cell becomes the oocyte, the rest nurse cells
Nurse cells provide mRNAs, proteins and organelles to the oocyte and eventually die give their life for oocyte
Early embryogenesis
fertilized egg is called a zygote or one cell embryo
Nucleus divides several times w/o cell division
Nuclei migrate out
(syncytial blastoderm)
Nuclei become enclosed by membranes
(cellular blastoderm)
Maternal products in egg turn on zygotic genes that set up embryo polarity (A/P)
Embryo arranged into segments
(3 head, 3 thoracic, 8 abdominal)
Zygotic segmentation genes are embryonic lethal and controlled by a regulatory hierarchy of genes
Three genes which are
How Id?
Three classes of genes:
Gap genes
Pair rule genes
Segment polarity genes
ID mutants by looking at the larval cuticle (epidermis), denticle belts on ventral side in each segment
Gap genes
Mutants lack: large region
Gene activated by: maternal genes
Normal expression pattern: broad region
Pair rule genes
Mutants lack: every other segment
Gene activated by: gap genes
Normal expression pattern: seven stripes
Segment polarity genes
Mutants lack: part of each segment
Gene activated by: pair rule genes
Normal expression pattern: 14 stripes (every segment)
Direct Immunostaining
fluorophore attached directly to antibody of interest
Indirect Immunostaining
primary antibody of interest is not attached to fluorophore
secondary antibody recognized primary antibody
Immunostaining details
Fix: formaldehyde (preserves tissue, proteins
Washes: Triton (detergent), BSA (bovine serum albumin) both help to eliminate nonspecific staining
Propidium iodide: labels nucleic acids (DNA/RNA)
RNase: get rid of RNA (so only DNA—to visualize nucleus)
Vectashield- anti-fade
Anti-Orb (labels oocyte)
Anti-phosphotyrosine (labels intercellular bridges/ring canals)
Orb protein is expressed in the
Propidium iodide (nucleus) helps show protein/DNA
Phosphotyrosine antibody labels
ring canals of developing egg chambers
Larval Structures
imaginal disks
- Cells set aside during embryogenesis
- Packaged into disks
- Form adult structures (ex:wing)
- Larval body parts histolyzed (degraded)
polytene chromosomes
- Found in some tissues of insect larvae (including salivary glands)
- Chromosomes replicate but don’t separate
- Distinct pattern for each chromosome (can locate genes)
- Drosophila has 4 chromosomes (x, 2, 3, 4)
Why? Make multiple copies of gene so can quickly make a lot of gene product (protein)
Polytene Chromosomes
“Puffs” in polytene chromosomes indicate transcription activation
Occurs in response to ecdysone (hormone important for molting and metamorphosis) or environmental factors such as heat shock
Heat shock induces expression of new genes (9 heat shock genes)
Called the heat shock response (can observe puffs at the 9 heat shock genes)
Heat shock proteins (hsps) are made
Hsps bind to other proteins to protect them during heat shock (called molecular chaperones). Prevent aggregation and help proper folding.
Dark field blocks out direct light (increases contrast)
Used to look at Drosophila larvae
Fluorescent Microscopy
Light = mercury bulb
Sample is labeled with a fluorophore (fluorescent molecule)
Absorbs light at one wavelength (excitation wavelength)
Emits light (photons) at another wavelength (emission wavelength)
Microscope detects photons
Confocal Microscopy
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (LSM)
Thick specimens appear blurry because light outside the focal plane increases background and lowers contrast.
Confocal microscopy eliminates the light outside the focal plane.
Illuminate sample with Laser light. Use pinhole to eliminate out of focus light.
Optical sectioning- obtain a stack of sections at different focal planes and make a 3D image.
What cell type does orb label?
Anti-Orb (labels oocyte)
Propidium iodide (nucleus) helps show protein/DNA
What are the three cell types that make up a Drosophila egg chamber?
1 oocyte (germline), 15 nurse cells, lots of follicle cells
What is a fluorophore?
(fluorescent molecule)
A fluorophore is a fluorescent chemical compound that can re-emit light upon light excitation.
What is the phenotype of a segment polarity mutant in Drosophila?
mutant lack part of each segment
Maternal effect genes
female sterile mutants, depends on mothers genotype
Zygotic genes
embryonic lethal mutants, depends on embryos genotype