toxicology Flashcards
– This refers to the branch of science that treats of poison, their origin, physical and chemical properties, physiological action, treatment of their noxious effect and methods of detection.
The etymology of toxicology came from “______” that means poison and “ology that means___________.
To stop the action of the poison
study or science
– This refers to a substance that when introduced into the body and is absorbed through the blood stream and acting chemically is capable of producing noxious effect.
It will deviate the normal response of your body
– highly irritant poisons that cause local destruction of tissues and characterized by nausea, vomiting, and great local distress. E.g. strong acids and alkalis.
– one that produces irritation or inflammation of the mucus membrane and characterized by vomiting, pain in the abdomen and purging. E.g. arsenic.
( ex. Higad)
– one that produce stupor, complete insensibility, or loss of feeling. E.g. opium, Demerol and cocaine.
( lack of sensitivity or feeling)
– one that act chiefly on the nervous system producing delirium, convulsion and respiration as the outstanding symptoms. E.g. alcohol, opium, and strychnine.
– substance that act chiefly upon the spinal column producing such spasmodic and continuous contraction of muscles as a result of stiffness or immobility of the parts to which they are attached.
– agents that retard or depress the physiological action of an organ. E.g. Nicotine and cocaine.
Depressants or Sedatives
– agents that produce exhaustion, marked loss vital or muscular power. E.g. hydrocyanic acid.
Asthenics or Exhaustive
– This refers to one that there is prompt and marked disturbance of function death within a short period of time. Due to either a strong poison in excessive single dose or several doses at short interval.
Acute Poisoning
– This refers to cases of short and extreme violence that may include symptoms of chronic poisoning.
Sub – Acute Poisoning
– This refers to kind of poisoning in which there is gradual deterioration of function of tissues and may or may not result in death. Either taking several doses at long intervals or taking only toxic doses of the drug produces it.
Chronic Poisoning
– This refers to those in which the poison was taken without intention to cause death. It may be taken by mistake or without knowing that it is poison.
Accidental Poisoning
– This refers to those in which the victim voluntarily for the purpose of taking his own life took the poison.
Suicidal Poisoning
– This refers those in which the poison was given willfully, wantonly and with intent to cause death to the victim.
Homicidal Poisoning
– This refers to those in which the history is hazy as to how the poison was obtained and why it was administered.
– This refers to the changes or disturbance produced on the part with which the poison come in contact. Ex. The corrosion produced by corrosive poisons.
– This refers to the changes or disturbance produced in distant parts away from the site of application. Ex. Dilation of the pupils when belladonna is taken orally.
– This refers to the effect of the poison is not only localized at the site but affects remote organs. Ex. Phenol causes corrosion of the gastro – intestinal tract
(local) and causes convulsion (remote).
– This refers to a term applied to individuals’ reactions to certain substances who exhibit.
– This refers to the quantity of a poison to be administered at one time
– This refers to branch of medical science that concerned with form and quantity of medicine to be administered within a certain period.
– This refers to one that does not cause harmful effect
Safe Dose
This refers to one that is harmful to both healthy and sick
Toxic or Poisonous Dose –
– This refers to one that kills
Lethal Dose
– This refers to the smallest amount that will produce the therapeutic effect without Harm
Minimum Dose
– This refers to the largest amount that will cause no harm but at the same time produce desired therapeutic effect.
Maximum Dose
– place in a test tube with sodium oxalate or anticoagulant. (edta)
– extremely undesirable as preservative of specimen for toxicological examination since it will seriously interfere with the test for most organic poisons.
– provision relative to dispensing of violent poisons like aconite, cyanide, atropine, morphine and strychnine.
Sec. 755
– provision relative to dispensing of less violent poisons like aconite, belladonna, cantharides, digitalis, carbonic acid and chloroform.
Sec. 756
receptacle for poisonous drugs.
Sec. 757