chap 9 (soil) Flashcards
– is the branch of geology that deals with the systematic classification and identification of rocks, rock forming minerals and soils. Also includes study of dust, dirt, safe insulation, ceramics and other such materials both natural and artificial.
formed from soil particles that were washed, blown, or moved by gravity to the lowlands. Earth, sand, gravel, etc. are deposited by moving water and wind.
Alluvial Soil
Its particles may be derived from an almost infinite number of sources, and since the action of water and wind would in few cases be identical over long periods of time in different spots, great variations in composition would be expected.
Alluvial Soil
formed from the decomposition of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, the decomposed particles moved by gravity. Soil in which some movement and intermingling of parts has occurred would be expected to be less variable.
Colluvial Soil
– inactive, not migratory soil.
Sedentary Soil
produced by volcanic or intense heat
Igneous Rock
– has undergone changed in structure, texture through pressure, heat and chemical reaction. Like limestone into marble.
Metamorphic Rock
– Rocks formed by sediments.
Sedimentary rock or sandstone
– includes undecomposed rock fragments ranging from stone down through pebbles, sand and silt.
Primary minerals
– a form of silica. Crystalline mineral usually colorless and transparent. Also called quartz sand. It originates primarily from igneous rock but much of the soil quartz is contributed directly by metamorphic and sedimentary rock. A common mineral. An almost universal component of soil
– white reacts with acid with evolution of carbon dioxide. Occurs widely particularly in calcareous soil.
Calcite (Limestone – CaCO)
(Silicate of Aluminum or Sodium, or Barium, Calcium, Potassium) – their composition gives rise to clay along with more or less soluble salts of the metals named
– white mineral obtained from sedimentary rock. Similar to Limestone.
Dolomite Limestone
– a mineral that crystalline in thin, flexible layers, resistant to heat.
– a product of decomposition of primary minerals. Found nearly all soils and is the major constituent of most heavy soil.
Clay minerals
It imparts to soil cohesiveness and plasticity and becomes hard and adherent on heating. Pure clay is considered by criminologist to be hydrated aluminum silicate.
Clay Minerals
The color of clay soil varies from white through ___,___,___,____,depending on the nature of the admixed impurities.
red, yellow, green, or blue
– one of the most variable of all soil constituents and are of peculiar importance in the identification of soil.
Organic constituents
is likely to be particularly rich in organic constituents both from growth occurring on the land and from added materials such as manure, peat and cover crops.
Agricultural land