Tough Adjectives 07 Flashcards
intermixed, overlapping ( sounds )
entremêlé 6
overlapping, straddling
chevauchant 7
bland, tasteless
fade, fadasse, sans saveur, sans goût 5
affadir - to make tasteless
sparkling, crackling
Thirst-quenching, refreshing
désaltérant 5
Mesquin ( verify ) 5
Auto-infligé 5
Fan-shaped, fanned-out
en éventail [objet] fan-shaped; [plusieurs objets] fanned out 7
[de produits, prix, mesures] range *éventail des salaires - salary range *l’éventail politique - the political spectrum
Flexible ( horaire / schedule )
Convertible / “something you can change around to suit you.”
aménageable 6
Arranged, furnished, laid out, equipped
aménagé 6
Long term
De longue durée 6
Tenet, 1:02:30
Dur ( voix ) 5
sévère ( personne, punition )
Rude ( climat, hiver, temps )