Touch (seen poetry) Flashcards
IEB Seen poetry
What are the typical connotations of touch?
- to cause/permit a body to come into contact
- to show affection
- to tap/feel/strike
- to move/disturb by handling
- to produce an emotional reponse
- to compare to in quality/attainment
Comment on the form of the poem
1) size of paragraphs
2) lengths of lines
3) connotations
4) line construction connotations
Hint: 1) size of paragraphs
1. Varying sizes/ lengths of lines cause a sense of chaose
2. lines broken unnaturally: sense of breaking
3. touches 7 times against margin: 7 years in prison. touch incidents
What is the tone in Stanza 1?
Pleading tone
What is the tone in Stanza 3?
anger/indignation (at his dignity being violated)
Comment on the poet’s choice of diction in Stanza 4 (One: fists…)
3 things to comment on!
mad, fierce
beating x2: anaphora shows length of suffering
Provide evidence for the dehumanisation.
(any valid diction)
What are the connotations of “untouched”?
- not being touched
- not being affected
What are the connotations of “untouchable”?
- to be inferior (Indian Caste system)
- to be so powerful as to be unchallengeable (Apartheid governments and guards)
Comment on the use of adverbs in Stanza 1.
1) “gently” and “slowly” have connotations of tenderness/ sensitivity in a relationship.
2) kindness in the one who touches, and warm acceptance/fulfilling of a need in the recipient.
3) Normal functional human contact: implies he has not had this.
Explain the last two lines of Stanza 1.
physical contact can be an expression of emotion; life defined by physical and emotional connection. he states his desires to be part of human society again.
Explain the connotations of the repeated word in Stanza 2.
- Touch x3
- all with negative connotations of not being touched; isolated emotionally and seperated physically.
- unable to touch/shunned: Black people made to feel inferior during Apartheid/ Hindu caste system.
What are the 2 connotations of “touched” in Stanza 3?
1) physical laying of hands
2) things that have emotionally scarred him
Explain the effect of the alliteration in Stanza 4.
beating, beating:
- plosive b represents the rythm of the sound of the fists hitting him.
What is the effect of the synechdoche in Stanza 4?
the fists are not part of a huaman being; seperation between the fists and humanity.
Comment on the irony in Stanza 4.
The whole poem, he has been wanting to be “touched”. here, screaming please dont touch me, is conflicting with that.
This is not the touch he wanted.
Comment on the use of alliteration in Stanza 5.
paws, patting, prodding, probing, privacy: softer, but still plosive, evoking instrusiveness and violence
- anthropomorphism + synechdoche: inhumane treatment
- Indifferent: Both the guard not caring and the guard having to remain indifferent to do their job (sanity)
Comment on the similarities between Stanza 1 and 6.
-> “I want”
-> desire to be touched
(frame to the poem)
Comment on the effect of the repetition in Stanza 6.
Expresses the hope for life outside of prison/isolation that he has – his potential ability to be part of society again/ humanity again.
Explain the effect of “I want to want”
Unsure if he is able to accept normal life outside of prison, hopes for it.
Comment on the effect of the last lines.
They are a dignified/ polite request – thus tone poignant and reveals vulnerability.
he wishes to be touched physically and emotionally so that he can not longer feel out of touch.
What is the tone in the last stanza?
A pleading tone