Ozymandias seen poetry Flashcards
IEB curriculum
What are the 4 tones in Ozymandias?
Stanza 1: narrative
Stanza 2: mocking
Stanza 3: scornful/hubristic
Stanza 4 : finality/collected
What are the 4 voices?
- Narrator
- Traveller
- Ozymandias
- Sculptor, indirectly
Prove that the statue was made for self-glorification
“vast and trunkless legs”: magnitude
“My name is Ozymandias…”: aggressiveness/ boastfulness
“sneer”: conceit
Explain the irony that the poem conveys.
- Intention was to glorify himself and his possessions
- all that remains is legs, pedestal, shattered visage
- The hand that mock’d: sculptor truth remains
Explain the intention of the poet with reference to the last stanza.
A single man is unimportant in the grand scheme of history.
alliteration in boundless and bare emphasises how the colossal monument is reduced to ruins,
discuss the form of the poem
Not exactly a petrarchian sonnet; shattered like he is, though there is regular rhyme (iambic pentameter) symbolising the marching of time.
“lone/level” and “sands stretch” emphasise what?
the length of the sounds are an indication of how infinite time is and how short his reign, in comparison, was.
What are the 4 tones?
- Narrative
- Mocking
- scornful
- finality
what voices are there?
- The narrator
- The traveller
4.The scupltor
How is the reader positioned to feel?
scornful then a sense of calm/collectedness/ finality
Discuss how the statue links to its purpose
size: magnitude of ruler
inscription: vanity (boastful tone)
sneer: conceit
discuss the structure of the poem
not exactly a petrarchian sonnet: shattered like him. iambic pentameter: marching of time inevitable
comment on the irony in the poem:
intention of statue: glorify himself and possessions
but… all that remains is ruins; all that remains is work of sculptor
just left with the impression he was vain.
Whatis the intention of the poet? explain using the last stanza.
A single man is unimportant in the grand scheme of history; alliteration in boundless and bare emphasises how the colossal monument was reduced to ruins
what is the effect of the alliteration in lone/level and sand/stretch?
slow sounds: emphasise infinte time compared to short reign.