Film Study: Crash Flashcards
Theme of touch:Graham
“In LA, nobody touches you”
“crash into each other just to feel something”
Racism between minority groups kim lee
“Mexicans don’t know how to drive”
Nonchalance around horrible occurrences
“dead kid”
Guns theme: Anthony and Peter
“Why aren’t we scared? Cos we got guns”
what it means to be black in the US
“what it is really like to be black”
“at least I wasn’t watching it with the rest of the equestrian team”
Race being politicised(2)
“Photo of me, pinning a medal on a Black man”
“the right message is look at this Black boy I bought?”
Being black and in high rank; what they sacrifice for it (2)
“How easily that could be taken away”
(even refers to it as a “just cause”
Hypersensitivity from Anthony
“humiliate the people of colour who are reduced to riding in them”
Affirmative action - > John and Shaniqua
“I can’t look at you and not think about the 5-6 more qualified white men who didn’t get your job”
Graham mother quote to Graham about Peter (3)
-> before
-> after 2
“tell him to come home”
“my poor baby”
“he brought me groceries; last thing he did”
John quote to Tom about who he is
“You think you know who you are” “You have no idea”
Peter in the car quote (irony)
‘people,man. People”
issues of black tax
“we weren’t much good to you anymore were we”
Racism between minority groups: Shaniqua at end
“Don’t talk to me unless you speak American”
Daniel, Farhad, Lara scene and related (3)
“I’ll protect you”
“my angel”
“I shoot a little girl”