Topic 9b- Hydrocarbons and polymers Flashcards
What does saturated mean in reference to bonds?
No double bonds- each atom has formed as many bonds with different atoms as it can
What is the formula in terms of n for alkanes?
What is the difference in structure between an alkene and an alkane?
alkenes have the carbon double-bond
What is important to note about reactivity of alkenes?
Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes
(think about it being more ‘kene’ to react)
What happens when bromine reacts with an alkene?
- double bond is opened up leaving a single bond between the two carbons
- the bromine acts like 2 hydrogen molecules that bond with single bonds to the carbons
How do alkenes form polymers?
addition polymerisation
What hydrocarbon undergoes addition polymerisation to form polymers?
What are the properties of polyethene
- flexible, electrical insulator
- cheap
What are the properties of polypropene
- flexible
- strong
- tough
- mouldable
What are the properties of polychloroethene (PVC)
- tough
- cheap
What are the properties of polytetraflouroethene (PTFE)
- unreactive
- tough
- non-stick
What are the uses of polyethene
- plastic bags
- bottles
- wire insulation
What are the uses of polypropene
- crates
- furniture
- ropes
What are the uses of polychloroethene (PVC)
- window frames
- water pipes
What are the uses of polytetraflouroethene?
- non-stick pans
- waterproof clothing
What does condensation polymerisation involve?
Monomers from two functional groups that react together forming bonds and forming a small molecule that is lost (e.g. water).
What’s an example of a naturally occuring polymer?
- DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid
- amino acids and proteins
- carbohydrates and starch
What are pastics made from?
Crude oil
What are the disposal methods of plastic waste?
- landfill
- combustion
- recycling
How many carbons does an alkane / alkene have by name?
- Meth- 1
- Eth- 2
- Prop- 3
- But- 4
What molecules form together to create polymers through condensation polymerisation?
dicarboxylic acids and diols which produce a water molecule as a byproduct