Topic 9 Flashcards
how do you determine what is the best coordinate system
depends on what you are doing/mapping
describe the projection process
choose how to model the earth
principale scale = scale reduction
reduced to the globe
global = sphere
small = ellipsoid
what does GCS do
tell me where on the earth the data should draw
what does the PCS do
tell me how to draw on the earth on a flat surface
latitude and longitude
3d reference type on a spherical surface
angular measures (degrees, minutes, seconds)
N,E are +
S,W are -
the geoid
equipotential surface
surface rises under continents and lowers under oceans - generally
variations in gravitational force due to irregular distribution of rocks
earth shaped
the ellipsoid
a regular geometric surface used to approximate the geoid
oblate or “flattened”
has easily defined axes
how to choose ellipsoid?
before 1980s different ellipsoids used for different areas.
satellite data allowed to choose a best fitting ellipsoid for the whole earth
datums and characteristics
shape of ellipsoid
orientation of ellipsoid
size, position, orientation (3 key points)
what are the two types of datums
ECEF ( earth fixed) global
Not ECEF (not earth fixed) local
prominent horizontal datums
north american datum 1927
based on clarke 1866 ellipsoid
basis for horizontal datum
developed to map North America
north american datum 1983
based on GRS1980 ellipsoid
less flattened than NAD27
world geodetic system
slight change from the NAD 83 (2m + difference only)
slight orientation change
based on GRS1980
ECEF vs. plate fixed
ECEF = earth centered, earth fixed
location is same, but earth might have moved
plate fixed = move lat and long locally according to earth movement
what is an epoch
mathchig timeframe of measurements to our maps
timeframe when the snapshot was taken
epoch = realization
what is the ITRS
international terrestrial reference system
describes procedures for creating reference frames
what is the ITRF
international terrestrial reference frames
realization of the ITRS
new reference frame solutions produced
snapshot of coordinates
lat/long elevation at point in time
updated every few years