Topic 8: The Placenta Flashcards
signs of placenta separation
- calkin’s sign
- the fundus rising in the abdomen
- sudden gush of blood
- lengthening of the cord
2 types of placental delivery
duncan delivery and schultz delivery
this refers to the pushing effort of the mother that help the fetus push itself downward.
it refers to the rise of the abdomen and the hardening
peak of the hardening
relaxing of the hardened abdomen and the going down
this refers to the time of one contraction. the beginning of the contraction to the end of the next contraction
this refers to the beginning of the contraction to the beginning of the next contraction
this refers to the strength of the contraction which is measured by the consistency of the fundus to the peak of the contraction. It is expressed in mild, moderate and strong
the time of the resting phase starting from the end of the 1st contraction to the beginning of another contraction
this is connected to the patient to monitor of the fetal
electrical fetal monitoring
the difference between true labor and false labor
FALSE LABOR: irregular interval contractions pain in the abdomen the intensity remains the same intervals remain long walking gives relief no bloody show no cervical changes contraction stop with sedation
TRUE LABOR: regular interba; of contractions pain starts on the back of the abdomen the intensity worsten intensified by walking bloody show does not stop with sedation intervals gradually shorten
preliminary signs of labor 7
lightening, loss of weight, bloody show, increase in activity level, rupture of membranes, braxton hicks contraction, ripening of the cervix/cervical changes
signs of labor 4
uterine changes, uterine contraction, dilatation, effacement
explain physiological retraction ring
this happens between the boundary of the upper and lower uterine segment. Where in during delivery, the upper segment becomes thick and active to expel out the fetus, while lower becomes thin and pressure will increase so that the fetus can be push out easily.
stages of labor
dilatation, fetal expulsion, placental stage, recovery
phases of dilatation
latent, active, transitional
the longest stage in delivery takes about 6-12 hours wherein there would be dilatation of the cervix until 10 cm
early labor with 3-4 cm cervical dilatation. During this time the mother is still sane with short regular contractions. During this time, data gathering must be done, including physical assessment and Leopold’s maneuver.
Latent Phase
t/f: it is okay to check for the FHT with contractions
mother is in accelerated phase with 4-7 cm dilatation. Increased duration contraction, as well as the intensity and frequency. Monitoring of FHT and contractions must be done regularly.
Active Phase
in this phase, checking of the FHT every 15 mins is essential. 8-10 cervical dilatation. This is the phase where the baby is almost out where the doctor will facilitate amniotomy to rupture the BOW of the mother.
Transitional Phase
stage where cervical dilatation reaches its peak and the delivery of the newborn will start with the aid of the pushing power of the mother
fetal expulsion
define SUBIRBA
severe uterine contractions Urge to defecate bearing down sensation increase bloody show ruptured bag of water bulging of the perinuem anal dilation
define cardinal movement of labor DFIRE ERE
descent flexion internal rotation extension external rotation expulsion
maternal side of the placenta, rough and dirty
duncan delivery/ placenta
fetal side of placenta, shiny
schultz delivery
the action of massaging the abdomen to assist in the separation for the placenta
Crede’s maneuver
this is action of coiling the umbilical cord to prevent it from dangling on the floor
brandt andrews maneuver
the repair of the episiotomy
deegree of laceration
1st deg: skin and vagina
2: skin, vagina and musce
3. skin, vagina, muscle,. + external sphinter of the rectum
4: lahat + muscous membrane of the rectum