Topic 7: Labor Flashcards
this refers to series of events when the product of conception is expelled out from the woman’s body
4 theories of labor
uterine stretch theory oxytocin and prostaglandin progesterone deprivation theory prostaglandin theory placental aging theory
theory: works together to inhibit calium binding in muscle cells raising intracellular calcium thus activating contractions
oxytocin and prostaglandin
it is known that uterus is a hollow organ. And when an hollow organ reaches its peak of stretchability, it tries to contract to expel its content. with the help of the prostaglandin, contraction of the uterus would indicate a sign of labor
uterine stretch theory
this theory says that this hormone is responisble for stimulating myometrium or the muscle of the uterus to contract, thus labor begins
prostaglandin theory
when placenta reaches its peak of performance. Its function starts to degenerate due to the decrease of the homrones estrogen and progesterone. Which triggers the labor
placental aging theory
a decrease in progesterone causes uterine changes, thus labor pains occur. Progesterone is known to inhibit uterus mobility, and with the deprivation of this hormone it causes changes.
Progesterone deprivation theory
5 components of labor
passageway, passenger, power, psyche, position
mother’s psychological condition
name the components of passageway
mother’s cervical canal, cervix, vagina, mother’s pelvis
name the components of passenger
fetus and the placenta
it refers to the bearing sensation of the mother.
name components of power
uterine contractions, uterine muscles, and the ability of the mother to push.
position of labor in the Philippines?
lithotomy position
the most appropriate or ideal pelvis of a mother for labor
name diff kinds of pelvis
gynecoid, platypeloid, anthropoid, android
a broad and flat pelvis, with a resemblance of a transverse presentation.
elongated pelvis which resembles the pelvis of the ape according to study. tyhis is not appropriate for a normal delvery
very common pelvis in male
to ease the delivery the doctor usually cur or tear the perineum, to help faciliatte the delivery fo the fetus is called
this refers to the setting of the fetal presenting into ischial spine.
relationship of the fetal presenting part to the level of the ischial spine expressed in (-+)
if the head is in the ischial spine, what is the station?
station of crowning
+3 / +4
station of floating
this refers to the opening of the cervical os which is express in centimeters
artificial rupturing on the bag of membrane is called
thinning of the vaginal rugae which is expressed in percentage is called
site of episiotomy
diamong shape indention that will close at 18 months; also referred to as BREGMA
anterior fontanelle
will close immediately after delivery but on some cases, it will close after 3 months
posterior fontanelle
the degree of flexion / extension the fetus assumes
fetal attitude
only applicable for cephalic
this is the relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the mother (transverse, vertical)
fetal lie
this refers to the body part that will first contact with the cervix
diffirent types of breech
frank, complete, footling