TOPIC 3: Antepartum/ Pregnancy Flashcards
the system that produce, nourish and transport sperm into the female reproductive system for reproduction
male reproduction system
male reproductive organs secretes the sex hormone called
2 external structures of the male RS
penis and scrotum
transports the semen into the female reproductive system
3 parts of penis
gland penis, prepruce/foreskin, shaft
cheesy like substance that collects under the prepuce that is responsible for the odor of the MRS
failure of the scrotum to descend.
it traps the blood to prevent backflow during erection; basically, this is the one responsible for erection
ischiocavernous muscle
5 internal structures of the MRS
testis, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, vas deferens, urethra
regions of urethra
prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, penile urethra
3 accessory gland of the MRS
prostate gland, seminal vesicle, bulbourethral gland
makes the testosterone, and maintains the health of the reproductive system
bag of skin that holds and protect the testicles. it also regulate the temeprature to maintain viability of the sprm
secretes alkaline fluid and frcutose
seminal vesicle
walnut shape that is responsible for the prevention of the mixture of the semen and urine during intercourse
prostate galnd
secrete alkaline mucus fluid that helps counter the acidity of the vagina, it also lubricates the urethra
bulbourethral gland
causes the pituitary gland to make and secrete LH and FSH. In men, causes the release of testosterone
gonadotropin releasing hormone
percentage of the content of semen
60% prostate gland, 30% seminal vesicle, 5% bulbourethral gland, 5% epididymis
per cc of semen
40-80 mil
per ejaculation
300-500 mil
system that nourish and protect the developing fetus inside the mothers womb. it also produces the egg cell and is the site for fertilization
female reproductive system
6 external structures of the FRS
mons pubis, labia minora, labia majora, perineum, urethral orifice, clitoris
7 internal structures of the FRS
vagina, uterus, fallopian tube, cervix, fimbriae, broad ligaments, ovary
structures of the vagina that are transverse ridges that becomes thin during delivery
vaginal rugae
this is where the baby develops
site of fertilization
help the uterus in place
broad ligament
milk ejection is stimulated by what hormone
follicle that surrounds the zona pellucida following the ovulation process and this will provide physical and internal protection to the oocyte
corona radiata
the one that supports the communication between the oocyte and the follicular cells during oogenesis
zona pellucida
important part of the extracellular martix that functions in cells during signalization
hyaluronic acid
shedding of the corpus luteum
average cycle of menstruation
28 days
menstrual flow contains how many ml?
30-80 ml
abdominal cramping that occurs after the ovulation
abdominal pain that occurs during period
hormone that inhibits the production of FSH; hypertrophy of endometrium, proliferation of endometrium, development of breast, incerase cervical mucus
test done to know the stretchability of the cervical mucus
spinnbarkeit test
inhibits the production of LH; increase tortousity and secretions of endometrium, inhibits uterine motility; facilitate the transport of fertilized to the fallopian tube; increase body temp after ovulation
body structures involved in menstruation
hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, ovary, uterus
cns response of mens
hypothalamus signals the anterior pituitary gland to release LH and FSH
ovarian response of mens
proliferative phase(development of follicle) and secretory phase (corpus luteum develops and degrades when no fertilization happens)
endometrial phase of mens
menstrual phase, proliferative phase, secretory phase, ischemic phase
begins with the end of menstruation where low levels of estrogen and progesterone will cause the hypothalamus to signal APG to GnRH to release FSH which stimulates the growth of follicle
follicular phase
happens on the 15th day or at the Peak day where the increase level of estrogen causes the hypothalamus to trigger APG to release LH which causes the rupture of the graafian follicle to rupture and release ovum.
ovarian phase
when 2 ova matures and both are fertilized it causes wwhat type of twin
fraternal twins
when 1 fertilized ovum, separates into two zygotes. this type of twin is called
identical twins
in this phase, Corpus luteum develops and continues to release progesterone to maintain the vascularity and the thickness of the endometrium. If no implantation happens, hypothalamus will signal APG to stop releasing LH and FSH which causes the corpus luteum to degrade
secretory/ luteal phase
what happens when corpus luteum degrades
due to the degradation of the corpus luteum, production of progesterone is all being lessen which causes the endometrial lining to be fragile and shred off which causes menstruation
branch of medicine that would take care of the woman as well as the inborn baby, deals with all aspects of pregnancy, prenatal to postnatal
practice of nursing care that is given to a woman before, during and after pregnancy
branch of nursing that is family centered. Assume responsibility for the whole cycle of the pregnant mother and to include the family member
maternal and child care
stages of pregnancy
fertilization, implantation, pre-placental, placental and fetal development
the process in which sperms penetrate to the outer layer of the ovum
supports fertilization (4)
amniotic fluid, placenta, umbilical cord, fetal membranes
when the blastocyst attached to the endometrium after fertilization
collection of cells coded that undergone mitotic division that continuous to grow until it becomes a blastocyst
3 process of implantation
apposition, adhesion, invasion
when blastocyst reach or brushed through the endometrium
when blastocyst attaches in the endometrium
when blastocyst settles in into the soft folds of the endometrium
3 decidua
decidua basalis, decidua capsularis, decidua vera
portion of the decidua that later trophoblast estrablish communication with the maternal blood vessels which forms the maternal side of the placenta
decidua basalis
it encapsulates the trophoblast layer
decidua capsularis
embryonic membrane that is involved in implantation 4
amniotic fluid, yolk sac, chorionic villi, allantois
serves as a protective mechanism of the fetus where it serves as a protection from pressure/ blow; it also regulates temperature, and aids with the development of the fetus
amniotic fluid
normal amniotic fluid
800- 1200ml
it is involved in the production of the placenta. surrounded by a double layer of trophoblast and produces hormones
chorionic villi
hormones produce by the chorionic villi
Human Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone, progesterone, estrogen, human placental lactogen
produces rbc and immature sex cells; becomes part of the umbilical cord
yolk sac
contributes to the diff structures of the body such as the bladder and blood vessels; later on it deteriorate and becomes part of the umbilical cord
21 inches long from the mother to the placenta that transports nutrients, oxygen, minerals and waste products
umbilical cord
white substance that wraps and protects the 2 arteries and 1 veins
wharton’s jelly
veins of the umbilical cord
2 arteries 1 veins
this acts as a fail-safe measure to ensure that corpus luteum of the ovary continues to produce progesterone and estrogen. This is important because if the CL fail and the progesterone decreases, the endometrial lining will slough and pregnancy will be lost
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
a hormone with both growth promoting and lactogenic properties; also serves the important role of regulating maternal glucose, proteins and fats levels
human placental lactogen/ human somatomammotropin
these are toxic substances that can cause severe birth defects
critical time of brain development
16 weeks
the outermost fetal membrane, its purpose is to form the sac that contains the amniotic fluid
chorionic membrane
second membrane lining the chorionic membrane that forms beneath the chorionic that forms the amniotic fluid
amniotic membrane
excessive amniotic fluid, exceeding to 2000 Ml
type of abortion where in nothing is done to the pregnant mother, it just occurs naturally without any artificial interference
spontaneous abortion
type of abortion that are caused by mechanical or artificial means to remove the baby
induced abortion
type of abortion that is performed by a physician as a form of treatment in saving the mother
therapeutic abortion
1st movement felt by the mother
fine hair that can be found all over the body
a white cheesy substance that is found all over the body that is important for thermo regulation
vernix caseosa
transports the mixed blood from the baby to the placenta going back to the mother
umbilical artery
transports the oxygenated blood and nutrients from the mother to the placenta going to the fetus
umbilical veins
accessory vessels that delivers oxygenated blood directly to the fetal liver. It bypasses in the liver leaving 40% of it and the rest goes to the IVC
ductus venosus
septum between the right atrium to the left atrium where blood is shunted
foramen ovale
septum between the pulmonary artery to the aorta.
ductus arteriosus
abnormal connection between the aorta and the pulmonary artery in the hear
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
disorder where in there is a mixture of blood
blue baby syndrome