Topic 2: Procreative Health Flashcards
refers to the sexual behavior in all organisms. A person’s sexuality encompasses complex emotions, attitudes, preferences and behaviors related to the expression of sexual self and eroticism
absense of sexuality
individual who is sexuality attracted to own self, prefers masturbation. Does not necessarily mean that he/she is not attracted to other people
refers to the expression of sexual sensation and intimacy between human beings, as well as the expression of identity through sex
human sexuality
t/f: sexuality pervades virtually every aspect of human life from birth to death
t/f: moral values concerning appropriate sexual behaviors have undergone considerable liberations in most western cultures in recent years
t/f: successful gender identification is not important for an individuals health and well-being
consist of touching the erogenous zones or the excitement area
physical stimulation
prelude to sexual excitement and sexual activity. occurs in the mind.
five patterns of sexual response (in order)
desire, excitement/arousal, plateau, orgasm, resolution
body’s physical response to desire. Manifested through physical indications
excitement/ arousal
highest moment of sexual excitement before orgasm. it can be lost and regain several times.
peak of plateau. The tension that is building in the body is being releease which causes sense of well being. The time where ejaculation of sperm into the female happens
release in the body during intercourse that cause a sense of well being
period following orgams, which muscles relax and body begins in the pre-excitement state
period between to different people who do not know each other/ in relationship that is not married and create love
occuring, existing, or taking effect after marriage
outside of marriage relationship where an illicit romantic or sexual relationship happens
factors affecting sexual functioning (4)
biological, social, moral, psychological
t/f: sex is a search for sensual pleasure and satisfactions, releasing physical and psychic tensions
t/f: sex is sacramental and symbolic
complete set of genes
how traits are being expressed
pair of genes
same alleles
different versions of the trait
name autosomal dominant disordors
dwarfism, hungtington’s disease, marfan’s disease
progressive breakdown of nerve cells causing problems in the brain
hungtington’s disease
affects the connective tissue or fibers. this disease limits the production of protein that is important to build the connective tissue
marfan’s disease
AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE DISORDER: abnormal production of mucus in the lungs and pancreas.
cystic fibrosis
name xlinked dominant disorder
fragile x syndrome and sickle cell disease
mental retardation due to absense of production of protein important for brain development
fragile x syndrome
disorder in the blood cell. wherein, blood has abnormal shape causing insufficient intake of oxygen in the blood throught your body
sickle cell disease
name xlinked recessive disorder
haemophilia and fabry disease
disorder wherein blood does not clot normally
disoder wherein there is an abnormal build up and production of fatty subsatnce that increases the risk for cardiovascular problems and kidney failure
fabry disease
name multifactorial inheritence disorder
cleft palate, and cleft lip
a whole chromosome is either missing or extra
numeric chromosome abnormality
a disorder under numeric abnormality, where in a boy has an extra X chromosome
klinefelter syndrome
disorder where a part of an individuals chromosome is missing, extra, or switched to another chromosomes
structural disorder
chromosomes breaks and a portion is reattached to a different chromosomes
risk of genetic disorder
age, family history of disease, race, ob history of pregnancy
chemicals that affects the growth and development of the fetus
4 screening test for genetic traits
karyotyping, heterozygote screening, maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein, triple screening (MSAF, Estriol, HCG)
the baby doesnt have a skull
disorder where in a baby does not have proper development and growth of the spine
spina bifida
disorder where in a baby doesnt have abdominal wall causing the intestine to come out
4 diagnostic test
chorionic villi sampling, amniocentesis, sonography (ultrasound), fetoscopy
prenatal test that involves taking a sample tissue from the placenta to test for chromosomal abnormalities. usually done 8th to 10th week of pregnancy
chorionic villi sampling
taking down 2-5 ml of amniotic fluid from the mother to check for abnormalities. usually done on the 14th to 16th week of pregnancy
non-invasive procedure that uses high waves of frequency sound waves
nurse preparation if the doctors will do transvaginal ultrasound
advice mother for a full bladder
nurse preparation if the doctor will ask for abdominal ultrasound
empty bladder
an incision done in the mother to insert a tube with a camera to visualize the baby inside the wombv