Topic 8 Fuels and Earth science Flashcards
1 What are the chemical symbols for the elements carbon and hydrogen?
C; H
3 What state (solid, liquid or gas) is crude oil at room temperature?
8 How many years hundreds, thousands or millions does it take for crude oil to form?
11 Name the two elements found in hydrocarbons.
carbon; hydrogen
12 Crude oil is forming extremely slowly. Does this make it a finite resource or a non-renewable one?
13 Petrol comes from crude oil. Give one use for petrol.
fuel for cars
14 Name the main hydrocarbon found in natural gas.
15 Diesel oil is being used up faster than crude oil forms. Does this make it a finite resource or a non-renewable one?
16 Name the polymer formed from ethene, which comes from crude oil.
21 Give one typical use of fuel oil.
fuel for large ships/fuel for some power stations
26 What process is used to separate crude oil into useful mixtures?
fractional distillation
28 Which fraction is more easily ignited, bitumen or kerosene?
29 Which fraction is more viscous, bitumen or kerosene?
32 What is the most abundant element in air?
33 Which gas reacts with hydrocarbons when they burn?