Topic 7 - Homeostasis and Response Flashcards
What are hormones?
Chemical messengers carried by the blood around the body to the target organ
What is the hormonal system?
The collection of glands in the body that produce hormones
What is the endocrine gland?
An organ that makes and releases hormones into the blood
What is the pituitary gland?
An organ found just below the brain that releases many hormones e.g. growth hormone
What is the thyroid gland?
A gland that releases thyroxine into the blood to help control metabolism
What is the pancreas?
An organ that produces some digestive enzymes and hormones including insulin
What are the adrenal glands?
They are located at the top of the kidney and produces the hormone adrenaline
What are the testes?
An organ in the male reproductive system which releases the hormone testosterone
What are the ovaries?
An organ in the female reproductive system which releases progesterone and oestrogen
Target Organ
The organ which hormones are targeted to effect
Menstural Cycle
The monthly 28 day cycle involving a woman’s reproductive system
The stage of life when the body develops in ways that allow reproduction. E.g. the production of sperm cells in the testes and release of egg cells from the ovaries
When the menstural cycle stops completely
Breakdown and loss of the uterus lining (period) days 1-5 of menstrual cycle.
Release of an egg from the ovary
Hormone released by ovaries that helps build up uterus lining.
Hormone released by ovaries helping build up uterus lining.
Preventing the egg reaching the sperm so fertilisation can not take place eg. condom
Controlling the internal environment of the body at stable levels.
A hormone that decreases blood glucose concentration. Used to treat type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes
A disease where the body cannot control blood glucose at the correct level. Type one is when the pancreas cannot produce any insulin
Type 2 Diabetes
As above but cells do not respond insulin or too little is produced, as a result of a poor diet
A relationship between 2 variables, as one changes so does the other
Body mass index– an estimate of how healthy a person’s mass is for their height
Waist:Hip Ratio
A measurement of the amount of fat in a body calculated by dividing the waist and hip measurements