Topic 6- Notes Flashcards
What are fingerprints?
Fingerprints are small ridges caused by fold in the epidermis. Sweat and oil secretions- from rest of body, that we touch with our hands- leave imprints on surfaces. Everyone’s is unique, even identical twins.
How are fingerprints made visible/ matched?
Fine line aluminium, iron or carbon powders- stick to print.
Superglue- reacts w/ water & other substances left by the prints.
Ninhydrin- reacts w/ amino acids in sweat producing purple impression on absorbent surfaces.
Vacuum metal deposition to cover print w/ thin layer of non-reactive metal.
Magnets and iron flakes.
Min. 16 points must be identical for prints to match.
What is IDENT1?
National computerised database of biometric information to match fingerprints.
How can dental records be used in identifying people?
Teeth & fillings decay v. slowly.
Forensic dentist makes accurate chart of teeth, incl. fillings, dental work & missing teeth. Compared w/ records of missing people. Per records and X-rays used.
Development of teeth & roots used to determine age.
1) What are intragenic regions?
2) What are expressed regions?
3) What are short tandem repeats?
1) The non-coding (doesn’t code for proteins) blocks, introns. Within introns, short DNA sequences are repeated many times. They are inherited in the same way as any…
2) …genes within the coding regions, exons.
3) The sequence of repeated bases (STRs or satellites). Can contain from 2-50 base pairs & can be repeated from 5-100’s of times.
What is DNA profiling?
Also known as genetic fingerprinting and DNA fingerprinting- relies on fact that everyone, except identical twins, have unique DNA.
How does STR variation help w/ DNA profiling?
Same STRs occur at same place on both chromosomes of a homologous pair. No. times they’re repeated varies.
Each person has a large no. of introns w/ lots of STR loci + variation in no. repeats= 2 individuals v. unlikely to have same combination of STRs- enables scientists to create a virtually unique DNA profile.
How is DNA profiling made?
Tissue sample must be obtained & DNA extracted. Fragments of different lengths created by cutting DNA. Fragments separated & visualised, compared w/another.
How is the DNA obtained?
Can be obtained from almost all biological tissue. Tissue sample is broken down in buffer solution that includes salt and a detergent to disrupt the cell membranes.
The small suspended particles, including DNA, are separated from rest of cell debris by filtering or centrifuging.
Protease enzymes are incubated with the suspension to remove proteins & then cold ethanol is added to precipitate out the DNA.
Several stages of washing DNA in a buffer solution then follow.
How are the DNA fragments created?
Alec Jeffreys technique involves treating DNA sample w/ restriction enzymes/ endonucleases. These are found naturally in bacteria, function- cut up invading viral DNA. Enzymes will only cut DNA at specific base sequences (4~6 base pairs long). If restriction sites are either side of a short tandem repeat sequence that fragment of DNA will remain intact, but it’ll be cut away from rest of the genome.
Are bacteria’s own DNA affected by their own restriction enzymes?
No- their DNA doesn’t contain sequences that’re targeted by their restriction enzymes. In lab, their used as target ‘scissors’. Cut DNA sample into fragments only where their specific restriction sequence occurs. If same restriction enzyme’s used to cut two identical DNA samples, identical STR fragments are produced.
What is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?
Tiny deposits of hair, skin, body fluid are used for identification purposes DNA is copied numerous times using the PCR and DNA primers.
DNA primers are short DNA sequences complementary to DNA next to STR. DNA primers are marked w/ fluorescent tags.
Forensic sample is placed in reaction tube w/ DNA polymerase, primers & nucleotides. When in PCR machine, tube undergoes cycle of temp changes.
First separates double stranded DNA. Second optimises binding of primer to target DNA sequence in sample. Then polymerase attaches and replication occurs. Final temp change, opt temp for heat stable DNA polymerase.
Cycle continues- many targeted DNA fragment produced.
What are micro-satellites?
In forensic cases, DNA samples are generally analysed for presence of 10 short tandem repeat sequences-micro satellites.
Each target STR is 4 bases in length, an additional primer is used to determine gender; it targets a sequence on the sex chromosome.
How are the fragments separated?
Gel electrophoresis.
DNA placed on gel of agarose or polyacrylamide, both provide a stable medium through which the fragments can move. Gel is submerged in a buffer solution, & connected to electrodes that produce a potential difference across the gel.
The -ve DNA fragments migrate through gel according to charge and size. Smaller ones w/ smaller no. repeats move faster. They end up close to +ve electrode.
Reference sample w/ fragments of known length may be added to gel- DNA ladder or marker- fragment lengths are measured in base pairs.
How are the fragments then removed from the gel?
Gel is fragile & DNA fragments are double-stranded after electrophoresis if restriction enzymes have been used to produce the fragments. Southern blotting used to transfer them to more resilient nylon or nitrocellulose membrane.
Membrane placed directly onto gel & wad of dry absorbent paper placed on top- acting as a wick- drawing buffer solution up through the gel carrying DNA onto membrane. Fragments maintain their positions relative to each other and are denatured into single strands, exposing base sequences.
How are the DNA fragment (/probes) labelled?
Membrane incubated with excess labelled DNA probe- short section of DNA with base sequence complementary to target DNA sequence that needs to be located. Probe’s given time to bind to complementary sequence (hybridised)- any unbound is washed away. Probes can be labelled w/ radioactive phosphorus (32P), or w/ fluorescent marker.
Radioactive probe- membrane dried & placed next to X-ray film- film blackens where probe has bound.
Fluorescent probe-position on membrane can be visualised under UV.
Explain the bands after the fragments have been visualised:
Single band occurs on the profile where a person’s maternal and paternal chromosomes have the same no. repeats at particular locus. 2 bands occur on profile if 2 chromosomes have different no. repeats at a locus.
Unique banding for each individual if probes for many different repeated sequences are used. Pattern produced is the familiar banded DNA profile.
How can fragments of DNA produced by PCR be analysed?
Gel electrophoresis.
DNA primers have fluorescent tags- allows system to be automated. As DNA fragments with their tags move through gel they pass a laser, the dye in tag fluoresces & coloured light is detected- gives time taken for fragments to pass through gel- calibrated w/ size using fragments of known length. size= no. base pair it has. Several can be analysed at once using different wave lengths.
What can be used to help determine the time of death?
Temperature of the body, the degree of rigor mortis, and the state of decomposition.
Also any entomological (insect) evidence can help.
How can body temperature be used to determine time of death?
Body starts to cool down after death- useful method for up to 24 hours after death. Measured through the rectum or through an abdominal stab w/ long thermometer/ electronic temp probe. Cooling of body allows for a sigmoid curve. Initial temp plateau ~lasts 30-60 mins. Graph assumes temp at death was 37degree C.
As near linear part of cooling curve temp decline per hour can be used. Factors that effect cooling: size, position, clothing, air movement, humidity and temp of surroundings.
How can Rigor Mortis be used to determine time of death?
After death muscles relax then stiffen then relax- stiffening known as Rigor Mortis.
1) muscle cells starved of O2
2) respiration in calls becomes anaerobic-lactic acid.
3) pH of cells falls, inhibiting enzymes and anaerobic respiration.
4) the ATP needed for muscle contraction no longer produced. Bonds between the muscle proteins become fixed.
5) proteins can’t move over one another to shorten muscle, stiff.
Rigor Mortis will be complete 6-9 hrs after death, shorter if temp is high or person has been physically active before death.
How can decomposition be used to determine the time of death?
Autolysis occurs first- body’s own enzymes, from digestive tract and from lysosomes, break down cells.
Bacteria from gut and gaseous exchange system rapidly invade the tissues after death, releasing enzymes that result in decomposition. Loss of O2 in tissues favours the growth of anaerobic bacteria. Low temp-slow rate. Heat denatures enzymes- delays decomposition.
What are the signs of decomposition?
First signs (putrefaction) in humans, greenish discolouration of skin of lower abdomen- 36-72 hrs after death- due to sulfhaemoglobin in blood - spreads and turns purple-black. Gas/ liquid blisters on skin- after a week. Smell, bloating- bacteria- H2, CO2, methane.
How can Forensic entomology be used to determine time of death?
Forensic entomologist- record info on location and condition of body- sample insects found- temps recorded- measure ‘maggot mass’.
Some maggots killed to determine age, some kept alive to take to lab. Live maggots feed on meat to complete development- establishes species and when they pupate. Bluebottle is most common species found on bodies.
Look at graph of development stages- compare to maggots found, see how old they are=min time of death.
Toxins and temp of body effect this.
How is succession present on corpses?
One group of organisms feed on body- conditions change- other species attracted-and more and more-finally left w/skeleton. Forensic entomologists use predictable sequences of organisms that feed on corpses to determine time of death.
Season, weather, size and location affect this.
Most early (pioneer) species remain throughout.
Some organisms only occur in one location- helps determine if body has been moved.
Which decomposers, other than insects, are involved in the decomposition of the body?
Bacteria from gut. Fungi and other bacteria.
Corpse= energy source. Proteins, fats, nucleic acid, organic carbohydrates= food source- bacteria and fungi multiply- CO2 released- sustains carbon cycle- used by plants in photosynthesis.
What can an internal examination show us about the cause of death?
Incision made down front of body-organs taken out for examination.
Heart and Arteries- atherosclerosis/ heart attack?
Cirrhosis of liver- death of liver cells & formation of fibrous tissue- suggests inadequate diet/ excessive alcohol consumption/ infection.
Blood & tissue- tested for toxins/ infections/ tumours.
Stomach analysed to see what was last eaten.
What does HIV stand for?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
What does AIDS stand for?
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Describe some features of Bacteria:
- Prokaryotic
- No nucleus/membrane bound organelles.
- Diameter 0.5~5um
- Reproduce asexually- binary fission- DNA divides into two identical cells.
- Produce no spindle during cell division.
What are the pili (pilus)?
Protein tubes that allow bacteria to attach to surfaces and are involved in cell-to-cell attachment.
What is the capsule, on a prokaryotic cell?
A protective mucus layer which prevents cell dehydration; it also allows bacteria to from colonies.
What is the mesosome, in a prokaryotic cell?
An infolding of the cell surface membrane.
Describe the cell wall around a prokaryotic cell?
No cellulose- made of peptidoglycan- a polysaccharide cross-linked by peptide chains.
Describe the structure of viruses:
Small organic particles- consists of a strand of nucleic acid (RNA/DNA) enclosed within protein coat. Viral DNA can be single or double stranded
How do viruses reproduce?
Host cells- use their metabolic systems- hijacking it’s biochemistry. After reproduction- new virus particles may bud from cell surface/ burst out of cell, splitting it open. Splitting kills cell and is called LYSIS. Results in cell contents being released into surrounding tissues- many chemicals and enzymes released can damage neighbouring cells. These processes cause the disease symptoms produced by virus infections.
What are viral envelopes?
An outer envelope from the hosts cells surface membrane- envelope contains lipids and proteins.
Viral envelopes also have glycoproteins from virus itself- these are antigens- molecules recognised by host’s immune system as foreign. Envelope helps virus attach to cell and penetrate cell membrane. HIV is an example of an enveloped virus.
Describe the process of the virus entering, and exiting a host cell:
Virus attaches to host cell. Virus inserts nucleic acid. Viral nucleic acids replicate. Viral protein coats synthesised. New virus particles formed. Virus particles released due to cell lysis.
How is tuberculosis spread?
Droplet infection: talking, coughing, sneezing- droplets stay in air for a while in unventilated areas.
Can survive as dust droplets for several weeks as well- very contagious.
How can HIV be transferred?
Can be passed on through body fluids, vaginal secretions, semen or blood. Sharing needles, sex, maternal transmission- placenta, blood-to-blood contact.
What is an antigen?
A cell surface molecule (e.g. a glycoprotein) on a ‘foreign’ body which provokes an immune response (e.g. making antibodies).
What is an antibody?
Specific molecules made by lymphocytes in response to antigens.
Why are Viruses hard to get rid of?
Viruses have a high mutation rate, so their antigens change often. (by the time the body has made a specific antibody, the viruses antigen will have changed.)
What is a syndrome?
A collection of conditions and infections.
What is Tuberculosis?
A contagious disease caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria.
What are the phases of TB?
Primary infection
And Active tuberculosis
How is tuberculosis transmitted?
Carried in droplets- sneezing/ coughing
What are TB’s favoured host cells?
Lungs and macrophages
Describe the biology of Tuberculosis:
The first stage:
-M.tuberculosis causes inflammatory response- macrophages engulf bacteria.
-Mass of tissue (a granuloma/ tubercules) forms, produced in response to infection.
-Tissue masses are anaerobic, they have dead bacteria and macrophages in the middle
- Bacteria taken up by phagocytosis but they can then resist being killed once inside.
-The Bacteria have very waxy cell walls- difficult to break down.
-Can remain dormant for years but when re-activated the bacteria are no longer contained in the tubercules
-TB bacteria can also suppress T cells, reducing antibody production and attack by T killer cells.
(Can also get glandular TB)
What are the phases/ stages of tuberculosis?
Primary Infection:
-several months-may have no symptoms
-tubercules form
-after 3-8 weeks infection is controlled and infected region of lung heals
-often heals after this phase
-immune system prevents spread of disease- if immune system weakens it can become active again
Active Tuberculosis:
-the bacteria multiply rapidly and destroy lung tissue creating holes and cavities-could lead to death.
What is the time frame for tuberculosis?
First stage 3-8 weeks, then can remain dormant for years until immune system is weakened.
Who is most susceptible to tuberculosis?
- Asian people more likely to get glandular TB, Caucasians more likely to get pulmonary TB.
- Those living in cramped living conditions are more at risk.
- Primary infection mostly happens during childhood
- Elderly/adults/ those with weaker immune systems
- People with AIDS
What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?
2 stages: 1st may have no symptoms-due to inflammatory response of immune system 2nd -coughing: blood -shortness of breath -loss of appetite: weight loss -fever -extreme fatigue
(Glandular TB): swollen lymph glands
What is the treatment for tuberculosis?
Antibiotics and an improved lifestyle
How is the world situation of TB?
1/3 of the world’s population is infected with TB.
Leading killer of people who have HIV.
What is the pathogen that cause AIDS?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
What is HIV’s host cell?
T helper lymphocytes
Describe the biology of HIV/ AIDS:
- HIV surface proteins bind to cell receptors- virus envelope fuses w/cell surface membrane
- Virus reverse transcriptase copies virus RNA-virus DNA
- Integrase inserts virus DNA into host DNA
- Some new virus particles formed-leave cell & become cloaked in cell membrane- virus envelope
- Some translation of virus envelope proteins occurs- they are incorporated into the cell membrane of the host cell.
- Infected T helper cells are destroyed by T killer cells- therefore no. T helper cells decreases.
What are the phases/ stages of HIV/ AIDS?
The acute phase:
-after 3-12 weeks HIV antibodies occur in blood
-May have some symptoms
-T helper cells no. decreases
- Infected T helper cells recognised by T killer cells- decreases Virus replication
The chronic/’latent’ phase:
-May have no symptoms- susceptibility to colds, etc.
-Dormant diseases, e.g. TB reactivate.
-many years, 20+
The disease phase:
-many different symptoms
-increased no. viruses (viral load) & decline of T helper cells
-Opportunistic infections & onset of other disease- death
What is the time frame for HIV/ AIDS?
No time frame, incurable- can live 20+ years
What are the symptoms of HIV?
Initially: fevers, headaches, tiredness, swollen glands-sometimes no symptoms
AIDS: weight loss, fatigue, diarrhoea, night sweats, infections- finally:-dementia, cancer, opportunistic infections, e.g. TB
Is there any treatment for HIV/ AIDS?
No cure, but can live on mix of medication for many years. Possibilities include: -Blocking cell receptors -Inhibiting reverse transcriptase -Inhibiting integrase -modifying DNA nucleotides -Blocking translation -antiretroviral therapy
How is the world situation of HIV and AIDS?
In 2015, there were 36.7 million people living with HIV- 2.1 million became newly infected-1.1 million died from AIDS related illnesses
How is TB diagnosed?
- Skin and blood tests-small amount of tuberculin injected in forearm- Positive result= inflamed area of skin due to antibodies in the skin showing TB antigens already present- can give negative result if in latent TB stage.
- Identification of bacteria
- Chest X-rays-to see extent of lung damage
Why is HIV so difficult to treat/ cure?
- high mutation rate
- initial symptoms not specific
- can’t easily kill host cells without harming patient
- enveloped (cloaked) with cell membrane!
- integration of viral DNA with human DNA!
- HIV test doesn’t produce positive results for a period after infection (false negative)
- social stigma
Describe the HIV life cycle:
1-HIV surface protein binds to cell receptors. Virus envelope fuses with cell surface membrane
2-virus reverse transcriptase copies virus RNA into virus DNA
3-integrase inserts virus DNA into host DNA
(4-Translation of virus proteins
5-Virus particle budding becomes wrapped in cell membrane, forming the virus envelope)
(4-Translation of virus envelope proteins
5-Transport of virus envelope proteins
6- Virus envelope proteins are incorporated into cell membrane)
How does HIV reproduce?
- Capsid broken down by cell enzymes
- RNA serves as template to make complementary strands
- DNA strand serves as template to make a complementary strand of DNA
- DNA incorporated as a provirus in the cell genome
- Transcription and translation to make new capsid and reverse transcriptase molecules
- Virus assembly and budding
What is the central dogma?
The idea of information always flowing in the direction of DNA-RNA-Protein (however, there are exceptions)
What is a gene?
- a unit of inheritance
- a locus on a chromosome
- a length of DNA
- a section of bases which codes for an mRNA molecule
- a region of DNA containing bases following a promotor region which is initially transcribed into a single mRNA molecule
What is mRNA splicing?
The process whereby introns are removed by enzymes from transcribed mRNA and exons are joined together by other enzymes in different combinations to form new mRNA molecules.
one gene–>several mRNAs–>several proteins
What is the genetic code?
a sequence of bases in a gene which determines the primary structure (sequence of amino acids) in a protein
What does degenerate mean?
more than one codon can code for one amino acid
Genetic coding:
Same triplet codes
DNA sense strand has the same triplet code as mRNA codons
DNA antisense, template strands has the same triplet code to the tRNA anticodon strands
(apart from the thymine, uracil switch)
Name some ways the body prevent infections entering the body:
EAR WAX, INFALMMATION, VAGINAL ACID, MUCUS (traps microbes and cilia carry it up the throat-where it’s swallowed), KERATIN(Hard protein outer layer), CLOTTING(seals wounds), TEARS (lysozyme-breaks down cell walls-burst), NASAL HAIR, HCl (in gastric juices- kills most bacteria in food), GUT FLORA (competitively exclude pathogenic bacteria) and SKIN FLORA (Harmless bacteria- better suited-out compete other bacteria)
What is active artificial immunity?
-develops after a time lag
-gives long-lasting protection
-involves memory cells
-requires medical treatments
Active=Weakened viruses injected, killed bacteria/antigen fragment toxin
What is passive artificial immunity?
-gives immediate protection
-lasts for a short time, perhaps only a few weeks
-requires medical treatment
Passive=inject antibodies
What is active natural immunity?
-develops after a time lag
-gives long-lasting protection
-involves memory cells
Active=Weakened viruses injected, killed bacteria/antigen fragment toxin
What is passive natural immunity?
-gives immediate protection
-lasts for a short time, perhaps only a few weeks
Passive=inject antibodies
How does the body respond to vaccinations?
Antibodies are produced and memory cells ensure lasting protection- vaccinations give you immunity (they do not stop you from getting the pathogen, but they can help you fight it faster)
What are Attenuated viruses?
these viruses have been weakened so they are harmless e.g. the measles vaccine contains attenuated measles viruses
What are Killed viruses?
one of the commonly used whooping cough vaccines contains whooping cough bacteria that have been killed
What else may vaccines contain, other than viruses?
- a toxin that has been altered into a harmless form
- an antigen-bearing fragment of the pathogen
Are vaccinations dangerous?
- Some may cause mild soreness at injection site, fever/ general unwellness.
- Occasionally cases of more long term damage occur, but these vaccines have been withdrawn.
What are the two main types of antiretroviral drugs used to reduce the production of more HIV viruses?
- Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, prevent the viral RNA from making DNA for integration into host’s genome.
- Protease inhibitors, inhibit the proteases that catalyse the cutting of larger proteins into small polypeptides for use in the construction of new viruses.
What is antibiotic resistance caused by?
1) over-use of antibiotics
2) non-completion of a course of antibiotic treatment
Antibiotics are either bactericidal or bacteriostatic, what does this mean?
Bactericidal= kill bacteria-causes lysis Bacteriostatic= inhibit their activity, and prevent multiplication
How can antibiotics disrupt bacterial cell growth and division?
- inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis-weaker walls-lysis
- disruption of cell membrane- permeability changes
- inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis, replication and transcription-prevents cell division/ synthesis of enzymes
- inhibition of protein synthesis
- inhibition of specific enzymes
How do bacterial populations evolve so quickly?
- fast reproductive rate
- population sizes in the billions-high chance of mutations
- some mutations will be advantageous to them
How do M.tuberculosis and HIV evade the host’s immune system?
- M.tuberculosis has waxy cell walls, allowing the bacteria to survive inside macrophages. They can also suppress T cell activity.
- HIV invades T cells, preventing activation of macrophages, B and T killer cells- weakening the immune response.
How do antibiotics provide a selection pressure for bacteria?
- Bacteria with a mutation that for example allows them to break down the antibiotic or gives them resistance against it is advantageous and is therefore more likely to survive and reproduce.
- But in absence of antibiotic a mutated bacteria may be disadvantageous- may reproduce slower, using more resources to produce enzymes, etc.
Describe the processes of conjugation:
Conjugation- cell-to-cell contact
- in resistant bacterial cell, the plasmid contains the gene for antibiotic resistance.
- one strand of plasmid DNA transfers between conjugating bacteria.
- Each bacterium replicates the strand to make complete new one- Both now resistant
What is horizontal evolution in bacteria?
Horizontal evolution- when the gene is passed from one bacterium to another (same/ different bacterial species).
Through the process of conjugation
How can we help prevent the spreads of multiple-resistant bacteria?
- use of antibiotics only when needed
- finishing prescriptions-to kill all bacteria
- infection control in hospitals (e.g. hand wash stations, no ties, watches or long sleeves to be worn by doctors)
This is going through clinical tests currently, but looks promising.
It’s believed that pathogens will not become resistant quickly because the antibiotic targets non-protein building blocks of the cell wall.
Brief difference between non-specific and specific immunity:
Non-specific-helps destroy any invading pathogen (immediate-antimicrobial proteins, phagocytosis, inflammation)
Specific-directed at a specific pathogen (delayed-B cells[produce antibodies], T cells)
What is an antigen?
any molecule the body recognises as not being of its own self
Non-specific responses to immunity:
Tears, saliva and nasal secretions contain lysozyme that break down bacterial cell walls and killing them.
Breaks down cell walls by hydrolysing the polysaccharide.
Non-specific responses to immunity:
damaged white cells release histamines that cause arterioles to dilate and capillaries to become more permeable; blood flow to the area increases and plasma, white blood cells and antibodies leak out into tissues causing oedema, where they can attack the pathogen.
Why would an infected finger become hot, red and swollen?
Increased blood flow to the infected area makes it red; it is hot due to increased metabolic activity; it is swollen due to the leakage of fluid from capillaries into the tissue.
Non-specific responses to immunity:
A (protein) chemical released from infected cells, which prevents viral replication.
Provides non-specific defence against viruses, some bacteria and protozoa- not just bacteria.
Non-specific responses to immunity:
White blood cells engulf, digest and destroy bacteria and other foreign material; the foreign material is enclosed in a vesicle, into which the cell secretes digestive enzymes from lysosomes, which destroy the bacteria; these phagocytes include neutrophils and monocytes (which become macrophages), these cells are also involved in the specific immune response.
What are neutrophils?
A phagocyte, a white blood cell.
Leave blood capillaries by squeezing between the cells of capillary walls.
Ingest and destroy bacteria
What are lymphocytes?
White blood cells that help to defend the body against specific diseases.They circulate in the blood and lymph and gather at the site of any infection.
2 main types are B and T cells.
What are monocytes?
Circulate in blood
Move into tissue by squeezing between cells of the capillary walls-here they become macrophages and engulf bacteria, foreign matter and cell debris
Non-specific responses to immunity:
Lymphatic system and macrophages
- Tissue fluid drains into the lymphatic vessels
- The fluid, called lymph, flows along the lymph vessels. It passes through lymph nodes and eventually returns to the blood via the lymphatic system and thoracic ducts.
- As lymph passes through the lymph nodes any pathogens present activate lymphocytes and macrophages, which can then destroy the microbes
Describe B lymphocytes and how they are activated:
- Produced in bone marrow
- Has 1 specific type of antigen receptor on its surface.
- It’s activated when its receptor binds to an antigen with the complementary shape.
What happens after B lymphocytes have been activated?
They secrete antibodies (special protein molecules of a class known as immunoglobulins).
Antibodies bind to antigens on the microbe cell surface membrane-acting as labels, allowing phagocytes to recognise and destroy the cell.
Each B cell binds to only one specific antigen.
Describe T lymphocytes:
Produced in the bone marrow but mature in the thymus gland.
They each have one specific type of antigen receptor on their surface, which only binds to an antigen with the complementary shape.
How do T lymphocytes move from the bone marrow to their site of activation?
- Immature T cells produced by division of stem cells in bone marrow.
- Immature T cells move to thymus via the blood.
- T cells mature in the thymus
- Mature T cells leave thymus in blood and move to lymph nodes and the spleen
- As lymph fluid passes through a lymph node, T cells are activated by any pathogens present.
- As blood passes through the spleen, T cells are activated by any pathogens present.
What do T helper cells do?
When activated, these stimulate the B cells to divide and become cells capable of producing antibodies. They also enhance the activity of phagocytes.
What do T killer cells do?
These destroy any cells with antigens on their surface membrane that are recognised as foreign.
How are T helper cells activated?
- Bacterium with antigens on their surface are engulfed by macrophages.
- Macrophages present antigens on its surface and becomes and antigen presenting cell (APC)
- APC binds to T helper cell with complementary CD4 receptors. T helper cell is activated.
- T helper cell divides to produce a clone of T memory cells and a clone of active T helper cells.
Describe the process of B cell clonal selection:
- Bacterium with antigens on surface bind to B cell with complementary receptor.
- B cell becomes antigen presenting cell (APC)
- Activated T helper cell with complementary receptor binds to APC and produces cytokines (proteins) that stimulate the B cell.
- B cell divides to give clones of B memoryt and B effector cells
- B effector cells differentiate into plasma cells
- Plasma cells secrete antibodies which bind to antigens, identifying them for easier destruction.
What is the function of B effector cells?
These differentiate to produce plasma cells, which release antibodies into the blood and lymph. These plasma cells are relatively short-lived, last only a few days.
What is the function of B memory cells?
Like T memory cells, they are long-lived. They remain for months or years in the body, enabling an individual to respond more quickly to the same antigen in the future.
Describe the role of T killer cells:
- Bacterium infects cell of host.
- becomes APC
- T killer cell with complementary receptor binds to APC
- T killer cell divides to form two clones: active and memory T killer cells. Cytokines from T helper cells stimulate the differentiation.
- Active T killer cells bind to infected cells presenting antigens.
- T killer cell releases chemicals that cause pores to form in the infected cell, causing lysis. Infected cell dies.
What role do cytokines play in B cell cloning?
They stimulate division and differentiation of the B cells.
What is the secondary immune response?
Involves memory cells. B memory cells produced in the primary response can differentiate immediately to produce plasma cells and release antibodies. Greater production of antibodies and response lasts longer.
Invading bacteria often destroyed rapidly, person unaware of any symptoms-said to be immune to disease.
How does the body avoid attacking our own immune system?
During maturation of B and T cells in the bone marrow and thymus, any lymphocytes for ‘self’ membrane proteins are destroyed by apoptosis.
What is chemotaxis?
- Movement towards a chemical source along a gradient.
- Neutrophils attracted to the site of inflammation.