Topic 6-L4 - Post-transcriptional regulation Flashcards
Regulation at the level of RNA
after transcription starts, but before protein is produced
- Transcriptional attenuation is regulation that involves prematurely
terminating mRNA synthesis - The stability of mRNAs can be controlled – how long before they are degraded (longer lifetime, more translation, more protein produced)
- Translation efficiency can be controlled – usually whether or not RBS is free to be bound by the ribosome (RBS structure)
Much of this regulation at the level of RNA is executed by
RNA regulatory elements
Two major RNA structures that “shut off ” gene expression
- transcriptional attenuation –
premature transcriptional termination. - Formation of a stem-loop structure involving RBS or that forms a transcriptional terminator can shut off gene expression
During transcription, the formation of rho-independent (intrinsic) transcriptional terminators can lead to
transcriptional attenuation
For translation to initiate, the ribosome binding site (RBS) of the gene
needs to be
“free” to bind the ribosome – not involved in base-pairing to form a “stem”
how long an mRNA lasts (life time) affects how many
protein molecules will be made from that transcript
Enzymes called ____________
degrade mRNAs and nucleotides are
recycled – all cells contain multiple
ribonucleases (RNases)
All cells encode regulatory RNAs –
noncoding RNA whose function is to
regulate gene expression
Bacterial sRNA (~50-300 nt long) generally exert effects by base-pairing to target mRNA(s) to regulate
half-life and/or translational initiation
Base-pairing with sRNA affects
RBS availability and/or RNase targeting
One sRNA can sometimes regulate
many distinct target mRNAs
An RNA chaperone called Hfq is essential for mediating the
regulation of half-lives
Hfq Binds to both
RNAs to stabilize their interaction - in some cases also appears to recruit RNases to mediate degradation
Riboswitches are
ligand-binding RNAs
- adopt intricate 3D structures that specifically bind a particular small molecule
The binding of riboswitches allows them to
Sense their environment
Riboswitches reside in the
5’UTR of certain bacterial mRNAs – regulate expression of downstream gene(s) on same mRNA
Are riboswitches found in all domains?
Yes, but mostly in bacteria
Riboswitches are very different from
Ligand binding by the riboswitch changes
RNA structure in 5’UTR – this change induces or represses expression of downstream genes
Ligand-binding domain called aptamer binds ligand, changes base-pairing in the 5’UTR of mRNA to affect formation of either:
(i) A stem-loop that sequesters the RBS (blocks translation)
ii) a transcriptional terminator that prevents transcription of the genes.
Post-translational regulation (regulating protein levels/activity)
- feedback inhibition
- protein-protein interactions (bind to each other to control activity)
- post-translational modifications
post-translational modifications –
enzyme adds a chemical moiety to a specific amino acid residue of a
protein, which alters its activity (change activity, or turn it “on”/“off ”)
Like RNA, protein can also be degraded and their building blocks recycled. This is accomplished by enzymes called
Proteases are essential for
clearing away and recycling misfolded proteins