Topic 5. Evolution Flashcards
What is the binomial system and how was it developed?
The binomial system is an internationally used system by which all species are classified. The bi in binomial comes from the fact that a species name consists of 2 names, the genus and the species, e.g. Homo sapiens.
The binomial system is based on Carl von Linné’s system of organizing species. It has been arranged some at later times, and names of newly found species are now decided at international congresses.
What is the heirarchy of taxa?
The heirarchy of taxa is a heirarchy of groups. The further down the heirarchy you go, the more specific the grouping gets.
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
What are the 3 domains?
What are eukaryota?
The domain consisting of eukaryotes. It includes animals, plants, fungi, algae and one celled eukaryotes.
What are bacteria?
Bacteria is the domain which consists of prokaryotes, more specifically bacteria. It consists of both normal and photosyntethic bacteria.
What are archaea?
Archaea is the domain which is least known about. It consists of prokaryotes, but they can be ancient or have weird lifestyles. Some prokaryotes live in extremely igh salt concentrations or live in extreme heat.
What is bryophyta?
Bryophyta is a plant phylum which:
- has no xylem or phloem
- has no true roots or stems
- has rhizoids instead of roots
- reproduce with spores
Ex. mosses and liverworts
What is filicinophyta?
Filicinophyta is a plant phylum which:
- has xylem and phloem
- has leaves and stems
- has roots
- reproduce by spores
Ex. ferns
What is coniferophyta?
Coniferophyta is a plant phylum which:
- has xylem and phloem
- has leaves and stems
- has roots
- reproduce with seeds
Ex. pinetrees and conifers
What is angiospermophyta?
Angiospermophyta is a plant phylum which:
* has xylem and phloem
* has leaves and stems
* has roots
* reproduce with seeds
Ex. flowering plants and grass
What is porifera?
Porifera is an animal phylum which:
* has no tissue
* has no mouth or anus
* are asymmetrical
* may have calcuim carbonate spicules
Ex. sponges
What is cnidaria?
Cnidaria is an animal phylum which:
* has simple tissue
* has mouth but no anus
* has radial symmetry
* coral has skeleton but not jellyfish
Ex. coral, jellyfish and hydra
What is platyhelmintha?
Platyhelmintha is an animal phylum which:
* has tissue
* has mouth but no anus
* has bilateral symmetry
* has no skeleton
Ex. flatworms
What is annelida?
Annelida is an animal phylum which:
* has tissue
* has sperate mouth and anus
* has bilateral symmetry
* has no skeleton
Ex. earthworms and leeches
What is mollusca?
Mollusca is an animal phylum which:
* has tissue
* has mouth and anus
* has bilateral symmetry
* majority has a calcium carbonate shell
Ex. snails, clams and octopus
What is arthropoda?
Arthropoda is an animal phylum which:
* has tissue
* has mouth and anus
* has bilateral symmetry
* has exoskeleton of chitin
Ex. insects, lobsters and scorpions
What is chordata?
Chordata is an animal phylum which:
* has a notochord and vertebrae
* has mouth and anus
* has bilateral symmetry
Ex. fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals