All scientists (simpler than in actuall decks) Flashcards
Watson and Crick
Discovery of DNA structure by making models
Timothy Hunt
Discovered cyclins by luck (serendipity)
Meselson and Stahl
Semi conservative replication using ¹⁴N and ¹⁵N and cetrifugation
Gregor Mendel
Discovered the Laws of inheritence by crossing pea plants and making Punnett squares
Davson and Danielli
“Sandwich” model of the cell membrane with proteins on the outside
Singer and Nicolson
Fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane with proteins on the inside
Charles Darwin
Theory of natural selection
William Harvey
He described the one way circulation of blood, using the heart as a pump, convinced people by showing it (close off an artery and see heart swell, or see blood go in one direction after opening it again). Showed that Galen (ancient Greek philosopher) was wrong.
He also studied fertilization, but he could not prove it since no microscope was invented, and he used the deer, which has delayed implantation. He thought both male and female gametes were needed to create an embryo, which is correct, and not Aristotle’s “seed and soil” hypothesis.
Freidrich Wöhler
Made urea and falsified vitalism (that a living force was needed to make complex organic molecules)
Disproved spontaneous generation by using broth in swan necked flasks, open and closed, boiled or not
Florey and Chain
Tested penicillin on a man and after only testing on 8 mice before that then on 5 more people, including a child, after the man died. Unethical, also because it could have had harmful effects
John Cairns
Method of measuring DNA in prokaryotes by autoradiography, using radioactive thymine and putting on photographic paper, Found that prokaryote DNA was longer than thought
Ian Wilmut
Cloned Dolly the sheep by somatic nuclear transfer method. Take a nucleus out of an egg and using an electric pulse, fuse the empty egg with a nucleuse from a fully differentiated cell (from the donor sheep’s udder). Place the embryo in a surrogate mother. Dolly is a clone of the donor sheep
Peter and Rosemary Grant
Studied evolution of the changes of beak length in the ground finch (Geospiza) on the island Daphne major in the Galapagos islands. Weather caused changes in the seed availability, and the beak length of the birds changed due to natural selection. Fast change is easily measured and seen as evidence for evolution.
Hershey and Chase
DNA is the hereditary material, not protein. Used radioactively labelled 35S in the proteins of virus which infects bacteria (bacteriophage) and 32P in the DNA of it, and saw which entered a bacteria = 32P. They did this by centrifuging the mixture, and the pellet with bacteria had the P and the liquid suprenat on top had the S – showed protein did not enter.
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkens
Took the picture of DNA using X-Ray crystallography, which helped Watson and Crick developed the model of DNA. (She worked in Maurice Wilkens lab)
Thomas Hunt Morgan
Discovered linked genes by doing crosses and analyzing why they did not follow Mendel’s predictions (can use Chi square test). Used fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster)
Charles Krebs
Krebs cycle in aerobic cell respiration. Acetyl coA with 2 Cs enters cycle and binds to a 4 C molecule to make a 6 C molecule. 2 CO2s leave, and NAD+ and FAD get reduced, 1 ATP is made. Happens in the matrix of the mitochondrion
Peter Mitchell
Chemiosmosis which was a paradigm shift that was difficult to get others to accept
Figured out the light independent reaction by using his lollipop apparatus. Gave algae radioactive carbon in dissolved hydrogen carbonate, killed the algae and looked for which products were made in which order (by double chromatography)
Edward Jenner
Tested smallpox vaccine on a child. Deadly disease – did not know if there would be fatal consequences, no animal testing before, and tested on a child which was under the age of consent. He was the first person to use humans as research peope for vaccines, BUT, smallpox is the first and only viral disease of humans that has been eradicated.
Ivan Pavlov
Reflex conditioning, a type of learning. A new stimulus can be coupled with a normal reflex. Pavlov’s dogs. Coupled a bell to dogs’ salivation reflex. Conditioned response = salivation; conditioned stimulus = bell. Did this by sounding a bell which had no normal effect, before every feeding. Dog learned that bell meant food was coming, and salivated at the sound of the bell, instead of waiting until it smelled or tasted food (which was the the normal unconditioned stimulus)
Konrad Lorenz
Imprinting. There is a critical time of learning in an animal’s life. Geese are imprinted on a moving object at around 16 hours after hatching
B F Skinner
Operant conditioning. Skinner box. Organisms learn new behavior by trial and error, with reward or punishment.