Topic 4 - Regenerating Places: EQ1 Flashcards
What is a Place?
Geographical spaces shaped by individuals and communities over time
What is the Rural-Urban continuum?
The unbroken transition from sparsely populated or unpopulated, remote rural places to densely populated, intensively used urban places
What are the 5 economic sectors?
What is an example of the primary sector
Extraction of raw material
What is an example of the secondary sector
Manufacturing and processing
What is an example of the tertiary sector?
Services (e.g. Police)
What is an example of the quaternary sector?
Technology based jobs
What is an example of the Quinary sector?
What are the different employee types?
Informal vs Formal employment
Self employed vs Employee
Temporary vs Permanent
What is the Clark-Fisher Model?
A graph showing how economic sectors vary in a place depending on its industrial stage (Pre-industrial, Industrial, Post-industrial)