TOPIC 4 - presidents 1960-2000 Flashcards
Kennedy was President from ….
Kennedy’s policy was called ….
The New Frontier
Kennedy wanted to ….. and create a ….. with ….
Unite the nation
Fairer society
Greater opportunity for all
Kennedy faced opposition as he ….
Only won the election by a very small margin
Kennedy’s religion (….) caused ….
Many argued that Kennedy was trying to …. And he was too ….
Change things too quickly
Southern congressmen ….. Kennedy’s commitment to ….
Civil rights
Successes in civil rights included hiring ….., supporting …. And introducing …..
Thurgood Marshall as a federal judge
James Meredith
The Civil Rights bill to congress
JFK cut taxes to ….
Increase spending to boost the economy
JFK increased spending on …..
This created …
Defence and in space tech
JFK promised to put ….
A man on the moon
Minimum wage was increased to ….
JFK set up ….. for the unemployed
Training schemes
JFK planned to start Medicare to provide ….
cheaper state health insurance
Housing Act in …. to ….
Redevelop inner cities
In ….. JFK’s assassination …. the success of his reforms
Johnson was President …..
Johnson’s successes are often overshadowed due to ……. And the ….
The reputation of JFK
US involvement in the Vietnam War
Johnson wanted to …..
Continue the work of JFK
Johnson’s policy was known as the ….
Great Society
LBJ declared ….. and wanted to …..
War on poverty
Put an end to racial discrimination
As a southerner, LBJ was able to …..
Deal with southern democrats opposition
LBJ was more successful than any other President at ….
Passing bills through congress
LBJ passed 2 major acts:
Civil Rights Act 1964
Voting Rights Act 1965
LBJ cut taxes to ….
Give consumers more money
LBJ improved …
Railways and roads
LBJ attempted to ensure that everyone had access to health care through: 2x
Medicare for the old
Medicaid for the poor
LBJ passed the ….. to try and ensure the quality of education was ….
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Equal across the US
LBJ passed the …. to improve…. in big cities
Model Cities Act
living conditions
Minimum wage increased to ….
Republicans opposed LBJ saying he ….
LBJ accused of not helping …. Enough
Inner cities
LBJ had to …. on the Great Society to pay for ….
Cut spending
The Vietnam War
Richard Nixon was President from …..
Nixon was forced to resign due to the ….
Watergate scandal
Nixon set up an organisation called …. To help him …… using ….
get re-elected
Whatever methods necessary
In …., 5 members of CREEP were arrested for …..
June 1972
Breaking into the watergate offices that were the democrats HQ
The Washington Post found out they were…. and that the ….. was controlled by the …..
members of CREEP
CREEP fund
White House
Nixon …. from his government
Denied any involvement
In …. The burglars were all convicted. One named … said that the White House had ….
James McCord
Covered it up
Nixon ….. but admitted two of his advisors (……) were involved. They both ….
Denied involvement
Halderman + Ehrlichman
The investigation by the senate was ….
Nixon had installed a …. In the White House = …..
Tape recording system
His conversations were taped
Nixon initially refuses to …
Hand over the tapes
In …., Nixon handed over …/9 tapes that had been …..
One tape was missing …. Minutes
November 1973
In …. Nixon had to hand over all the tapes, unedited, which ….
April 1974
Revealed his involvement
To avoid …. Nixon resigned in ….
August 1974
…. Pardoned Nixon of any criminal acts
The scandal damaged Nixon’s …., the USA’s …. And people’s …..
Attitudes towards politics
Reagan was President from …..
Reagan replaced ….
Jimmy Carter
Reagan inherited ….
Serious economic problems
World recession = ….
Factory closures, rising unemployment and oil shortages
….. were high
Budget deficits
Economic policy = …..
Reagan cut taxes for …… so that they would …..
Businesses and the wealthiest
Spend more
Theory of Reaganomics = this wealth ….. to the middle and lower classes
Trickles down
Reagan cut the …. Eg ….
= less …..
Welfare programme
Food stamps
Support for poor/struggling
The …. Tax cut ever = government collecting ….
Hardly any income
Without income, the gov couldn’t ….
Pay for the services provided
National debt increased to …. (Highest level) as gov had to ….
$1 trillion
Borrow money
In ….. the biggest ….. since 1929 - USA was the ….. of the leading nations
Stock market crash
Most in debt
Medicare benefits introduced by ….. were cut
…. = the space programme disaster year
….. both exploded
Challenger + Titan
….. programme very costly
Star Wars
Opposed …. Becoming a national holiday - changed his mind under pressure
MLK’s birthday
Opposed … = lost female support
Opposed … = lost female support
Eventually supported research into ….
Bush was President from …
Bush had a reputation as a ….
‘Safe pair of hands’
Bush had to deal with the …. Run up by the ….
Economic problems
Reagan years
Bush promised to …. But had to go back on this promise
Cut taxes
Bush increased … and reduced ….
Direct taxes
Number of wealthy people exempt from tax
Bush had to …..
Cut military spending
Bush increased taxes on ….
Luxury items
Despite Bush’s efforts, this deficit rose to ….
$300 billion
The recession reduced …
Gov income from taxes
Unemployment reached …% = highest since ….
In 1992, ….% living in poverty
Bush signed the …… in …. Which was the most important anti-discrimination legislation since the …. Of …..
Americans with Disabilities Act
Civil Rights Act
Americans with disabilities act
Forbade discrimination based on disability in ….
Employment, accommodation and transport
Clean air act = reduce …. And eliminate ….
Smog + acid rain
Emissions of toxic chemicals
Bush committed billions of dollars to the …
Drug Enforcement Agency (DIA)
DIA = employee …. And increasing …. - had … impact
Drug testing
Border controls
Rodney King case highlighted ….
Racism in police force
Riots in 1992: 5x places
LA, Atlanta, Birmingham, Seattle + Chicago
Clinton was President from ….
Clinton was …. So had very ….. on the economy
Different views
Clinton aimed to reduce ….. and increase …..
Gov spending and investment in education and welfare
By …. Clinton had balanced the budget for the first time since …..
Value of the stock market …
Unemployment at lowest rate in …..
30 years
Low interest rates = …
Highest level of home ownership (67.7%)
US export market boosted with …… with …..
North American Free Trade Agreement
Canada + Mexico
….. jobs created in less than 8 years
22 million+
Unemployment for African Americans + Hispanics …..
Fell to lowest ever rate
Female unemployment = …..
Lowest in 40 years
Family Medical Leave Act in …..
Minimum wage increased from, ….. to …. in ….
Universal health insurance ……
Rejected by congress
Infant mortality at ……
Lowest rate ever recorded
Whitewater Scandal in …..
Climton’s ….. convicted of fraud
Business associates
No evidence found of …..
Illegal dealings by Clinton or Hilary
….. did find proof of Clinton’s affair with …..
Kenneth Starr
Monica Lewinsky
Clinton …… about the affair and was …. for ….. in …..
Lied under oath
Obstruction of justice
Senate acquitted Clinton in …..