topic 4 - neck muscles & bones Flashcards
hyoid bone
third cervical vertebrae
fourth cervical vertebrae
fifth cervical vertebrae
sixth cervical vertebrae
seventh cervicle verterae
first thoracic vertebrae
name, origin and insertion, layer of muscle
Sternocleidomastoid Muscle
o: sternum and clavicle
i: the mastoid process of the temporal bone of the skull
superficial muscle
superficial neck muscles - 3
- platysma
- stenocleidomastoid
- trapezius
muscles attached to the hyoid bone - 2
- suprahyoid bones
- infrahyoid bones
deep neck muscles
- prevertebral muscles
- scalene muscles
muscle, insertion, origin, action, layer of muscle
o: skin of supraclavicular regions
i: lower border of mandible
a: depresses mandible and angle of mouth
superficial muscle
name, layer of muscle
superficial muscle
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: anterior: digastric fossa of manible posterior: mastoid notch of temporal bone
i: hyoid bone
a: elevates hyoid bone, depresses manible
suprahyoid muscle
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: styloid process of temporal bone
i: body of hyoid bone
a: elevates and retracts hyoid bone
suprahyoid muscle
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: mylohyoid line of mandible
i: body of hyoid bone
a: elevates the floor of the mouth, tongue, and hyoid bone during swallowing and speaking
suprahyoid muscle
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: inferior mental spine of mandible
i: body of the hyoid bone
a: shortens the floor of the mouth; pulls the hyoid bone anterosuperiorly
suprahyoid muscles
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: posterior surface of sternum
i: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
a: depress the larynx
infrahyoid muscles
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: manubrium of sternum and medial end of clavicle
i: inferior border of body of hyoid bone
a: depresses hyoid bone after swallowing
infrahyoid muscle
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
i: hyoid bone
a: depresses hyoid bone and elevates the larynx
infrahyoid muscles
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: inferior belly: superior border of scapula, superior belly: intermediate tendon
i: inferior belly: intermediate tendon, superior belly: body of hyoid bone
a: depresses and retracts hyoid and larynx
infrahyoid muscle
name, origin, insertion, layer
anterior scalene
o: vertebrae c3-c6
i: rib 1
scalene muscle
name, origin, insertion, action , layer
middle scalene
o: transverse process c1/c2 –> c7
i: rib 1
a: elevates first rib during forced inspiration
scalene muscle
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
posterior scalene
o: vertebrae c4-c6/c5-c7
i: rib 2
a: elevates 2nd rib during forced inspiration
scalene muscle
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
longus capitis
o: c3-c6
i: occipital bone
a: head flexion, head rotation
prevertebral muscles
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
longus colli
o: superior: c3-c5, intermiedate: c5-t3, inferior: t1-t3
i: cervicle vertebraes
a: neck movement
prevertebral muscles
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
rectus capitis anterior
o: anterior surface of atlas (c1)
i: occipital bone
a: head flexion
prevertebral muscles
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
rectus capitis lateralis
o: transverse process of atlas
i: occipital bone
a: head flexion
prevertebral muscles