thigh muscles Flashcards
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
bicep femoris (long head)
o: ischial tuberosity
i: head of fibula
a: extends the hip, flexes the knee
hamstring muscles
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: ischial tuberosity
i: tibia
a: extends the hip, medially rotates the leg
posterior hip muscles (hip extensors)
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: ischial tuberosity
i: tibia
a: extends the hip, flexes the knee, medially rotates the leg
posterior hip muscles (hip extensors)
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
rectus femoris
o: iliac spine
i: patella
a: hip joint: thigh flexion, knee joint:leg extension
name, origin, insertion, action, layer, what does it make up
vastus lateralis
o: gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera of femur
i: patella, tibia tuberosity
a: leg extension
anterior group - quadricep femoris
name, origin, insertion, action, layer, what does it make up
vastus medialis
o: medial supracondylar line of femur
i: tibial tuberosity, patella
a: knee joint: leg extension
name, origin, insertion, action, layer, what does it make up
vastus intermedius
o: anterior surface of femoral shaft
i: tibial tuberosity, patella
a: knee joint: leg extension
anterior group - quadriceps femoris
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: anteror superior iliac spine (ASIS)
i: medial surface of the proximal tibia
a: flexes, abducts and laterally rotates the hip, flexes the knee
anterior group
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
adductor magnus
o: inferior pubic ramus
i: gluteal tuberosity
a: thigh movement, pelvis stabilization
medial group - deep plane
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
adductor brevis
o: pubis
i: femur
a: thigh movement, pelvis stabilization
medial group - middle plane
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: ramus
i: femur
a: thigh movement, pelvis stabilization
medial group, middle plane
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
adductor longus
o: body of pubis
i: femur
a: thigh movement, pelvis stabilization
medial group - superficial plane
name, origin, insertion, action, layer
o: ramus
i: tibia
a: thigh movement, leg flexion and internal rotation
medial group - superficial plane