Topic 4 - B : Diversity and selection Flashcards
each cell has two of each chromosome
one from mum and one from dad
each chromosome has same genes, but different alleles
matching chromosome pairs are called homologous pairs
have haploid number of chromosomes (one number of each)
two gametes=zygote
-DNA unravels and replicates so there are two copies of each chromosome called chromatids
-DNA condenses to form x shaped chromosomes made of two sister chromatids joined by centromere (P1)
-Chromosomes arranged into homologous pairs and then separated
-Meiosis II -sister chromatids making up each chromosome are separated.
-four haploid cells that are genetically different
Crossing over
During meiosis I
chromatids twist around each other and bits of chromatids swap over
still contain same genes but different combination
Homologous arrange themselves into pairs
chromatids cross over
independent segregation
When homolougous pairs are seperated in meiosis , its completely random which chromosome from each pair ends up in which daughter cell.
Four daughter cells have completely different combinations.
this is independent segragation ( shuffling of chromosomes leading to genetic variation in potential offspring
Define mutation
change in DNA base pair sequence
more possible combinations of bases than amino acids
What is the difference between substitution mutations and deletion
substitution won’t always lead to changes, but deletion will change the number of bases, causing a shift in all base triplets in all the base triplets after it.
What can increase chances of mutations
chromosome mutations
meiosis isn’t carried out correctly and some cells have wrong numbers of chromosomes
Genetic diversity
number of different alleles of genes in a population
Genetic bottlenecks
event that causes a big reduction in a population
Founder effect
happens when just a few organisms from a population start a new colony with only a small number of different alleles in the initial gene pool.
Natural selection
-individuals that have an allele that increases their chance of survival are more likely to survive and reproduce
-greater proportion of next generation inherits the beneficial allele
-more likely to survive and pass on alleles
-frequency of beneficial allele increases over generations
-leads to evolution as advantageous alleles become more common in the population
behavioural adaption
ways an organism acts that increase its chance of survival
physiological adaptions
processes in an organisms body that increase chance of survival
Anatomical adaptions
structural features of organisms body that increase its chance of survival
Directional selection
where individuals with alleles for characteristics of an extreme type are more likely to survive and reproduce.
Stabilising selection
where individuals with alleles for characteristics towards the middle of the range are more likely to survive and reproduce