Topic 3: Organism Exchange substances with their Environment Flashcards
What ability do single-celled/ Small organisms have to ‘diffuse’ substances through their outer surface?
They have a Large Surface Area to Volume ratio, which provides them with a short diffusion pathway to all parts of the cell.
(As the size of an organism increases, the surface area to volume ratio decreases)
How do larger organisms perform gas exchange?
They have developed specialised exchange structures such as Lungs and Gills to maintain adequate rates of gaseous exchange.
How do larger organisms maintain a constant body temperature?
–>Changes in body shape/ specialised structures have evolved e.g. large ears in elephants to increase the surface area for heat loss.
–>The large amount of body cells release a lot of heat from metabolic processes (mainly cellular respiration)
How do smaller organisms maintain a constant body temperature?
Because smaller organisms have a large SA-to-volume ratio, they lose a large amount of heat (relative to their mass) due to this:
–>Have to respire at a high rate to help maintain a constant body temperature (respiration produces heat), therefore smaller organisms have a high metabolic rate
–>High oxygen uptake relative to their mass i.e. per gram of tissue.
–>Consume a lot of food, relative to their mass.
How do insects perform Gas exchange?
They perform gas exchange through a system of pipes called the ‘Tracheal System’:
1) Oxygen diffuses from the air, through the spiracles along the trachea and tracheoles to the cells.
–> Tracheoles are thin, providing a short diffusion + they are numerous, providing a large surface area.
2) They penetrate all body tissues and the oxygen then diffuses into the cells through the cell membrane of the tracheole (this is the gas exchange surface)
3) Carbon dioxide leaves the insect’s cells and travels to the atmosphere by the reverse pathway
Which factor determines the opening and closing of Spiracles?
Carbon dioxide levels:
-When carbon dioxide levels rise due to respiration, the spiracles open wider, increasing the rate of diffusion of gases in the tracheal system.
-During rest, the spiracles close to help reduce water loss via evaporation.
How do Insects increase the rate of diffusion?
1) (When flying)–> Muscles contract to compress the trachea, forcing air out of them.–>When the muscles relax, the trachea springs back into shape and fresh oxygen rich air is drawn into them
—>all of this in order to speed up the rate of diffusion.
2) Anaerobic Respiration–> lactic acid is produced which lowers the water potential of the cells and some of the water in the ends of the tracheoles moves into the cells by osmosis (enabling more air to move in)–> Therefore increasing the rate f diffusion.
How are gills adapted for Gaseous Exchange?
1) Large surface area–> provided by a large number of gill filaments.
–>These filaments possess lamellae (thin plates) increasing the SA further
2) Short Diffusion Pathway–> as blood and water are separated by a thin barrier of cells consisting of 2 layers:
-Epithelial Layer (of the gill lamellae)
-Endothelial layer of the blood capillaries.
3) Extensive Network Of Blood Capillaries–> Once oxygen diffuses into the blood it is carried away, maintaining a steep concentration gradient for oxygen .
4) The Counter-current System –> Blood and water flowing in opposite directions, which ensures that blood continually meets water with a higher oxygen concentration so that a high diffusion gradient is maintained along the whole length of the lamellae.–>
meaning around 80% of the oxygen in the water diffuses into the bloodstream (instead of 50%) as equilibrium between the water and the blood is never reached (because they flow in opposite directions)
When do Plants perform Respiration and Photosynthesis?
-Plants respire 24 hours a day but only photosynthesise during daylight.
(during daylight the rate of photosynthesis is greater than the rate of respiration so there is a net uptake of carbon dioxide and loss of oxygen)
How are Plants adapted for gas exchange?
–>Respiration and photosynthesis maintain diffusion gradients by using and producing oxygen and carbon dioxide.
–> Numerous mesophyll cells lining the inter-cellular air spaces in the leaf, providing a large surface area (for gaseous exchange).
–> Gases diffuse in through the stomata between the guard cells, down a concentration gradient rapidly through the intercellular air spaces.
–> The gases dissolve in the moist cell walls of the mesophyll cells.
–> Gases diffuse across the thin cell wall and cell membrane and of mesophyll cells.
What is ‘Transpiration’?
-The evaporation of water from a plant’s surface, particularly through the stomata when they open to allow the entry of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
What are some environmental factors which affect the rate of transpiration?
during daylight, stomata open to allow carbon dioxide to enter for photosynthesis
–> This increases the rate of transpiration, as water evaporates from the mesophyll cells and diffuses out of the leaf.
–> An increases the rate of transpiration by providing water molecules with more kinetic energy, allowing them to evaporate more easily.
–> Increases the water potential of the air, this will lead to a decrease in the rate of transpiration, as the water potential gradient for the diffusion of water decreases.
Air Movement:
–>Removes water vapour from the leaf surface, increasing the water potential gradient and the rate of transpiration
(In still air, water vapour builds up around the leaf, decreasing the water potential gradient and the rate of transpiration.
What are ‘Xherotypes’ and what adaptations do they have?
plants that possess a range of adaptations to limit water loss via transpiration:
-A thick cuticle–> provides a short diffusion pathway, reducing the rate of evaporation
-Hairs on the leaf surface–> trap a layer of still air, which becomes saturated with water vapour, reducing the water potential gradient for water loss
-Rolling up of leaves–>traps a layer of still air which becomes saturated with water vapour, reducing the water potential gradient for water loss, therefore reducing the rate of transpiration (e.g. marram grass)
-Reduced surface area to volume ratio of leaves (e.g. pine needles reduce the surface area for water loss)
-Stomata positioned in ‘epidermal pits/grooves’ beneath the leaf surface, reducing exposure to air currents. The trapped air becomes saturated with water vapour and reduces the water potential gradient for evaporation.
What does the gas exchange system in mammals consist of?
1) The trachea is supported by incomplete rings of cartilage that prevent it from collapsing during pressure changes that occur in ventilation.
2) The trachea divides into 2 bronchi that repeatedly divide into smaller tubes–> The bronchioles
3) The alveoli at the ends of the bronchioles provide a large surface area where gaseous exchange occurs.
How are Alveoli adapted as a gaseous exchange surface?
1) Shape and large number–>produces a large surface area
2) Fluid lining in the alveolus allows gases to dissolve and diffuse across
3) Two cell layer –> provides a short diffusion pathway:
1) Flattened epithelial cells (alveolar wall)
2) Endothelial cells (capillary wall)
4) An extensive network of blood capillaries surrounds each alveolus –> providing a large surface area for absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
5) A circulatory system–> maintains a high concentration gradient for gaseous exchange by transporting deoxygenated blood to the lungs and removing oxygenated blood from the lungs
6) A ventilation system–> maintains a high concentration gradient for gaseous exchange by continually providing air with a high oxygen concentration and removing air with a high carbon dioxide concentration.