ICT L.O.2 Flashcards
What are all the different types of software?
1) Open source
2) Closed Source
3) Off-the-Shelf
4) Bespoke
5) Shareware
6) Freeware
7) Embedded software
What is Software?
The collection of instructions that tell a computer how to work
What is Open source software?
-Open source is when source code is made easily available to use, check and modify to individual needs.
–>often done to aid collaboration (e.g. Linux)
What is Closed Source software?
-When you cannot easily view source code
–> (e.g. Windows)
–>Protected by licenses and copyright so they can make money from it
What are some advantages and disadvantages of Open source software?
Advantages–> -Inexpensive (usually free)
-Flexibility as the program can be
modified and adapted
Disadvantages–> -Vulnerability
-Support may not be available
-Updates may not be available
What are some advantages and disadvantages of Closed source software?
-well tested and updates will be generally secure
-Company can be held to account if it does not perform as stated in the terms and conditions
-Help/support is provided by most developers
-rely on company to provide updates
-Often not free
-Code cannot be modified, debugged or improved in any way
What is ‘Off the Shelf’ Software?
Software which has already been designed and ready for use.
(designed to apply to a variety of users)–> e.g. office software, video games an video editors
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Off-the-shelf software?
-Well tested so features will work as expected and updates will be regular
-Cheaper than bespoke software
-Users may be familiar with the software and trust the company. (e.g. microsoft)
-Can be expensive to purchase some software e.g. antivirus
-Software may contain additional features which the company may not need which can reduce the performance of the system
What is Bespoke Software?
Software which has been custom made for a specific organisation
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Bespoke software?
-Only contains the features you need
-Only used by you (which may provide a competitive advantage)
-Support may be hard to find
-May not have been tested as thoroughly
What is Freeware?
-When software is provided to use without cost. (usually considered a type of closed source).
(Freeware is used to increase market share in hopes people upgrade to the paid premium version)–>(Freemium)
What is Shareware?
Software that offers a trial period before it must be bought e.g. Photoshop
(Sometimes functionality may be limited in this trial period)
(usually closed source)
What is embedded software?
-an embedded system is a computer within a wider system that performs a dedicated job
e.g. ATMs, Washing machines etc.
-(might have time or memory requirements)
-(Closed source)
What is application software?
Software designed to carry out a specific task unrelated to the computer itself
(e.g. microsoft word is application software as we can just write things down on paper in real life)
What is productivity software?
-software which carries out common tasks easily and efficiently.
e.g. –>Word processors
–>Presentation software
–>Web browsers
–>Databases (used to store structured data)