Topic 3- Green crime and state crime Flashcards
Green crime or environmental crime definition
“Any action that harms the physical environment and any creatures that live within it, even if no law has technically been broken”
What are White’s 2 main views of Green crime
1.Eco-centric: Damage to the environment is damage to the other species as well
2.Anthropocentric: Humans have the right to exploit the environment and other species for their own benefit
Ulrich Beck
That many environmental issues are manufactured rather than natural
Traditional criminology
National and international laws and regulations on the environment
Green criminology
State- notion of harm rather than criminal law being broken
Form of transgressive criminology
Types of green crime
Nigel South et al- classification of green crimes into two distinct types, primary and secondary
Primary green crimes
Are those crimes which constitute harm inflicted on the environment
4 main categories of primary green crimes
-Crimes of air pollution
-Crimes of deforestation
-Crimes of species decline and animal rights
-Crimes of water pollution
Secondary green crimes
Symbiotic green crime is crime that grows out of the flouting of rules that seek to regulate environmental disasters
South’s 2 examples of secondary green crimes
-State violence against oppositional groups
-Hazardous waste and organised crime
Stats about illegal dumping’s
UK plastics sent for recycling in Turkey, which is then dumped and burned- 2021
Poorer groups are worse affected by pollution
Problems researching green crime
-Different laws: Official stats may not be comparable
-Different definitions
-Difficult to measure
-The use of case studies
Evaluation of green crime
-Focus on global environmental concerns
-Recognises that the growing importance of environmental issues
-Its hard to define the boundaries of its field of study
-Focusses on the much broader concept of harms rather than legally defined crimes
State crime
Illegal or deviant activities perpetrated by, or with the complicity of state agencies
Who defines state crime
Green and Ward
McLaughlin (2001) 4 categories of state crime
1.Political crimes
2.Crimes by security and police forces
3.Economic crimes
4.Social and cultural crimes
Criticisms of modernity theory
-Not all genocides occur through highly organised divisions of labour
-Ideological factors are also important
Matza- 5 neutralization techniques that delinquents use to justify their deviant behaviour
1.Denial of victim
2.Denial of injury
3.Denial of responsibility
4.Condemning the condemners
5.Appeal to a higher loyalty