Topic 3 (Elections) & Topic 4 (Campaign Organization) Flashcards
General Election Day
-Tuesday after the first Monday in November
National/Presidential Election Cycle
-even years, 4 years
-even years, 2 years
Types of Mid-Term Elections
-congressional/senatorial, gubernatorial, state legislative, locals
Off-Year Elections
-odd years, 2 years
-local offices, local questions
Special Elections
-elections at non-traditional times
-September or December
Types of Special Elections
-primaries and caucuses
-replace vacated seats (congressional, legislative)
-special bond issues (schools, transportation, etc)
Questions with Electoral Processes
-cost, voter registration process, early voting, absentee balloting, voter ID, digital voting/ballots/machines, perpetual elections (too long?)
Tentative Cost of Electoral Processes
-local = thousands $$
-national = millions to billions $$
What do successful campaigns require?
-strong candidate (leadership, personality)
-leadership and organization
-money (effective spending and fundraising)
-dedicated campaign workers
-good messaging
Good Messaging
-narratives, ads, speeches, public appearances
-narratives, ads, speeches, public appearances
-Ground Attack: get out the vote efforts?
-attack or low key?
-stay positive or go negative?
-issue oriented?
Ground Attack
-door to door
-bus tours/meet with voters
Air Attack
-TV, radio
-online/social media